blob: ef678ada900432a441e781ce4cad8d7e00497b99 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* Copyright (C) 1998-2018 The R Core Team.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
/* <UTF8>
byte-level access needed checks.
OK in UTF-8 provided quotes, comment, sep and dec chars are ASCII.
Also OK in DBCS.
We use only ' ', tab, CR, LF as space chars.
There is also the possibility of other digits (which we should
probably continue to ignore).
#include <config.h>
#define R_USE_SIGNALS 1
#include <Defn.h>
#include <float.h> /* for DBL_DIG */
#include <Fileio.h>
#include <Rconnections.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <Print.h>
#include <rlocale.h> /* for btowc */
#undef _
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) dgettext ("utils", String)
#define _(String) (String)
/* The size of vector initially allocated by scan */
#define SCAN_BLOCKSIZE 1000
/* The size of the console buffer */
/* NB: in Windows this also needs to be set in gnuwin32/getline/getline.c */
#define NO_COMCHAR 100000 /* won't occur even in Unicode */
/* The number of distinct strings to track */
#define MAX_STRINGS 10000
static unsigned char ConsoleBuf[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE+1], *ConsoleBufp;
static int ConsoleBufCnt;
static char ConsolePrompt[CONSOLE_PROMPT_SIZE];
typedef struct {
SEXP NAstrings;
int quiet;
int sepchar; /* = 0 */ /* This gets compared to ints */
char decchar; /* = '.' */ /* This only gets compared to chars */
char *quoteset; /* = NULL */
int comchar; /* = NO_COMCHAR */
int ttyflag; /* = 0 */
Rconnection con; /* = NULL */
Rboolean wasopen; /* = FALSE */
Rboolean escapes; /* = FALSE */
int save; /* = 0; */
Rboolean isLatin1; /* = FALSE */
Rboolean isUTF8; /* = FALSE */
Rboolean skipNul;
char convbuf[100];
} LocalData;
/* If mode = 0 use for numeric fields where "" is NA
If mode = 1 use for character fields where "" is verbatim unless
na.strings includes "" */
static R_INLINE int isNAstring(const char *buf, int mode, LocalData *d)
int i;
if(!mode && strlen(buf) == 0) return 1;
for (i = 0; i < length(d->NAstrings); i++)
if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(d->NAstrings, i)), buf)) return 1;
return 0;
static R_INLINE Rboolean Rspace(unsigned int c)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') return TRUE;
#ifdef Win32
/* 0xa0 is NBSP in all 8-bit Windows locales */
if(!mbcslocale && c == 0xa0) return TRUE;
/* 0xa0 is NBSP in Latin-1 */
if(known_to_be_latin1 && c == 0xa0) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* used by readline() and menu() */
static int ConsoleGetchar(void)
if (--ConsoleBufCnt < 0) {
ConsoleBuf[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE] = '\0';
if (R_ReadConsole(ConsolePrompt, ConsoleBuf,
return R_EOF;
ConsoleBufp = ConsoleBuf;
ConsoleBufCnt = (int) strlen((char *)ConsoleBuf);
/* at this point we need to use unsigned char or similar */
return (int) *ConsoleBufp++;
/* used by scan() */
static int ConsoleGetcharWithPushBack(Rconnection con)
char *curLine;
int c;
if(con->nPushBack > 0) {
curLine = con->PushBack[con->nPushBack-1];
c = curLine[con->posPushBack++];
if(con->posPushBack >= strlen(curLine)) {
/* last character on a line, so pop the line */
con->posPushBack = 0;
if(con->nPushBack == 0) free(con->PushBack);
return c;
} else
return ConsoleGetchar();
/* Like strtol, but for ints not longs and returns NA_INTEGER on overflow */
static int Strtoi(const char *nptr, int base)
long res;
char *endp;
errno = 0;
res = strtol(nptr, &endp, base);
if (*endp != '\0') res = NA_INTEGER;
