blob: b8449caf0399780f5233a6c682dcc9d610801505 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/logLik.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Extract Log-Likelihood}
logLik(object, \dots)
\method{logLik}{lm}(object, REML = FALSE, \dots)
\item{object}{any object from which a log-likelihood value, or a
contribution to a log-likelihood value, can be extracted.}
\item{\dots}{some methods for this generic function require additional
\item{REML}{an optional logical value. If \code{TRUE} the restricted
log-likelihood is returned, else, if \code{FALSE}, the
log-likelihood is returned. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
This function is generic; method functions can be written to handle
specific classes of objects. Classes which have methods for this
function include: \code{"glm"}, \code{"lm"}, \code{"nls"} and
\code{"Arima"}. Packages contain methods for other classes, such as
\code{"fitdistr"}, \code{"negbin"} and \code{"polr"} in package
\CRANpkg{MASS}, \code{"multinom"} in package \CRANpkg{nnet} and
\code{"gls"}, \code{"gnls"} \code{"lme"} and others in package
% \code{corStruct}, \code{lmList}, \code{lmeStruct}, \code{reStruct}, and
% \code{varFunc}.
\code{logLik} is most commonly used for a model fitted by maximum
likelihood, and some uses, e.g.\sspace{}by \code{\link{AIC}}, assume
this. So care is needed where other fit criteria have been used, for
example REML (the default for \code{"lme"}).
For a \code{"glm"} fit the \code{\link{family}} does not have to
specify how to calculate the log-likelihood, so this is based on using
the family's \code{aic()} function to compute the AIC. For the
\code{\link{gaussian}}, \code{\link{Gamma}} and
\code{\link{inverse.gaussian}} families it assumed that the dispersion
of the GLM is estimated and has been counted as a parameter in the AIC
value, and for all other families it is assumed that the dispersion is
known. Note that this procedure does not give the maximized
likelihood for \code{"glm"} fits from the Gamma and inverse gaussian
families, as the estimate of dispersion used is not the MLE.
For \code{"lm"} fits it is assumed that the scale has been estimated
(by maximum likelihood or REML), and all the constants in the
log-likelihood are included. That method is only applicable to
single-response fits.
Returns an object of class \code{logLik}. This is a number with at
least one attribute, \code{"df"} (\bold{d}egrees of \bold{f}reedom),
giving the number of (estimated) parameters in the model.
There is a simple \code{print} method for \code{"logLik"} objects.
There may be other attributes depending on the method used: see the
appropriate documentation. One that is used by several methods is
\code{"nobs"}, the number of observations used in estimation (after
the restrictions if \code{REML = TRUE}).
\code{\link[nlme:logLik.lme]{logLik.gls}}, \code{\link[nlme]{logLik.lme}}, in
package \CRANpkg{nlme}, etc.
For \code{logLik.lm}:
Harville, D.A. (1974).
Bayesian inference for variance components using only error contrasts.
\emph{Biometrika}, \bold{61}, 383--385.
\enc{José}{Jose} Pinheiro and Douglas Bates
x <- 1:5
lmx <- lm(x ~ 1)
logLik(lmx) # using print.logLik() method
## lm method
(fm1 <- lm(rating ~ ., data = attitude))
logLik(fm1, REML = TRUE)
\donttest{utils::data(Orthodont, package = "nlme")
fm1 <- lm(distance ~ Sex * age, Orthodont)
logLik(fm1, REML = TRUE)