blob: 74cea26d728a6c36300f4207cb873d95dc3633b1 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/terms.formula.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2012 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Construct a terms Object from a Formula}
This function takes a formula and some optional arguments and
constructs a terms object. The terms object can then be used to
construct a \code{\link{model.matrix}}.
\method{terms}{formula}(x, specials = NULL, abb = NULL, data = NULL, neg.out = TRUE,
keep.order = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, \dots,
allowDotAsName = FALSE)
\item{x}{a formula.}
\item{specials}{which functions in the formula should be marked as
special in the \code{terms} object? A character vector or \code{NULL}.}
\item{abb}{Not implemented in \R.}
\item{data}{a data frame from which the meaning of the special symbol
\code{.} can be inferred. It is unused if there is no \code{.} in
the formula.}
\item{neg.out}{Not implemented in \R.}
\item{keep.order}{a logical value indicating whether the terms should
keep their positions. If \code{FALSE} the terms are reordered so
that main effects come first, followed by the interactions,
all second-order, all third-order and so on. Effects of a given
order are kept in the order specified.}
\item{simplify}{should the formula be expanded and simplified, the
pre-1.7.0 behaviour?}
\item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.}
\item{allowDotAsName}{normally \code{.} in a formula refers to the
remaining variables contained in \code{data}. Exceptionally,
\code{.} can be treated as a name for non-standard uses of formulae.}
Not all of the options work in the same way that they do in S and not
all are implemented.
A \code{\link{terms.object}} object is returned. The object itself is
the re-ordered (unless \code{keep.order = TRUE}) formula. In all
cases variables within an interaction term in the formula are
re-ordered by the ordering of the \code{"variables"} attribute, which
is the order in which the variables occur in the formula.
\code{\link{terms}}, \code{\link{terms.object}}