blob: d5f2e5b5e0d869398a5fcf52f7c3c97db234c8de [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/vcov.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2017 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object}
Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the main parameters of
a fitted model object. The \dQuote{main} parameters of model
correspond to those returned by \code{\link{coef}}, and typically do
not contain a nuisance scale parameter (\code{\link{sigma}}).
vcov(object, \dots)
\S3method{vcov}{lm}(object, complete = TRUE, \dots)
## and also for '[summary.]glm' and 'mlm'
\S3method{vcov}{aov}(object, complete = FALSE, \dots)
.vcov.aliased(aliased, vc, complete = TRUE)
a fitted model object, typically. Sometimes also a
\code{\link{summary}()} object of such a fitted model.
\item{complete}{for the \code{aov}, \code{lm}, \code{glm}, \code{mlm}, and where
applicable \code{summary.lm} etc methods: logical indicating if the
full variance-covariance matrix should be returned also in case of
an over-determined system where some coefficients are undefined and
\code{\link{coef}(.)} contains \code{NA}s correspondingly. When
\code{complete = TRUE}, \code{vcov()} is compatible with
\code{coef()} also in this singular case.}
additional arguments for method functions. For the
\code{\link{glm}} method this can be used to pass a
\code{dispersion} parameter.}
%% for .vcov.aliased() :
\item{aliased}{a \code{\link{logical}} vector typically identical to
\code{} indicating which coefficients are \sQuote{aliased}.}
\item{vc}{a variance-covariance matrix, typically \dQuote{incomplete},
i.e., with no rows and columns for aliased coefficients.}
\code{vcov()} is a generic function and functions with names beginning
in \code{vcov.} will be methods for this function.
Classes with methods for this function include:
\code{lm}, \code{mlm}, \code{glm}, \code{nls},
\code{summary.lm}, \code{summary.glm},
\code{negbin}, \code{polr}, \code{rlm} (in package \CRANpkg{MASS}),
\code{multinom} (in package \CRANpkg{nnet})
\code{gls}, \code{lme} (in package \CRANpkg{nlme}),
\code{coxph} and \code{survreg} (in package \CRANpkg{survival}).
(\code{vcov()} methods for summary objects allow more
efficient and still encapsulated access when both
\code{summary(mod)} and \code{vcov(mod)} are needed.)
\code{.vcov.aliased()} is an auxiliary function useful for
\code{vcov} method implementations which have to deal with singular
model fits encoded via NA coefficients: It augments a vcov--matrix
\code{vc} by \code{\link{NA}} rows and columns where needed, i.e., when
some entries of \code{aliased} are true and \code{vc} is of smaller dimension
than \code{length(aliased)}.
A matrix of the estimated covariances between the parameter estimates
in the linear or non-linear predictor of the model. This should have
row and column names corresponding to the parameter names given by the
\code{\link{coef}} method.
When some coefficients of the (linear) model are undetermined and
hence \code{NA} because of linearly dependent terms (or an
\dQuote{over specified} model), also called
\dQuote{aliased}, see \code{\link{alias}}, then since \R version 3.5.0,
\code{vcov()} (iff \code{complete = TRUE}, i.e., by default for
\code{lm} etc, but not for \code{aov}) contains corresponding rows and
columns of \code{NA}s, wherever \code{\link{coef}()} has always
contained such \code{NA}s.