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% File src/library/stats/man/reshape.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2012 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Reshape Grouped Data}
This function reshapes a data frame between \sQuote{wide} format with
repeated measurements in separate columns of the same record and
\sQuote{long} format with the repeated measurements in separate
reshape(data, varying = NULL, v.names = NULL, timevar = "time",
idvar = "id", ids = 1:NROW(data),
times = seq_along(varying[[1]]),
drop = NULL, direction, new.row.names = NULL,
sep = ".",
split = if (sep == "") {
list(regexp = "[A-Za-z][0-9]", include = TRUE)
} else {
list(regexp = sep, include = FALSE, fixed = TRUE)}
\item{data}{a data frame}
\item{varying}{names of sets of variables in the wide format that
correspond to single variables in long format
(\sQuote{time-varying}). This is canonically a list of vectors of
variable names, but it can optionally be a matrix of names, or a
single vector of names. In each case, the names can be replaced by
indices which are interpreted as referring to \code{names(data)}.
See \sQuote{Details} for more details and options.}
\item{v.names}{names of variables in the long format that correspond
to multiple variables in the wide format. See \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{timevar}{the variable in long format that differentiates multiple
records from the same group or individual. If more than one record
matches, the first will be taken (with a warning). }
\item{idvar}{Names of one or more variables in long format that
identify multiple records from the same group/individual. These
variables may also be present in wide format.}
\item{ids}{the values to use for a newly created \code{idvar}
variable in long format.}
\item{times}{the values to use for a newly created \code{timevar}
variable in long format. See \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{drop}{a vector of names of variables to drop before reshaping.}
\item{direction}{character string, partially matched to either
\code{"wide"} to reshape to wide format, or \code{"long"} to reshape
to long format.}
\item{new.row.names}{character or \code{NULL}: a non-null value will be
used for the row names of the result.}
\item{sep}{A character vector of length 1, indicating a separating
character in the variable names in the wide format. This is used for
guessing \code{v.names} and \code{times} arguments based on the
names in \code{varying}. If \code{sep == ""}, the split is just before
the first numeral that follows an alphabetic character. This is
also used to create variable names when reshaping to wide format.}
\item{split}{A list with three components, \code{regexp},
\code{include}, and (optionally) \code{fixed}. This allows an
extended interface to variable name splitting. See \sQuote{Details}.}
The arguments to this function are described in terms of longitudinal
data, as that is the application motivating the functions. A
\sQuote{wide} longitudinal dataset will have one record for each
individual with some time-constant variables that occupy single
columns and some time-varying variables that occupy a column for each
time point. In \sQuote{long} format there will be multiple records
for each individual, with some variables being constant across these
records and others varying across the records. A \sQuote{long} format
dataset also needs a \sQuote{time} variable identifying which time
point each record comes from and an \sQuote{id} variable showing which
records refer to the same person.
If the data frame resulted from a previous \code{reshape} then the
operation can be reversed simply by \code{reshape(a)}. The
\code{direction} argument is optional and the other arguments are
stored as attributes on the data frame.
If \code{direction = "wide"} and no \code{varying} or \code{v.names}
arguments are supplied it is assumed that all variables except
\code{idvar} and \code{timevar} are time-varying. They are all
expanded into multiple variables in wide format.
If \code{direction = "long"} the \code{varying} argument can be a vector
of column names (or a corresponding index). The function will attempt
to guess the \code{v.names} and \code{times} from these names. The
default is variable names like \code{x.1}, \code{x.2}, where
\code{sep = "."} specifies to split at the dot and drop it from the
name. To have alphabetic followed by numeric times use \code{sep = ""}.
Variable name splitting as described above is only attempted in the
case where \code{varying} is an atomic vector, if it is a list or a
matrix, \code{v.names} and \code{times} will generally need to be
specified, although they will default to, respectively, the first
variable name in each set, and sequential times.
Also, guessing is not attempted if \code{v.names} is given
explicitly. Notice that the order of variables in \code{varying} is
like \code{x.1},\code{y.1},\code{x.2},\code{y.2}.
The \code{split} argument should not usually be necessary. The
\code{split$regexp} component is passed to either
\code{\link{strsplit}} or \code{\link{regexpr}}, where the latter is
used if \code{split$include} is \code{TRUE}, in which case the
splitting occurs after the first character of the matched string. In
the \code{\link{strsplit}} case, the separator is not included in the
result, and it is possible to specify fixed-string matching using
The reshaped data frame with added attributes to simplify reshaping
back to the original form.
\seealso{\code{\link{stack}}, \code{\link{aperm}};
\code{\link{relist}} for reshaping the result of \code{\link{unlist}}.
wide <- reshape(Indometh, v.names = "conc", idvar = "Subject",
timevar = "time", direction = "wide")
reshape(wide, direction = "long")
reshape(wide, idvar = "Subject", varying = list(2:12),
v.names = "conc", direction = "long")
## times need not be numeric
df <- data.frame(id = rep(1:4, rep(2,4)),
visit = I(rep(c("Before","After"), 4)),
x = rnorm(4), y = runif(4))
reshape(df, timevar = "visit", idvar = "id", direction = "wide")
## warns that y is really varying
reshape(df, timevar = "visit", idvar = "id", direction = "wide", v.names = "x")
## unbalanced 'long' data leads to NA fill in 'wide' form
df2 <- df[1:7, ]
reshape(df2, timevar = "visit", idvar = "id", direction = "wide")
## Alternative regular expressions for guessing names
df3 <- data.frame(id = 1:4, age = c(40,50,60,50), dose1 = c(1,2,1,2),
dose2 = c(2,1,2,1), dose4 = c(3,3,3,3))
reshape(df3, direction = "long", varying = 3:5, sep = "")
## an example that isn't longitudinal data
state.x77 <-
long <- reshape(state.x77, idvar = "state", ids = row.names(state.x77),
times = names(state.x77), timevar = "Characteristic",
varying = list(names(state.x77)), direction = "long")
reshape(long, direction = "wide")
reshape(long, direction = "wide", new.row.names = unique(long$state))
## multiple id variables
df3 <- data.frame(school = rep(1:3, each = 4), class = rep(9:10, 6),
time = rep(c(1,1,2,2), 3), score = rnorm(12))
wide <- reshape(df3, idvar = c("school","class"), direction = "wide")
## transform back