/* next can happen on a 64-bit platform */
if (res > INT_MAX || res < INT_MIN) res = NA_INTEGER;
if (errno == ERANGE) res = NA_INTEGER;
return (int) res;
static double
Strtod (const char *nptr, char **endptr, Rboolean NA, LocalData *d, int i_exact)
return R_strtod5(nptr, endptr, d->decchar, NA, i_exact);
static Rcomplex
strtoc(const char *nptr, char **endptr, Rboolean NA, LocalData *d, int i_exact)
Rcomplex z;
double x, y;
char *s, *endp;
x = Strtod(nptr, &endp, NA, d, i_exact);
if (isBlankString(endp)) {
z.r = x; z.i = 0;
} else if (*endp == 'i') {
if (endp == nptr) {
z.r = NA_REAL; z.i = NA_REAL;
else {
z.r = 0; z.i = x;
} else {
s = endp;
y = Strtod(s, &endp, NA, d, i_exact);
if (*endp == 'i') {
z.r = x; z.i = y;
} else {
z.r = NA_REAL; z.i = NA_REAL;
endp = (char *) nptr; /* -Wall */
*endptr = endp;
return z;
static R_INLINE int scanchar_raw(LocalData *d)
int c = (d->ttyflag) ? ConsoleGetcharWithPushBack(d->con) :
if(c == 0) {
if(d->skipNul) {
do {
c = (d->ttyflag) ? ConsoleGetcharWithPushBack(d->con) :
} while(c == 0);
return c;
static R_INLINE void unscanchar(int c, LocalData *d)
d->save = c;
/* For second bytes in a DBCS:
should not be called when a char is saved, but be cautious
static R_INLINE int scanchar2(LocalData *d)
int next;
if (d->save) {
next = d->save;
d->save = 0;
} else
next = scanchar_raw(d);
return next;
static int scanchar(Rboolean inQuote, LocalData *d)
int next;
if (d->save) {
next = d->save;
d->save = 0;
} else
next = scanchar_raw(d);
if(next == d->comchar && !inQuote) {
next = scanchar_raw(d);
while (next != '\n' && next != R_EOF);
if(next == '\\' && d->escapes) {
next = scanchar_raw(d);
if ('0' <= next && next <= '8') {
int octal = next - '0';
if ('0' <= (next = scanchar_raw(d)) && next <= '8') {
octal = 8 * octal + next - '0';
if ('0' <= (next = scanchar_raw(d)) && next <= '8') {
octal = 8 * octal + next - '0';
} else unscanchar(next, d);
} else unscanchar(next, d);
next = octal;
} else
switch(next) {
case 'a': next = '\a'; break;
case 'b': next = '\b'; break;
case 'f': next = '\f'; break;
case 'n': next = '\n'; break;
case 'r': next = '\r'; break;
case 't': next = '\t'; break;
case 'v': next = '\v'; break;
case 'x': {
int val = 0; int i, ext;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
next = scanchar_raw(d);
if(next >= '0' && next <= '9') ext = next - '0';
else if (next >= 'A' && next <= 'F') ext = next - 'A' + 10;
else if (next >= 'a' && next <= 'f') ext = next - 'a' + 10;
else {unscanchar(next, d); break;}
val = 16*val + ext;
next = val;
/* Any other char and even EOF escapes to itself, but we
need to preserve \" etc inside quotes.
if(inQuote && strchr(d->quoteset, next)) {
unscanchar(next, d);
next = '\\';
return next;
#include "RBufferUtils.h"
SEXP countfields(SEXP args)
SEXP ans, file, sep, bns, quotes, comstr;
int nfields, nskip, i, c, inquote, quote = 0;
int blocksize, nlines, blskip;
const char *p;
Rboolean dbcslocale = (MB_CUR_MAX == 2);
LocalData data = {NULL, 0, 0, '.', NULL, NO_COMCHAR, 0, NULL, FALSE,
data.NAstrings = R_NilValue;
args = CDR(args);
file = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
sep = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
quotes = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
nskip = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
blskip = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
comstr = CAR(args);
if (TYPEOF(comstr) != STRSXP || length(comstr) != 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "comment.char");
p = translateChar(STRING_ELT(comstr, 0));
data.comchar = NO_COMCHAR; /* here for -Wall */
