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% File src/library/stats/man/printCoefmat.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Print Coefficient Matrices}
Utility function to be used in higher-level \code{\link{print}}
methods, such as those for \code{\link{summary.lm}},
\code{\link{summary.glm}} and \code{\link{anova}}. The
goal is to provide a flexible interface with smart defaults such
that often, only \code{x} needs to be specified.
printCoefmat(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
signif.legend = signif.stars,
dig.tst = max(1, min(5, digits - 1)),
cs.ind = 1L:k, tst.ind = k + 1L,
zap.ind = integer(), P.values = NULL,
has.Pvalue = nc >= 4L && length(cn <- colnames(x)) &&
substr(cn[nc], 1L, 3L) \%in\% c("Pr(", "p-v"),
eps.Pvalue = .Machine$double.eps,
na.print = "NA", quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, \dots)
\item{x}{a numeric matrix like object, to be printed.}
\item{digits}{minimum number of significant digits to be used for
most numbers.}
\item{signif.stars}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, P-values are additionally
encoded visually as \sQuote{significance stars} in order to help scanning
of long coefficient tables. It defaults to the
\code{show.signif.stars} slot of \code{\link{options}}.}
\item{signif.legend}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, a legend for the
\sQuote{significance stars} is printed provided \code{signif.stars =
\item{dig.tst}{minimum number of significant digits for the test statistics,
see \code{tst.ind}.}
\item{cs.ind}{indices (integer) of column numbers which are (like)
\bold{c}oefficients and \bold{s}tandard errors to be formatted
\item{tst.ind}{indices (integer) of column numbers for test
\item{zap.ind}{indices (integer) of column numbers which should be
formatted by \code{\link{zapsmall}}, i.e., by \sQuote{zapping} values
close to 0.}
\item{P.values}{logical or \code{NULL}; if \code{TRUE}, the last
column of \code{x} is formatted by \code{\link{format.pval}} as P
values. If \code{P.values = NULL}, the default, it is set to
\code{TRUE} only if \code{\link{options}("show.coef.Pvalue")} is
\code{TRUE} \emph{and} \code{x} has at least 4 columns \emph{and}
the last column name of \code{x} starts with \code{"Pr("}.}
\item{has.Pvalue}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, the last column of \code{x}
contains P values; in that case, it is printed if and only if
\code{P.values} (above) is true.}
\item{eps.Pvalue}{number, ..}
\item{na.print}{a character string to code \code{\link{NA}} values in
printed output.}
\item{quote, right, \dots}{further arguments passed to
Invisibly returns its argument, \code{x}.
\author{Martin Maechler}
cmat <- cbind(rnorm(3, 10), sqrt(rchisq(3, 12)))
cmat <- cbind(cmat, cmat[, 1]/cmat[, 2])
cmat <- cbind(cmat, 2*pnorm(-cmat[, 3]))
colnames(cmat) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Z value", "Pr(>z)")
printCoefmat(cmat[, 1:3])
op <- options(show.coef.Pvalues = FALSE)
printCoefmat(cmat, digits = 2)
printCoefmat(cmat, digits = 2, P.values = TRUE)
options(op) # restore