blob: b391f235c9ee2608aacbb3fbcb2bd9e3e8fd393a [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/methods/R/ClassExtensions.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
.InitExtensions <- function(where) {
## to be called from the initialization
representation(subClass = "character", superClass = "character",
package = "character", coerce = "function",
test = "function", replace = "function",
simple = "logical", by = "character",
dataPart = "logical", distance = "numeric"),
where = where)
## a class for conditional extensions, so they will not break the hierarchical
## structure.
setClass("conditionalExtension", contains = "SClassExtension")
assign(".SealedClasses", c(get(".SealedClasses", where), "SClassExtension",
.simpleExtCoerce <- function(from, strict = TRUE)from
.simpleIsCoerce <- function(from)from
.simpleExtTest <- function(object)TRUE
## TO DO: the simple replace below only handles the case of classes with slots.
## There are some other simple relations (e.g., with virtual classes). Replacing in
## these cases is less likely but needs to be tested (below) and a suitable
## replace function inserted.
.simpleExtReplace <- function(from, to, value){
for(what in .InhSlotNames(to))
slot(from, what) <- slot(value, what)
## slot names for inheritance (to be used in replace methods). Extends slots to implicit
## .Data for basic classes.
.InhSlotNames <- function(Class) {
ClassDef <- getClass(Class)
value <- names(ClassDef@slots)
if(length(value)==0 && (Class %in% .BasicClasses || extends(ClassDef, "vector")))
## No slots, but extends "vector" => usually a basic class; treat as data part
value <- ".Data"
.dataPartReplace <- list(f1 = function(from, to, value){
from@.Data <- value
f2 = function(from, to, value){
from@.Data <- as(value, THISCLASS, strict = FALSE)
## and a version of dataPartReplace w/o the unused `to' argument
f2args = function(from, value) {
from@.Data <- value
S3Part <- function(object, strictS3 = FALSE, S3Class) {
classDef <- getClass(class(object))
oldClassCase <- extends(classDef, "oldClass")
defltS3Class <- missing(S3Class)
if(oldClassCase) {
S3Class <- .S3Class(object)
keepSlots <- slotNames(S3Class[[1L]])
else {
if(all(, .BasicClasses))))
stop(gettextf("S3Part() is only defined for classes set up by setOldCLass(), basic classes or subclasses of these: not true of class %s", dQuote(class(object))), domain = NA)
if(missing(S3Class)) {
S3Class <- classDef@slots$.Data
if(is.null(S3Class)) # is this an error?
S3Class <- typeof(object)
keepSlots <- character()
keepSlots <- slotNames(S3Class[[1L]])
if(!(defltS3Class || extends(classDef, S3Class)))
stop(gettextf("the 'S3Class' argument must be a superclass of %s: not true of class %s", dQuote(class(object)), dQuote(S3Class)), domain = NA)
keepSlots <- keepSlots[, ".S3Class"))]
deleteSlots = slotNames(classDef)
deleteSlots <- deleteSlots[,keepSlots))]
for(slot in deleteSlots)
attr(object, slot) <- NULL
if(strictS3) {
object <- .notS4(object)
class(object) <- S3Class
class(object) <- S3Class[[1L]]
"S3Part<-" <- function(object, strictS3 = FALSE, needClass = .S3Class(object) , value) {
S3Class <- .S3Class(value)
def <- getClassDef(S3Class[[1L]])
if(is.null(def) || !extends(def, needClass[[1L]]))
stop(gettextf("replacement value must extend class %s, got %s", dQuote(needClass), dQuote(S3Class[[1L]])), domain = NA)
slots <- slotNames(class(object))
if(!strictS3) {
fromValue <- names(attributes(value))
slots <- slots[, fromValue))]
slots <- c("class", slots) # always preserve class(object)
for(slot in slots)
attr(value, slot) <- attr(object, slot)
if(extends(def, "oldClass"))
attr(value, ".S3Class") <- S3Class
value <- .asS4(value)
## templates for replacement methods for S3 classes in classes that extend oldClass
.S3replace <-
list(e1 =
quote( {
S3Part(from, needClass = NEED) <- value
e2 = quote( {
if(is(value, CLASS)) {
S3Part(from, needClass = NEED) <- value
stop(gettextf("replacement value must be of class %s, got one of class %s",
.S3coerce <- function(from, to) {
.ErrorReplace <- function(from, to, value)
stop(gettextf("no 'replace' method was defined for 'as(x, \"%s\") <- value' for class %s",
to, dQuote(class(from))), domain = NA)
.objectSlotNames <- function(object) {
## a quick version that makes no attempt to check the class definition
value <- names(attributes(object))
if(is.null(value)) ## not possible with methods package?
