blob: 85e32824edd96a20ca04621ead7a9a8bb86858e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 The R Core Team.
* Based on CACM algorithm #347 by R. C. Singleton (1969)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
/*====== BODY of R_qsort() and R_qsorti() functions ====================
* is included in ./qsort.c with and without ``qsort_Index'' defined
/* Orders v[] increasingly. Puts into I[] the permutation vector:
* new v[k] = old v[I[k]]
* Only elements [i : j] (in 1-indexing !) are considered.
* This is a modification of CACM algorithm #347 by R. C. Singleton,
* which is a modified Hoare quicksort.
* This version incorporates the modification in the remark by Peto.
#ifndef INTt
# define INTt size_t
INTt il[40], iu[40]; /* was 31 */
/* Arrays iu[k] and il[k] permit sorting up to 2^(k+1)-1 elements;
* originally k = 20 -> n_max = 2'097'151
* now k = 31 -> n_max = 4294'967'295
NUMERIC vt, vtt;
double R = 0.375;
INTt ii, ij, k, l, m;
#ifdef qsort_Index
INDt it, tt;
/* 1-indexing for I[], v[] (and `i' and `j') : */
#ifdef qsort_Index
ii = i;/* save */
m = 1;
if (i < j) {
if (R < 0.5898437) R += 0.0390625; else R -= 0.21875;
k = i;
/* ij = (j + i) >> 1; midpoint */
ij = (INTt)(i + (INTt)((j - i)*R));
#ifdef qsort_Index
it = I[ij];
vt = v[ij];
if (v[i] > vt) {
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[ij] = I[i]; I[i] = it; it = I[ij];
v[ij] = v[i]; v[i] = vt; vt = v[ij];
/* L30:*/
l = j;
if (v[j] < vt) {
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[ij] = I[j]; I[j] = it; it = I[ij];
v[ij] = v[j]; v[j] = vt; vt = v[ij];
if (v[i] > vt) {
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[ij] = I[i]; I[i] = it; it = I[ij];
v[ij] = v[i]; v[i] = vt; vt = v[ij];
for(;;) { /*L50:*/
do l--; while (v[l] > vt);
#ifdef qsort_Index
tt = I[l];
vtt = v[l];
/*L60:*/ do k++; while (v[k] < vt);
if (k > l) break;
/* else (k <= l) : */
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[l] = I[k]; I[k] = tt;
v[l] = v[k]; v[k] = vtt;
if (l - i <= j - k) {
/*L70: */
il[m] = k;
iu[m] = j;
j = l;
else {
il[m] = i;
iu[m] = l;
i = k;
else { /* i >= j : */
if (m == 1) return;
/* else */
i = il[m];
j = iu[m];
if (j - i > 10) goto L20;
if (i == ii) goto L10;
do {
if (i == j) {
goto L80;
#ifdef qsort_Index
it = I[i + 1];
vt = v[i + 1];
} while (v[i] <= vt);
k = i;
do { /*L110:*/
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[k + 1] = I[k];
v[k + 1] = v[k];
} while (vt < v[k]);
#ifdef qsort_Index
I[k + 1] = it;
v[k + 1] = vt;
goto L100;
} /* R_qsort{i} */