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% File src/library/stats/man/spec.pgram.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Estimate Spectral Density of a Time Series by a Smoothed
spec.pgram(x, spans = NULL, kernel, taper = 0.1,
pad = 0, fast = TRUE, demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE,
plot = TRUE, na.action =, \dots)
\item{x}{univariate or multivariate time series.}
\item{spans}{vector of odd integers giving the widths of modified
Daniell smoothers to be used to smooth the periodogram.}
\item{kernel}{alternatively, a kernel smoother of class
\item{taper}{specifies the proportion of data to taper. A split
cosine bell taper is applied to this proportion of the data at the
beginning and end of the series.}
\item{pad}{proportion of data to pad. Zeros are added to the end of
the series to increase its length by the proportion \code{pad}.}
\item{fast}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, pad the series to a highly composite
\item{demean}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, subtract the mean of the
\item{detrend}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, remove a linear trend from
the series. This will also remove the mean.}
\item{plot}{plot the periodogram?}
\item{na.action}{\code{NA} action function.}
\item{\dots}{graphical arguments passed to \code{plot.spec}.}
\code{spec.pgram} calculates the periodogram using a fast Fourier
transform, and optionally smooths the result with a series of
modified Daniell smoothers (moving averages giving half weight to
the end values).
The raw periodogram is not a consistent estimator of the spectral density,
but adjacent values are asymptotically independent. Hence a consistent
estimator can be derived by smoothing the raw periodogram, assuming that
the spectral density is smooth.
The series will be automatically padded with zeros until the series
length is a highly composite number in order to help the Fast Fourier
Transform. This is controlled by the \code{fast} and not the \code{pad}
The periodogram at zero is in theory zero as the mean of the series
is removed (but this may be affected by tapering): it is replaced by
an interpolation of adjacent values during smoothing, and no value
is returned for that frequency.
A list object of class \code{"spec"} (see \code{\link{spectrum}})
with the following additional components:
\item{kernel}{The \code{kernel} argument, or the kernel constructed
from \code{spans}.}
\item{df}{The distribution of the spectral density estimate can be
approximated by a (scaled) chi square distribution with \code{df} degrees
of freedom.}
\item{bandwidth}{The equivalent bandwidth of the kernel smoother as
defined by Bloomfield (1976, page 201).}
\item{taper}{The value of the \code{taper} argument.}
\item{pad}{The value of the \code{pad} argument.}
\item{detrend}{The value of the \code{detrend} argument.}
\item{demean}{The value of the \code{demean} argument.}
The result is returned invisibly if \code{plot} is true.
Bloomfield, P. (1976) \emph{Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An
Introduction.} Wiley.
Brockwell, P.J. and Davis, R.A. (1991) \emph{Time Series: Theory and
Methods.} Second edition. Springer.
Venables, W.N. and Ripley, B.D. (2002) \emph{Modern Applied
Statistics with S.} Fourth edition. Springer.
(Especially pp.\sspace{}392--7.)
Originally Martyn Plummer; kernel smoothing by Adrian Trapletti,
synthesis by B.D. Ripley
\seealso{\code{\link{spectrum}}, \code{\link{spec.taper}},
\code{\link{plot.spec}}, \code{\link{fft}}}
## Examples from Venables & Ripley
spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(3,5))
spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(5,7))
spectrum(mdeaths, spans = c(3,3))
spectrum(fdeaths, spans = c(3,3))
## bivariate example
mfdeaths.spc <- spec.pgram(ts.union(mdeaths, fdeaths), spans = c(3,3))
# plots marginal spectra: now plot coherency and phase
plot(mfdeaths.spc, plot.type = "coherency")
plot(mfdeaths.spc, plot.type = "phase")
## now impose a lack of alignment
mfdeaths.spc <- spec.pgram(ts.intersect(mdeaths, lag(fdeaths, 4)),
spans = c(3,3), plot = FALSE)
plot(mfdeaths.spc, plot.type = "coherency")
plot(mfdeaths.spc, plot.type = "phase")
stocks.spc <- spectrum(EuStockMarkets, kernel("daniell", c(30,50)),
plot = FALSE)
plot(stocks.spc, plot.type = "marginal") # the default type
plot(stocks.spc, plot.type = "coherency")
plot(stocks.spc, plot.type = "phase")
sales.spc <- spectrum(ts.union(BJsales, BJsales.lead),
kernel("modified.daniell", c(5,7)))
plot(sales.spc, plot.type = "coherency")
plot(sales.spc, plot.type = "phase")