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% File src/library/base/man/warnings.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2017 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Print Warning Messages}
\alias{warnings}%%--> ../R/warnings.R
\code{warnings} and its \code{print} method print the
variable \code{last.warning} in a pleasing form.
\S3method{summary}{warnings}(object, \dots)
\S3method{print}{warnings}(x, tags,
header = ngettext(n, "Warning message:\n", "Warning messages:\n"),
\S3method{print}{summary.warnings}(x, \dots)
\item{\dots}{arguments to be passed to \code{\link{cat}} (for
\item{object}{a \code{"warnings"} object as returned by
\item{x}{a \code{"warnings"} or \code{"summary.warnings"} object.}
\item{tags}{if not \code{\link{missing}}, a \code{\link{character}}
vector of the same \code{\link{length}} as \code{x}, to \dQuote{label}
the messages. Defaults to \code{paste0(seq_len(n), ": ")} for
\eqn{n \ge 2}{n >= 2} where \code{n <- length(x)}.}
\item{header}{a character string \code{\link{cat}()}ed before the
messages are printed.}
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
See the description of \code{\link{options}("warn")} for the
circumstances under which there is a \code{last.warning} object and
\code{warnings()} is used. In essence this is if \code{options(warn =
0)} and \code{warning} has been called at least once.
Note that the \code{\link{length}(last.warning)} is maximally
\code{\link{getOption}("nwarnings")} (at the time the warnings are
generated) which is \code{50} by default. To increase, use something
like \preformatted{ options(nwarnings = 10000) }
It is possible that \code{last.warning} refers to the last recorded
warning and not to the last warning, for example if \code{options(warn)} has
been changed or if a catastrophic error occurred.
It is undocumented where \code{last.warning} is stored nor that it is
visible, and this is subject to change.
\value{\code{warnings()} returns an object of S3 class \code{"warnings"}, basically a named
\code{summary(<warnings>)} returns a \code{"summary.warnings"}
object which is basically the \code{\link{list}} of unique warnings
(\code{unique(object)}) with a \code{"counts"} attribute, somewhat
## NB this example is intended to be pasted in,
## rather than run by example()
ow <- options("warn")
for(w in -1:1) {
options(warn = w); cat("\n warn =", w, "\n")
for(i in 1:3) { cat(i,"..\n"); m <- matrix(1:7, 3,4) }
## at the end prints all three warnings, from the 'option(warn = 0)' above
options(ow) # reset to previous, typically 'warn = 0'
tail(warnings(), 2) # see the last two warnings only (via '[' method)
## Often the most useful way to look at many warnings:
ww <- warnings()
uw <- unique(ww)
sw <- summary(ww)
stopifnot(identical(c(ww[1], ww[3]), ww[c(1, 3)]),
length(uw) == 1, nchar(names(uw)) > 10,
length(sw) == 1, attr(sw, "counts") == 3)
op <- options(nwarnings = 10000) ## <- get "full statistics"
x <- 1:36; for(n in 1:13) for(m in 1:12) A <- matrix(x, n,m) # There were 105 warnings ...
options(op) # revert to previous (keeping 50 messages by default)