CI: Add Many-Worlds build link to Commit Status

So [Many-Worlds] is this thing I hacked together on Gomix that can fetch,
build, and serve any branch, PR, or commit of MathQuill, on demand. For
example, if you go to:

then it will fetch the latest `master` branch, run `make test`, then
delegate to a static file server to serve `test/unit.html` and
`build/mathquill.test.js` and all that good stuff.


Currently, though, manually formatting that URL is the only way to use
it. What would be nice is if an auto-generated URL were generated per
branch or PR or commit or something and available on GitHub, so you
could just click a link to try out a PR. We could automatically post a
comment on new PRs, but that would spam PR authors with notifications.

A better, quieter way is to use the GitHub Commit Status API:

This lets us quietly attach a link to every commit built by CircleCI
without spamming anyone with notifications, and lets you try out
intermediate commits on a PR; not just the tip, every push.


CircleCI doesn't provide us with the token they use for their status
update, probably for good security reasons, but this is exactly what the
MathQuillBot GitHub bot user is for.

`$GITHUB_STATUS_API_KEY` is a [personal access token] for MathQuillBot
limited to the [`repo:status`] authorization scope (so this token can't
be used to write to anything other than commit statuses) that I've added
to the build environment.

[personal access token]:
diff --git a/circle.yml b/circle.yml
index 331b639..2bc1988 100644
--- a/circle.yml
+++ b/circle.yml
@@ -65,6 +65,17 @@
+    - |-
+      # Generate link to Many-Worlds build and add to GitHub Commit Status
+      curl -i -X POST$CIRCLE_SHA1 \
+           -u MathQuillBot:$GITHUB_STATUS_API_KEY \
+           -d '{
+                 "context": "ci/many-worlds",
+                 "state": "success",
+                 "description": "Try the tests on the Many-Worlds build of this commit:",
+                 "target_url": "'$CIRCLE_SHA1'/test/"
+               }'
     # Safari on Sauce can only connect to port 3000, 4000, 7000, or 8000. Edge needs port 7000 or 8000.