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% File src/library/stats/man/reorder.factor.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Reorder Levels of a Factor}
\code{reorder} is a generic function. The \code{"default"} method
treats its first argument as a categorical variable, and reorders its
levels based on the values of a second variable, usually numeric.
reorder(x, \dots)
\method{reorder}{default}(x, X, FUN = mean, \dots,
order = is.ordered(x))
\item{x}{an atomic vector, usually a \code{\link{factor}} (possibly
ordered). The vector is treated as a categorical variable whose
levels will be reordered. If \code{x} is not a factor, its unique
values will be used as the implicit levels.
\item{X}{ a vector of the same length as \code{x}, whose subset
of values for each unique level of \code{x} determines the
eventual order of that level.
\item{FUN}{a \code{\link{function}} whose first argument is a vector
and returns a scalar, to be applied to each subset of \code{X}
determined by the levels of \code{x}.}
\item{\dots}{ optional: extra arguments supplied to \code{FUN}}
\item{order}{ logical, whether return value will be an ordered factor
rather than a factor.
A factor or an ordered factor (depending on the value of
\code{order}), with the order of the levels determined by
\code{FUN} applied to \code{X} grouped by \code{x}. The
levels are ordered such that the values returned by \code{FUN}
are in increasing order. Empty levels will be dropped.
Additionally, the values of \code{FUN} applied to the subsets of
\code{X} (in the original order of the levels of \code{x}) is returned
as the \code{"scores"} attribute.
This, as \code{\link{relevel}()}, is a special case of simply calling
\code{\link{factor}(x, levels = levels(x)[....])}.
\author{Deepayan Sarkar \email{}}
\code{\link{reorder.dendrogram}}, \code{\link{levels}},
bymedian <- with(InsectSprays, reorder(spray, count, median))
boxplot(count ~ bymedian, data = InsectSprays,
xlab = "Type of spray", ylab = "Insect count",
main = "InsectSprays data", varwidth = TRUE,
col = "lightgray")