blob: 64feb53a76191244419af69079feea889c80af96 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/graphics/man/rasterImage.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Draw One or More Raster Images}
xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop,
angle = 0, interpolate = TRUE, \dots)
\item{image}{a \code{raster} object, or an object that can be
coerced to one by \code{\link{as.raster}}.}
\item{xleft}{a vector (or scalar) of left x positions.}
\item{ybottom}{a vector (or scalar) of bottom y positions.}
\item{xright}{a vector (or scalar) of right x positions.}
\item{ytop}{a vector (or scalar) of top y positions.}
\item{angle}{angle of rotation (in degrees, anti-clockwise
from positive x-axis, about the bottom-left corner).}
\item{interpolate}{a logical vector (or scalar) indicating
whether to apply linear interpolation to the image when drawing. }
\item{\dots}{\link{graphical parameters}.}
\code{rasterImage} draws a raster image at the given locations and sizes.
The positions supplied, i.e., \code{xleft, \dots},
are relative to the current plotting region. If the x-axis goes from
100 to 200 then \code{xleft} should be larger than 100 and \code{xright}
should be less than 200. The position vectors will be recycled to the
length of the longest.
Plotting raster images is not supported on all devices and may have
limitations where supported, for example (e.g., for \code{postscript}
and \code{X11(type = "Xlib")} is restricted to opaque colors).
Problems with the rendering of raster images have been reported by
users of \code{windows()} devices under Remote Desktop, at least under
its default settings.
You should not expect a raster image to be re-sized when an on-screen
device is re-sized: whether it is is device-dependent.
\code{\link{polygon}}, and \code{\link{segments}} and others
for flexible ways to draw shapes.
\code{\link{dev.capabilities}} to see if it is supported.
## set up the plot region:
op <- par(bg = "thistle")
plot(c(100, 250), c(300, 450), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
image <- as.raster(matrix(0:1, ncol = 5, nrow = 3))
rasterImage(image, 100, 300, 150, 350, interpolate = FALSE)
rasterImage(image, 100, 400, 150, 450)
rasterImage(image, 200, 300, 200 + xinch(.5), 300 + yinch(.3),
interpolate = FALSE)
rasterImage(image, 200, 400, 250, 450, angle = 15, interpolate = FALSE)