if (strlen(p) > 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "comment.char");
else if (strlen(p) == 1) data.comchar = (unsigned char)*p;
if (nskip < 0 || nskip == NA_INTEGER) nskip = 0;
if (blskip == NA_LOGICAL) blskip = 1;
if (isString(sep) || isNull(sep)) {
if (length(sep) == 0) data.sepchar = 0;
else data.sepchar = (unsigned char) translateChar(STRING_ELT(sep, 0))[0];
/* gets compared to chars: bug prior to 1.7.0 */
} else error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "sep");
if (isString(quotes)) {
const char *sc = translateChar(STRING_ELT(quotes, 0));
if (strlen(sc)) data.quoteset = strdup(sc);
else data.quoteset = "";
} else if (isNull(quotes))
data.quoteset = "";
error(_("invalid quote symbol set"));
i = asInteger(file);
data.con = getConnection(i);
if(i == 0) {
data.ttyflag = 1;
} else {
data.ttyflag = 0;
data.wasopen = data.con->isopen;
if(!data.wasopen) {
strcpy(data.con->mode, "r");
error(_("cannot open the connection"));
if(!data.con->canread) {
error(_("cannot read from this connection"));
} else {
error(_("cannot read from this connection"));
for (i = 0; i < nskip; i++) /* MBCS-safe */
while ((c = scanchar(FALSE, &data)) != '\n' && c != R_EOF);
blocksize = SCAN_BLOCKSIZE;
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, blocksize));
nlines = 0;
nfields = 0;
inquote = 0; = 0;
for (;;) {
c = scanchar(inquote, &data);
if (c == R_EOF) {
if (nfields != 0)
INTEGER(ans)[nlines] = nfields;
else nlines--;
goto donecf;
else if (c == '\n') {
if (inquote) {
INTEGER(ans)[nlines] = NA_INTEGER;
} else if (nfields || !blskip) {
INTEGER(ans)[nlines] = nfields;
nfields = 0;
inquote = 0;
if (nlines == blocksize) {
bns = ans;
blocksize = 2 * blocksize;
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, blocksize);
copyVector(ans, bns);
else if (data.sepchar) {
if (nfields == 0)
if (inquote && c == R_EOF) {
if(!data.wasopen) data.con->close(data.con);
error(_("quoted string on line %d terminated by EOF"), inquote);
if (inquote && c == quote)
inquote = 0;
else if (strchr(data.quoteset, c)) {
inquote = nlines + 1;
quote = c;
if (c == data.sepchar && !inquote)
else if (!Rspace(c)) {
if (strchr(data.quoteset, c)) {
quote = c;
inquote = nlines + 1;
while ((c = scanchar(inquote, &data)) != quote) {
if (c == R_EOF) {
if(!data.wasopen) data.con->close(data.con);
error(_("quoted string on line %d terminated by EOF"), inquote);
} else if (c == '\n') {
INTEGER(ans)[nlines] = NA_INTEGER;
if (nlines == blocksize) {
bns = ans;
blocksize = 2 * blocksize;
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, blocksize);
copyVector(ans, bns);
inquote = 0;
} else {
do {
if(dbcslocale && btowc(c) == WEOF) scanchar2(&data);
c = scanchar(FALSE, &data);
} while (!Rspace(c) && c != R_EOF);
if (c == R_EOF) c = '\n';
unscanchar(c, &data);
/* we might have a character that was unscanchar-ed.
So pushback if possible */
if ( && !data.ttyflag && data.wasopen) {
char line[2] = " ";
line[0] = (char);
con_pushback(data.con, FALSE, line);
if(!data.wasopen) data.con->close(data.con);
if (nlines < 0) {
return R_NilValue;
if (nlines == blocksize) {
return ans;
bns = allocVector(INTSXP, nlines+1);
for (i = 0; i <= nlines; i++)
INTEGER(bns)[i] = INTEGER(ans)[i];
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
return bns;
/* A struct used by typeconvert to keep track of possible types for the input */
typedef struct typecvt_possible_types {
unsigned int islogical : 1;
unsigned int isinteger : 1;
unsigned int isreal : 1;
unsigned int iscomplex : 1;
} Typecvt_Info;
/* Sets fields of typeInfo, ruling out possible types based on s.
