blob: 930de6c62bbc3d484eabc8f8ada45d30f528208f [file] [log] [blame]
// All these !important's are unfortunately necessary, because
// pages using MathQuill who change the background color have to
// have rules setting the background color of .mq-matrixed and
// .mq-matrixed-container, and we need to guarantee that our rules
// setting the background color of matrixed/containers inside
// selections have higher specificity.
// See
// for more details.
.mq-math-mode, .mq-editable-field {
.mq-selection {
&, & .mq-non-leaf, & .mq-scaled {
background: #B4D5FE !important;
background: Highlight !important;
color: HighlightText;
border-color: HighlightText;
.mq-matrixed {
// The Chroma filter doesn't support the 'Highlight' keyword,
// but is only used in IE 8 and below anyway, so just use the
// default Windows highlight color. Even if the highlight color
// of the system has been customized, it's not a big deal,
// most of the solid blue area is chroma keyed, there'll just
// be a blue anti-aliased fringe around the matrix-filter-
// stretched text.
// If you use IE 8 or below and customized your highlight
// color, and after the effort I put into making everything
// else in MathQuill work in IE 8 and below have the *gall*
// to complain about the blue fringe that appears in selections
// around the otherwise beautifully stretched square roots and
// stuff, and you have no ideas for how to solve the problem,
// just a complaint, then I'd like to politely suggest that you
// go choke on a dick. Unless you're into that, in which case,
// go do something that would make you unhappy instead.
background: #39F !important;
.mq-matrixed-container {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='#3399FF') !important;
&.mq-blur {
&, & .mq-non-leaf, & .mq-scaled, & .mq-matrixed {
background: #D4D4D4 !important;
color: black;
border-color: black;
.mq-matrixed-container {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='#D4D4D4') !important;