value[-match("class", value, 0L)]
makeExtends <- function(Class, to,
coerce = NULL, test = NULL, replace = NULL,
by = character(), package,
slots = getSlots(classDef1),
classDef1 = getClass(Class), classDef2) {
## test for datapart class: must be the data part class, except
## that extensions within the basic classes are allowed (numeric, integer)
dataEquiv <- function(cl1, cl2) {
.identC(cl1, cl2) ||
(extends(cl1, cl2) && !any(, cl2), .BasicClasses))))
packageEnv <- .requirePackage(package)
class1Defined <- missing(slots) # only at this time can we construct methods
simple <- is.null(coerce) && is.null(test) && is.null(replace) && (length(by)==0)
distance <- 1
##FIX ME: when by is supplied, should use the existing extension information
## to compute distance
dataPartClass <- elNamed(slots, ".Data") # This seems to be the only elNamed that has to stay
dataPart <- FALSE
if(simple && !is.null(dataPartClass)) {
if(!(is.null(getClassDef(dataPartClass)) || is.null(getClassDef(to)))) {
## note that dataPart, to are looked up in the methods package & parents,
## because the default in getClassDef is the topenv of the caller (this fun.):
## Assertion is that only these classes are allowed as data slots
dataPart <- dataEquiv(dataPartClass, to)
if(is.null(coerce)) {
coerce <- .simpleExtCoerce
if(isXS3Class(classDef2)) {
## allNames <- names(slots)
body(coerce, envir = packageEnv) <-
if(strict) S3Part(from, S3Class = S3CLASS)
else from
}, list(S3CLASS = to))
else if(!isVirtualClass(classDef2))
body(coerce, envir = packageEnv) <-
.simpleCoerceExpr(Class, to, names(slots), classDef2)
else if(is.function(coerce)) {
## we allow definitions with and without the `strict' argument
## but create a function that can be called with the argument
if(length(formals(coerce)) == 1) {
coerce <- .ChangeFormals(coerce, .simpleIsCoerce, "'coerce' argument to setIs ")
tmp <- .simpleExtCoerce
body(tmp, envir = environment(coerce)) <- body(coerce)
coerce <- tmp
coerce <- .ChangeFormals(coerce, .simpleExtCoerce, "'coerce' argument to setIs ")
else stop(gettextf("the 'coerce' argument to 'setIs' should be a function of one argument, got an object of class %s",
dQuote(class(coerce))), domain = NA)
if(is.null(test)) {
test <- .simpleExtTest
extClass <- "SClassExtension"
else {
test <- .ChangeFormals(test, .simpleExtTest, "'test' argument to setIs ")
extClass <- "conditionalExtension"
if(is.null(replace)) {
if(dataPart) {
extn <- classDef2@contains[[dataPartClass]]
if(is(extn, "SClassExtension"))
easy <- extn@simple
easy <- FALSE
replace <- .dataPartReplace$f1
else {
replace <- .dataPartReplace$f2
bdy <- body(replace)
body(replace, envir = environment(replace)) <-
substituteDirect(bdy, list(THISCLASS = dataPartClass))
else if(simple) {
replace <- .simpleExtReplace
if(isXS3Class(classDef2)) { # replace the S3 part & slots in class to
S3Class <- attr(classDef2@prototype, ".S3Class")
if(is.null(S3Class)) # the setOldClass case ?
