| # |
| # -*- Prerequisites -*- |
| # |
| |
| # the fact that 'I am Node.js' is unquoted here looks wrong to me but it |
| # CAN'T be quoted, I tried. Apparently in GNU Makefiles, in the paren+comma |
| # syntax for conditionals, quotes are literal; and because the $(shell...) |
| # call has parentheses and single and double quotes, the quoted syntaxes |
| # don't work (I tried), we HAVE to use the paren+comma syntax |
| ifneq ($(shell node -e 'console.log("I am Node.js")'), I am Node.js) |
| ifeq ($(shell nodejs -e 'console.log("I am Node.js")' 2>/dev/null), I am Node.js) |
| $(error You have /usr/bin/nodejs but no /usr/bin/node, please 'sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy' (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/21171188/362030 )) |
| endif |
| |
| $(error Please install Node.js: https://nodejs.org/ ) |
| endif |
| |
| # stupid GNU vs BSD https://github.com/mathquill/mathquill/pull/653/commits/4332b0e97a92fb1362123a06b68fa49d9efb6f38#r68305423 |
| ifeq (x, $(shell echo xy | sed -r 's/(x)y/\1/' 2>/dev/null)) |
| SED_IN_PLACE = sed -i # GNU |
| else |
| SED_IN_PLACE = sed -i '' # BSD |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # |
| # -*- Configuration -*- |
| # |
| |
| # inputs |
| SRC_DIR = ./src |
| INTRO = $(SRC_DIR)/intro.js |
| OUTRO = $(SRC_DIR)/outro.js |
| |
| PJS_SRC = ./node_modules/pjs/src/p.js |
| |
| $(PJS_SRC) \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/tree.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/cursor.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/controller.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/publicapi.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/services/*.util.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/services/*.js |
| |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/math.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/text.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/math/*.js |
| # FIXME text.js currently depends on math.js (#435), restore these when fixed: |
| # $(SRC_DIR)/commands/*.js \ |
| # $(SRC_DIR)/commands/*/*.js |
| |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/math.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/math/basicSymbols.js \ |
| $(SRC_DIR)/commands/math/commands.js |
| |
| CSS_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/css |
| CSS_MAIN = $(CSS_DIR)/main.less |
| CSS_SOURCES = $(shell find $(CSS_DIR) -name '*.less') |
| |
| FONT_SOURCE = $(SRC_DIR)/font |
| |
| UNIT_TESTS = ./test/unit/*.test.js |
| |
| # outputs |
| VERSION ?= $(shell node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)") |
| |
| BUILD_DIR = ./build |
| BUILD_JS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill.js |
| BASIC_JS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill-basic.js |
| BUILD_CSS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill.css |
| BASIC_CSS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill-basic.css |
| BUILD_TEST = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill.test.js |
| UGLY_JS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill.min.js |
| UGLY_BASIC_JS = $(BUILD_DIR)/mathquill-basic.min.js |
| |
| # programs and flags |
| UGLIFY ?= ./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs |
| UGLIFY_OPTS ?= --mangle --compress hoist_vars=true --comments /maintainers@mathquill.com/ |
| |
| LESSC ?= ./node_modules/.bin/lessc |
| LESS_OPTS ?= |
| ifdef OMIT_FONT_FACE |
| LESS_OPTS += --modify-var="omit-font-face=true" |
| endif |
| |
| # Empty target files whose Last Modified timestamps are used to record when |
| # something like `npm install` last happened (which, for example, would then be |
| # compared with its dependency, package.json, so if package.json has been |
| # modified since the last `npm install`, Make will `npm install` again). |
| # http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Empty-Targets.html#Empty-Targets |
| NODE_MODULES_INSTALLED = ./node_modules/.installed--used_by_Makefile |
| BUILD_DIR_EXISTS = $(BUILD_DIR)/.exists--used_by_Makefile |
| |
| # environment constants |
| |
| # |
| # -*- Build tasks -*- |
| # |
| |
| .PHONY: all basic dev js uglify css font clean |
| all: font css uglify |
| basic: $(UGLY_BASIC_JS) $(BASIC_CSS) |
| # dev is like all, but without minification |
| dev: font css js |
| js: $(BUILD_JS) |
| uglify: $(UGLY_JS) |
| css: $(BUILD_CSS) |
| font: $(FONT_TARGET) |
| clean: |
| rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) |
| |
| |
| cat $^ | ./script/escape-non-ascii > $@ |
| |
| $(UGLIFY) $(UGLIFY_OPTS) < $< > $@ |
| |
| cat $^ | ./script/escape-non-ascii > $@ |
| |
| $(UGLIFY) $(UGLIFY_OPTS) < $< > $@ |
| |
| $(LESSC) $(LESS_OPTS) $(CSS_MAIN) > $@ |
| |
| $(LESSC) --modify-var="basic=true" $(LESS_OPTS) $(CSS_MAIN) > $@ |
| |
| $(NODE_MODULES_INSTALLED): package.json |
| NODE_ENV=development npm install |
| |
| mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR) |
| touch $(BUILD_DIR_EXISTS) |
| |
| rm -rf $@ |
| cp -r $< $@ |
| |
| # |
| # -*- Test tasks -*- |
| # |
| |
| .PHONY: test server run-server |
| server: |
| node script/test_server.js |
| test: dev $(BUILD_TEST) $(BASIC_JS) $(BASIC_CSS) |
| @echo |
| @echo "** now open test/{unit,visual}.html in your browser to run the {unit,visual} tests. **" |
| |
| cat $^ > $@ |