blob: ea9c17e6b91cbb88a1e5458e0684d2b37742c404 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/stats/R/cmdscale.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2017 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
cmdscale <- function (d, k = 2, eig = FALSE, add = FALSE, x.ret = FALSE,
list. = eig || add || x.ret)
if (anyNA(d))
stop("NA values not allowed in 'd'")
if(!list.) {
if (eig) warning( "eig=TRUE is disregarded when list.=FALSE")
if(x.ret) warning("x.ret=TRUE is disregarded when list.=FALSE")
if (is.null(n <- attr(d, "Size"))) {
if(add) d <- as.matrix(d)
x <- as.matrix(d^2)
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
if ((n <- nrow(x)) != ncol(x))
stop("distances must be result of 'dist' or a square matrix")
rn <- rownames(x)
} else { # d is dist()-like object
rn <- attr(d, "Labels")
x <- matrix(0, n, n) # must be double
if (add) d0 <- x
x[row(x) > col(x)] <- d^2
x <- x + t(x)
if (add) {
d0[row(x) > col(x)] <- d
d <- d0 + t(d0)
n <- as.integer(n)
## we need to handle nxn internally in dblcen
if( || n > 46340)
stop(gettextf("invalid value of %s", "'n'"), domain = NA)
if((k <- as.integer(k)) > n - 1 || k < 1)
stop("'k' must be in {1, 2, .. n - 1}")
## NB: this alters argument x, which is OK as it is re-assigned.
x <- .Call(C_DoubleCentre, x)
if(add) { ## solve the additive constant problem
## it is c* = largest eigenvalue of 2 x 2 (n x n) block matrix Z:
i2 <- n + (i <- 1L:n)
Z <- matrix(0, 2L*n, 2L*n)
Z[cbind(i2,i)] <- -1
Z[ i, i2] <- -x
Z[i2, i2] <- .Call(C_DoubleCentre, 2*d)
e <- eigen(Z, symmetric = FALSE, only.values = TRUE)$values
add.c <- max(Re(e))
## and construct a new x[,] matrix:
x <- matrix(double(n*n), n, n)
non.diag <- row(d) != col(d)
x[non.diag] <- (d[non.diag] + add.c)^2
x <- .Call(C_DoubleCentre, x)
e <- eigen(-x/2, symmetric = TRUE)
ev <- e$values[seq_len(k)]
evec <- e$vectors[, seq_len(k), drop = FALSE]
k1 <- sum(ev > 0)
if(k1 < k) {
warning(gettextf("only %d of the first %d eigenvalues are > 0", k1, k),
domain = NA)
evec <- evec[, ev > 0, drop = FALSE]
ev <- ev[ev > 0]
points <- evec * rep(sqrt(ev), each=n)
dimnames(points) <- list(rn, NULL)
if (list.) {
evalus <- e$values # Cox & Cox have sum up to n-1, though
list(points = points, eig = if(eig) evalus, x = if(x.ret) x,
ac = if(add) add.c else 0,
GOF = sum(ev)/c(sum(abs(evalus)), sum(pmax(evalus, 0))) )
} else points