S3Class <- to
body(replace, envir = packageEnv) <-
S3Part(from) <- value
else if(isVirtualClass(classDef2)) { # a simple is to a virtual class => a union
body(replace, envir = packageEnv) <-
if(!is(value, TO))
stop(gettextf("the computation: 'as(object,\"%s\") <- value' is valid when object has class %s only if 'is(value, \"%s\")' is TRUE ('class(value)' was %s)\n",
TO, dQuote(FROM), TO, dQuote(class(value))), domain = NA)
}, list(FROM = Class, TO = to))
else if(class1Defined && length(slots) == 0) {
## check for the classes having the same representation
## (including the case of no slots)
ext <- getAllSuperClasses(classDef1, TRUE)
toSlots <- classDef2@slots
sameSlots <- TRUE
for(eclass in ext) {
## does any superclass other than "to" have slots?
if(.identC(eclass, to))
edef <- getClassDef(eclass, where = packageEnv)
if(!is.null(edef) && length(edef@slots) > 0) {
sameSlots <- FALSE
body(replace, envir = packageEnv) <-
substitute({class(value) <- FROM; value}, list(FROM = Class))
else if(length(toSlots) == 0) # seems replacement not defined in this case?
replace <- .ErrorReplace
body(replace, envir = packageEnv) <-
replace <- .ErrorReplace
if(identical(replace, .ErrorReplace))
warning(gettextf("there is no automatic definition for 'as(object, \"%s\") <- value' when object has class %s and no 'replace' argument was supplied; replacement will be an error",
to, dQuote(Class)), domain = NA)
else if(is.function(replace)) {
## turn function of two or three arguments into correct 3-arg form
if(length(formals(replace)) == 2) {
replace <- .ChangeFormals(replace, .dataPartReplace$f2args, "'replace' argument to setIs ")
tmp <- .ErrorReplace
body(tmp, envir = environment(replace)) <- body(replace)
replace <- tmp
replace <- .ChangeFormals(replace, .ErrorReplace, "'replace' argument to setIs ")
stop(gettextf("the 'replace' argument to setIs() should be a function of 2 or 3 arguments, got an object of class %s",
dQuote(class(replace))), domain = NA)
new(extClass, subClass = Class, superClass = to, package = package,
coerce = coerce, test = test, replace = replace, simple = simple,
by = by, dataPart = dataPart, distance = distance)
.findAll <- function(what, where = topenv(parent.frame())) {
## search in envir. & parents thereof
## For namespaces, this follows R's soft namespace policy
## by not stopping when it reaches the basenamespace
## The code used to do so and then had a kludge for looking
## in the methods namespace. But that failed anyway on
## non-namespace (package) environments and was inconsistent
## with the normal R lookup with namespace environments.
value <- list()
if(is.environment(where)) {
if(isNamespace(where)) repeat {
if(exists(what, where, inherits = FALSE))
value <- c(value, list(where))
if(identical(where, emptyenv()))
where <- parent.env(where)
else { # typically, a package environment: look here, then in the search list
if(exists(what, where, inherits = FALSE))
value <- c(value, list(where))
for(i in seq_along(search())) {
if(exists(what, i, inherits = FALSE)) {
evi <- as.environment(i)
addMe<- TRUE
for(other in value)
if(identical(other, evi)) {
addMe <- FALSE
value <- c(value, list(evi))
for(i in where) {
if(exists(what, i, inherits = FALSE))
value <- c(value, list(i))
.S4inherits <- function(x, what, which) {
superClasses <- extends(getClass(class(x)))
match(what, superClasses, 0L)
what %in% superClasses
## find the S3 classes or their extensions in the indirect superclasses
## and give them the correct coerce and replacement methods
.S3Extends <- function(ClassDef, exts, where) {
superClasses <- names(exts)
S3Class <- attr(ClassDef@prototype, ".S3Class")
need <- S3Class[[1L]]
for(i in seq_along(exts)) {
exti <- exts[[i]]
if(exti@distance == 1)
next # asserted that this was done by makeExtends
what <- superClasses[[i]]
whatDef <- getClassDef(what, package=packageSlot(exti))
if(is.null(whatDef) # but shouldn't happen,
|| !isXS3Class(whatDef))
coerce <- exti@coerce
body(coerce, environment(coerce))<- body(.S3coerce)
exti@coerce <- coerce
replace <- exti@replace
pos <- match(what, S3Class, 0L)
if(pos > 1) # not the complete S3 class, probably an error
body(replace, environment(replace)) <-
substituteDirect(.S3replace$e2, list(CLASS = what, NEED = need))
body(replace, environment(replace)) <-
substituteDirect(.S3replace$e1, list(NEED = need))
exti@replace <- replace
exts[[i]] <- exti