CI: Tweak curl formatting #cosmetic

Keeping the curly braces at the same indention level looks better and
matches the immediate preceding commit; line continuation to a pipe
matches the curl in the "Wait for tests to finish" step.
diff --git a/circle.yml b/circle.yml
index 2bc1988..780273f 100644
--- a/circle.yml
+++ b/circle.yml
@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@
                  "framework": "mocha",
                  "url": "http://localhost:8000/test/unit.html?post_xunit_to=http://localhost:9000",
                  "platforms": [["", "Chrome", ""]]
-      }' | tee /dev/stderr | tail -1 > js-tests.json
+               }' \
+      | tee /dev/stderr | tail -1 > js-tests.json
       echo '2. Wait for tests to finish:'