blob: 3e95edcb105c976131be4c85824ced1cdf4792b0 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/NLSstAsymptotic.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2010 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Fit the Asymptotic Regression Model}
\item{xy}{a \code{sortedXyData} object}
Fits the asymptotic regression model, in the form \code{b0 +
b1*(1-exp(-exp(lrc) * x))} to the \code{xy} data.
This can be used as a building block in determining starting estimates
for more complicated models.
A numeric value of length 3 with components labelled \code{b0},
\code{b1}, and \code{lrc}. \code{b0} is the estimated intercept on
the \code{y}-axis, \code{b1} is the estimated difference between the
asymptote and the \code{y}-intercept, and \code{lrc} is the estimated
logarithm of the rate constant.
\author{\enc{José}{Jose} Pinheiro and Douglas Bates}
Lob.329 <- Loblolly[ Loblolly$Seed == "329", ]
Lob.329)), digits = 3)