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% File src/library/stats/man/extractAIC.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
%-- This page by Martin Maechler, improvements welcome!
\title{Extract AIC from a Fitted Model}
extractAIC(fit, scale, k = 2, \dots)
\item{fit}{fitted model, usually the result of a fitter like
\item{scale}{optional numeric specifying the scale parameter of the
model, see \code{scale} in \code{\link{step}}. Currently only used
in the \code{"lm"} method, where \code{scale} specifies the estimate
of the error variance, and \code{scale = 0} indicates that it is to
be estimated by maximum likelihood.
\item{k}{numeric specifying the \sQuote{weight} of the
\emph{equivalent degrees of freedom} (\eqn{\equiv}{=:} \code{edf})
part in the AIC formula.}
\item{\dots}{further arguments (currently unused in base \R).}
%-- Source in ../R/add.R
Computes the (generalized) Akaike \bold{A}n \bold{I}nformation
\bold{C}riterion for a fitted parametric model.
This is a generic function, with methods in base \R for classes
\code{"aov"}, \code{"glm"} and \code{"lm"} as well as for
\code{"negbin"} (package \CRANpkg{MASS}) and \code{"coxph"} and
\code{"survreg"} (package \CRANpkg{survival}).
The criterion used is
\deqn{AIC = - 2\log L + k \times \mbox{edf},}{AIC = - 2*log L + k * edf,}
where \eqn{L} is the likelihood and \code{edf} the equivalent degrees
of freedom (i.e., the number of free parameters for usual parametric
models) of \code{fit}.
For linear models with unknown scale (i.e., for \code{\link{lm}} and
\code{\link{aov}}), \eqn{-2\log L}{-2 log L} is computed from the
\emph{deviance} and uses a different additive constant to
\code{\link{logLik}} and hence \code{\link{AIC}}. If \eqn{RSS}
denotes the (weighted) residual sum of squares then \code{extractAIC}
uses for \eqn{- 2\log L}{-2 log L} the formulae \eqn{RSS/s - n} (corresponding
to Mallows' \eqn{C_p}{Cp}) in the case of known scale \eqn{s} and
\eqn{n \log (RSS/n)}{n log (RSS/n)} for unknown scale.
\code{\link{AIC}} only handles unknown scale and uses the formula
\eqn{n \log (RSS/n) + n + n \log 2\pi - \sum \log w}{n*log(RSS/n) + n + n*log 2pi - sum(log w)}
where \eqn{w} are the weights. Further \code{AIC} counts the scale
estimation as a parameter in the \code{edf} and \code{extractAIC} does not.
For \code{glm} fits the family's \code{aic()} function is used to
compute the AIC: see the note under \code{logLik} about the
assumptions this makes.
\code{k = 2} corresponds to the traditional AIC, using \code{k =
log(n)} provides the BIC (Bayesian IC) instead.
Note that the methods for this function may differ in their
assumptions from those of methods for \code{\link{AIC}} (usually
\emph{via} a method for \code{\link{logLik}}). We have already
mentioned the case of \code{"lm"} models with estimated scale, and
there are similar issues in the \code{"glm"} and \code{"negbin"}
methods where the dispersion parameter may or may not be taken as
\sQuote{free}. This is immaterial as \code{extractAIC} is only used
to compare models of the same class (where only differences in AIC
values are considered).
This function is used in \code{\link{add1}}, \code{\link{drop1}}
and \code{\link{step}} and the similar functions in package
\CRANpkg{MASS} from which it was adopted.
A numeric vector of length 2, with first and second elements giving
\item{edf}{the \sQuote{\bold{e}quivalent \bold{d}egrees of \bold{f}reedom}
for the fitted model \code{fit}.}
\item{AIC}{the (generalized) Akaike Information Criterion for \code{fit}.}
%-- Source in ../R/add.R
\author{B. D. Ripley}
Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002)
\emph{Modern Applied Statistics with S.}
New York: Springer (4th ed).
\code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{deviance}}, \code{\link{add1}},
extractAIC(glm.D93) #>> 5 15.129