blob: 36810ef9a7a5c58927b6f5a376980d829cca210d [file] [log] [blame]
* MathQuill {VERSION}, by Han, Jeanine, and Mary
* |
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL
* was not distributed with this file, You can obtain
* one at
(function() {
var jQuery = window.jQuery,
mqCmdId = 'mathquill-command-id',
mqBlockId = 'mathquill-block-id',
min = Math.min,
max = Math.max;
if (!jQuery) throw 'MathQuill requires jQuery 1.4.3+ to be loaded first';
function noop() {}
* A utility higher-order function that makes defining variadic
* functions more convenient by letting you essentially define functions
* with the last argument as a splat, i.e. the last argument "gathers up"
* remaining arguments to the function:
* var doStuff = variadic(function(first, rest) { return rest; });
* doStuff(1, 2, 3); // => [2, 3]
var __slice = [].slice;
function variadic(fn) {
var numFixedArgs = fn.length - 1;
return function() {
var args =, 0, numFixedArgs);
var varArg =, numFixedArgs);
return fn.apply(this, args.concat([ varArg ]));
* A utility higher-order function that makes combining object-oriented
* programming and functional programming techniques more convenient:
* given a method name and any number of arguments to be bound, returns
* a function that calls it's first argument's method of that name (if
* it exists) with the bound arguments and any additional arguments that
* are passed:
* var sendMethod = send('method', 1, 2);
* var obj = { method: function() { return Array.apply(this, arguments); } };
* sendMethod(obj, 3, 4); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
* // or more specifically,
* var obj2 = { method: function(one, two, three) { return one*two + three; } };
* sendMethod(obj2, 3); // => 5
* sendMethod(obj2, 4); // => 6
var send = variadic(function(method, args) {
return variadic(function(obj, moreArgs) {
if (method in obj) return obj[method].apply(obj, args.concat(moreArgs));
* A utility higher-order function that creates "implicit iterators"
* from "generators": given a function that takes in a sole argument,
* a "yield_" function, that calls "yield_" repeatedly with an object as
* a sole argument (presumably objects being iterated over), returns
* a function that calls it's first argument on each of those objects
* (if the first argument is a function, it is called repeatedly with
* each object as the first argument, otherwise it is stringified and
* the method of that name is called on each object (if such a method
* exists)), passing along all additional arguments:
* var a = [
* { method: function(list) { list.push(1); } },
* { method: function(list) { list.push(2); } },
* { method: function(list) { list.push(3); } }
* ];
* a.each = iterator(function(yield_) {
* for (var i in this) yield_(this[i]);
* });
* var list = [];
* a.each('method', list);
* list; // => [1, 2, 3]
* // Note that the for-in loop will yield 'each', but 'each' maps to
* // the function object created by iterator() which does not have a
* // .method() method, so that just fails silently.
function iterator(generator) {
return variadic(function(fn, args) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') fn = send(fn);
var yield_ = function(obj) { return fn.apply(obj, [ obj ].concat(args)); };
return, yield_);
* sugar to make defining lots of commands easier.
* TODO: rethink this.
function bind(cons /*, args... */) {
var args =, 1);
return function() {
return cons.apply(this, args);
* a development-only debug method. This definition and all
* calls to `pray` will be stripped from the minified
* build of mathquill.
* This function must be called by name to be removed
* at compile time. Do not define another function
* with the same name, and only call this function by
* name.
function pray(message, cond) {
if (!cond) throw new Error('prayer failed: '+message);