CI: Ensure looped screenshot pieces start at top

Visual test pages auto-focus something in the middle of the page, which
causes initial state to be scrolled down. Also, blinking cursor may be
different across screenshots of unchanged page, so ensure we blur
anything auto-focused.
diff --git a/script/screenshots.js b/script/screenshots.js
index a4268b9..6911a1f 100644
--- a/script/screenshots.js
+++ b/script/screenshots.js
@@ -93,8 +93,10 @@
     fileName = fileName.replace(/ /g, '_');
     return browserDriver.get(url)
+    .then(willLog(sessionName, 'get'))
+    .safeExecute('document.body.focus()') // blur anything that's auto-focused
     .then(function() {
-      console.log(sessionName, 'get');
+      console.log(sessionName, 'document.body.focus()');
       return [browserDriver.safeExecute('document.documentElement.scrollHeight'),
@@ -114,7 +116,9 @@
         var scrollTop = 0;
         var index = 1;
         return (function loop() {
-          return browserDriver.saveScreenshot(piecesDir + index + '.png')
+          return browserDriver.safeEval('window.scrollTo(0,'+scrollTop+');')
+          .then(willLog(sessionName, 'scrollTo()'))
+          .saveScreenshot(piecesDir + index + '.png')
           .then(function() {
             console.log(sessionName, 'saveScreenshot');
@@ -128,9 +132,7 @@
               // Use `window.scrollTo` instead of jQuery because jQuery was
               // causing a stackoverflow in Safari.
-              return browserDriver.safeEval('window.scrollTo(0,'+scrollTop+');')
-              .then(willLog(sessionName, 'scrollTo()'))
-              .then(loop);
+              return loop();
             } else { // we are past the bottom edge of the page, reduce window size to
               // fit only the part of the page that hasn't been screenshotted.