blob: ef76d4e0481fb6c0d90a696f5e7251364849fbc9 [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Remove Leading/Trailing Whitespace}
Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from character strings.
trimws(x, which = c("both", "left", "right"), whitespace = "[ \\t\\r\\n]")
\item{x}{a character vector}
\item{which}{a character string specifying whether to remove both
leading and trailing whitespace (default), or only leading
(\code{"left"}) or trailing (\code{"right"}). Can be abbreviated.}
\item{whitespace}{a string specifying a regular expression to match
(one character of) \dQuote{white space}, see Details for
alternatives to the default.}
Internally, \code{\link{sub}(re, "", *, perl = TRUE)}, i.e., PCRE
library regular expressions are used.
For portability, the default \sQuote{whitespace} is the character class
\code{[ \\t\\r\\n]} (space, horizontal tab, carriage return,
newline). Alternatively, \code{[\\h\\v]} is a good (PCRE)
generalization to match all Unicode horizontal and vertical white
space characters, see also \url{}.
x <- " Some text. "
trimws(x, "l")
trimws(x, "r")
## Unicode --> need "stronger" 'whitespace' to match all :
tt <- "text with unicode 'non breakable space'."
xu <- paste(" \\t\\v", tt, "\\u00a0 \\n\\r")
(tu <- trimws(xu, whitespace = "[\\\\h\\\\v]"))
stopifnot(identical(tu, tt))