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% File src/library/tools/man/fileutils.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{File Utilities}
Utilities for listing files, and manipulating file paths.
file_path_sans_ext(x, compression = FALSE)
list_files_with_exts(dir, exts, all.files = FALSE,
full.names = TRUE)
list_files_with_type(dir, type, all.files = FALSE,
full.names = TRUE, OS_subdirs = .OStype())
\item{x}{character vector giving file paths.}
\item{compression}{logical: should compression extension \file{.gz},
\file{.bz2} or \file{.xz} be removed first?}
\item{dir}{a character string with the path name to a directory.}
\item{exts}{a character vector of possible file extensions (excluding
the leading dot).}
\item{all.files}{a logical. If \code{FALSE} (default), only visible
files are considered; if \code{TRUE}, all files are used.}
\item{full.names}{a logical indicating whether the full paths of the
files found are returned (default), or just the file names.}
\item{type}{a character string giving the \sQuote{type} of the files
to be listed, as characterized by their extensions. Currently,
possible values are \code{"code"} (R code), \code{"data"} (data
sets), \code{"demo"} (demos), \code{"docs"} (R documentation), and
\code{"vignette"} (vignettes).}
\item{OS_subdirs}{a character vector with the names of OS-specific
subdirectories to possibly include in the listing of R code and
documentation files. By default, the value of the environment
variable \env{R_OSTYPE}, or if this is empty, the value of
\code{\link{.Platform}$OS.type}, is used.}
\code{file_ext} returns the file (name) extensions (excluding the
leading dot).
(Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)
\code{file_path_as_absolute} turns a possibly relative file path
absolute, performing tilde expansion if necessary. This is a wrapper
for \code{\link{normalizePath}}. Currently, \code{x} must be a single
existing path.
\code{file_path_sans_ext} returns the file paths without extensions
(and the leading dot).
(Only purely alphanumeric extensions are recognized.)
\code{list_files_with_exts} returns the paths or names of the files in
directory \code{dir} with extension matching one of the elements of
\code{exts}. Note that by default, full paths are returned, and that
only visible files are used.
\code{list_files_with_type} returns the paths of the files in \code{dir}
of the given \sQuote{type}, as determined by the extensions recognized
by \R. When listing R code and documentation files, files in
OS-specific subdirectories are included if present according to the
value of \code{OS_subdirs}. Note that by default, full paths are
returned, and that only visible files are used.
dir <- file.path(R.home(), "library", "stats")
list_files_with_exts(file.path(dir, "demo"), "R")
list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "demo"), "demo") # the same