blob: e7f2d7008458fb3946e3c0a182387ca897744be2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# This awk script expects to get command-line files that are each
# the output of 'readelf -d' on a single shared object.
# It exits successfully (0) if none contained any TEXTREL markers.
# It fails (1) if any did contain a TEXTREL marker.
# It fails (2) if the input did not take the expected form.
BEGIN { result = textrel = sanity = 0 }
function check_one(name) {
if (!sanity) {
print name ": *** input did not look like readelf -d output";
result = 2;
} else if (textrel) {
print name ": *** text relocations used";
result = result ? result : 1;
} else {
print name ": OK";
textrel = sanity = 0;
FILENAME != lastfile {
if (lastfile)
lastfile = FILENAME;
$1 == "Tag" && $2 == "Type" { sanity = 1 }
$2 == "(TEXTREL)" { textrel = 1 }
$2 == "(FLAGS)" {
for (i = 3; i <= NF; ++i) {
if ($i == "TEXTREL")
textrel = 1;