blob: f676a3f55020830cfe6fdea1614096485677acef [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/stats/R/manova.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
manova <- function(...)
Call <- fcall <-
fcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::aov)
result <- eval(fcall, parent.frame())
if(inherits(result, "aovlist")) {
for(i in seq_along(result)) {
if(!inherits(result[[i]], "maov")) stop("need multiple responses")
class(result[[i]]) <- c("manova", oldClass(result[[i]]))
attr(result, "call") <- Call
} else {
if(!inherits(result, "maov")) stop("need multiple responses")
class(result) <- c("manova", oldClass(result))
result$call <- Call
summary.manova <-
test = c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),
intercept = FALSE, tol = 1e-7, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "maov"))
stop(gettextf("object must be of class %s or %s",
dQuote("manova"), dQuote("maov")),
domain = NA)
test <- match.arg(test)
asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot[1L:object$rank]]
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nterms <- length(uasgn)
effects <- object$effects
if (!is.null(effects))
effects <- as.matrix(effects)[seq_along(asgn), , drop = FALSE]
rdf <- object$df.residual
nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)", attr(object$terms, "term.labels"))
resid <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
wt <- object$weights
if (!is.null(wt)) resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
nresp <- NCOL(resid)
if(nresp <= 1) stop("need multiple responses")
if (is.null(effects)) {
df <- nterms <- 0
ss <- list(0)
nmrows <- character()
} else {
df <- numeric(nterms)
ss <- list(nterms)
nmrows <- character(nterms)
for (i in seq(nterms)) {
ai <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
nmrows[i] <- nmeffect[1 + uasgn[i]]
df[i] <- sum(ai)
ss[[i]] <- crossprod(effects[ai, , drop=FALSE])
pm <- pmatch("(Intercept)", nmrows, 0L)
if (!intercept && pm > 0) {
nterms <- nterms - 1
df <- df[-pm]
nmrows <- nmrows[-pm]
ss <- ss[-pm]
names(ss) <- nmrows
nt <- nterms
if (rdf > 0) {
nt <- nterms + 1
df[nt] <- rdf
ss[[nt]] <- crossprod(resid)
names(ss)[nt] <- nmrows[nt] <- "Residuals"
ok <- df[-nt] > 0
eigs <- array(NA, c(nterms, nresp), dimnames =
list(nmrows[-nt], NULL))
stats <- matrix(NA, nt, 5, dimnames = list(nmrows, c(test,
"approx F", "num Df", "den Df", "Pr(>F)")))
sc <- sqrt(sss <- diag(ss[[nt]]))
## Let us try to distinguish bad scaling and near-perfect fit
for(i in seq_len(nterms)[ok]) sss <- sss + diag(ss[[i]])
sc[sc < sqrt(sss)*1e-6] <- 1
D <- diag(1/sc)
rss.qr <- qr(D %*% ss[[nt]] %*% D, tol=tol)
if(rss.qr$rank < ncol(resid))
stop(gettextf("residuals have rank %d < %d",
rss.qr$rank, ncol(resid)), domain = NA)
for(i in seq_len(nterms)[ok]) {
A1 <- qr.coef(rss.qr, D %*% ss[[i]] %*% D)
eigs[i, ] <- Re(eigen(A1, symmetric = FALSE, only.values = TRUE)$values)
stats[i, 1L:4L] <-
"Pillai" = Pillai(eigs[i, ], df[i], df[nt]),
"Wilks" = Wilks (eigs[i, ], df[i], df[nt]),
"Hotelling-Lawley" = HL (eigs[i, ], df[i], df[nt]),
"Roy" = Roy (eigs[i, ], df[i], df[nt]))
ok <- stats[, 2L] >= 0 & stats[, 3L] > 0 & stats[, 4L] > 0
ok <- ! & ok
stats[ok, 5L] <- pf(stats[ok, 2L], stats[ok, 3L], stats[ok, 4L],
lower.tail = FALSE)
x <- list(row.names = nmrows, SS = ss,
Eigenvalues = eigs, stats = cbind(Df=df, stats=stats))
} else x <- list(row.names = nmrows, SS = ss, Df = df)
class(x) <- "summary.manova"
print.summary.manova <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
if(length(stats <- x$stats)) {
} else {
cat("No error degrees of freedom\n\n")
print(data.frame(Df = x$Df, row.names = x$row.names))