blob: a63cb2b25835da9b65872683c6fdcbc70e5e2976 [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Disappearing Paragraphs When Rendering Sexpr from '*.Rd'}
\description{An example of \dQuote{disappearing paragraphs} when a
\verb{\Sexpr} in \file{*.Rd} is rendered to HTML, via
\code{\pkg{tools}::\link{Rd2HTML}("...../a0.Rd", stages = "build")}.
The following result:
\Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{paste0("a", 1:3, collapse = "\n\n")}
is from a \verb{\Sexpr} starting at the very beginning of the line and
fine: in the HTML, each letter above is inside a \verb{<p>} tag (also
in R-devel).
The same, but not at the beginning of the line, fails in R-devel (2018-10-31):
\Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{paste0("a", 1:3, collapse = "\n\n")}
In html, the empty lines are there in the html source, but in R-devel
there is a single \verb{<p>} tag enclosing the whole Sexpr,
previously, and correctly, each letter is enclosed with p-tags.
Now, the same \emph{without} surrounding new lines in the
Line beginning:
\Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{paste0("a", 1:3, collapse = "\n\n")}
Indented \verb{\Sexpr[*]{..}} (by 2 spaces):
\Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{paste0("a", 1:3, collapse = "\n\n")}
System information:
\Sexpr[stage=build,results=rd]{paste0("\\\\preformatted{\n", paste0(capture.output(print(sessionInfo())), collapse="\n"), "\n}")}