* The typeInfo struct should be initialized with all fields TRUE.
static void ruleout_types(const char *s, Typecvt_Info *typeInfo, LocalData *data,
Rboolean exact)
int res;
char *endp;
if (typeInfo->islogical) {
if (strcmp(s, "F") == 0 || strcmp(s, "T") == 0 ||
strcmp(s, "FALSE") == 0 || strcmp(s, "TRUE") == 0) {
typeInfo->isinteger = FALSE;
typeInfo->isreal = FALSE;
typeInfo->iscomplex = FALSE;
return; // short cut
} else {
typeInfo->islogical = FALSE;
if (typeInfo->isinteger) {
res = Strtoi(s, 10);
if (res == NA_INTEGER)
typeInfo->isinteger = FALSE;
if (typeInfo->isreal) {
Strtod(s, &endp, TRUE, data, exact);
if (!isBlankString(endp))
typeInfo->isreal = FALSE;
if (typeInfo->iscomplex) {
strtoc(s, &endp, TRUE, data, exact);
if (!isBlankString(endp))
typeInfo->iscomplex = FALSE;
/* type.convert(char, na.strings,, dec, numerals) */
/* This is a horrible hack which is used in read.table to take a
character variable, if possible to convert it to a logical,
integer, numeric or complex variable. If this is not possible,
the result is a character string if == TRUE
or a factor if == FALSE. */
SEXP typeconvert(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
SEXP cvec, a, dup, levs, dims, names, dec, numerals;
SEXP rval = R_NilValue; /* -Wall */
int i, j, len, asIs, i_exact;
Rboolean done = FALSE, exact;
char *endp;
const char *tmp = NULL;
LocalData data = {NULL, 0, 0, '.', NULL, NO_COMCHAR, 0, NULL, FALSE,
Typecvt_Info typeInfo; /* keep track of possible types of cvec */
typeInfo.islogical = TRUE; /* we can't rule anything out initially */
typeInfo.isinteger = TRUE;
typeInfo.isreal = TRUE;
typeInfo.iscomplex = TRUE;
data.NAstrings = R_NilValue;
args = CDR(args);
if (!isString(CAR(args)))
error(_("the first argument must be of mode character"));
data.NAstrings = CADR(args);
if (TYPEOF(data.NAstrings) != STRSXP)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na.strings");
asIs = asLogical(CADDR(args));
if (asIs == NA_LOGICAL) asIs = 0;
dec = CADDDR(args);
if (isString(dec) || isNull(dec)) {
if (length(dec) == 0)
data.decchar = '.';
data.decchar = translateChar(STRING_ELT(dec, 0))[0];
numerals = CAD4R(args); // string, one of c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss")
if (isString(numerals)) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(numerals, 0));
if(strcmp(tmp, "allow.loss") == 0) {
i_exact = FALSE;
exact = FALSE;
} else if(strcmp(tmp, "warn.loss") == 0) {
i_exact = NA_INTEGER;
exact = FALSE;
} else if(strcmp(tmp, "no.loss") == 0) {
i_exact = TRUE;
exact = TRUE;
} else // should never happen
error(_("invalid 'numerals' string: \"%s\""), tmp);
} else { // (currently never happens): use default
i_exact = FALSE;
exact = FALSE;
cvec = CAR(args);
len = length(cvec);
/* save the dim/dimnames attributes */
PROTECT(dims = getAttrib(cvec, R_DimSymbol));
if (isArray(cvec))
PROTECT(names = getAttrib(cvec, R_DimNamesSymbol));
PROTECT(names = getAttrib(cvec, R_NamesSymbol));
/* Find the first non-NA entry (empty => NA) */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
if (!(STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING || strlen(tmp) == 0
|| isNAstring(tmp, 1, &data) || isBlankString(tmp)))
if (i < len) { // Found non-NA entry; use it to screen:
ruleout_types(tmp, &typeInfo, &data, exact);
if (typeInfo.islogical) {
PROTECT(rval = allocVector(LGLSXP, len));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING || strlen(tmp) == 0
|| isNAstring(tmp, 1, &data) || isBlankString(tmp))
else {
if (strcmp(tmp, "F") == 0 || strcmp(tmp, "FALSE") == 0)
LOGICAL(rval)[i] = 0;
else if(strcmp(tmp, "T") == 0 || strcmp(tmp, "TRUE") == 0)
LOGICAL(rval)[i] = 1;
else {
typeInfo.islogical = FALSE;
ruleout_types(tmp, &typeInfo, &data, exact);
if (typeInfo.islogical) done = TRUE; else UNPROTECT(1);
if (!done && typeInfo.isinteger) {
PROTECT(rval = allocVector(INTSXP, len));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING || strlen(tmp) == 0
|| isNAstring(tmp, 1, &data) || isBlankString(tmp))
else {
INTEGER(rval)[i] = Strtoi(tmp, 10);
if (INTEGER(rval)[i] == NA_INTEGER) {
typeInfo.isinteger = FALSE;
ruleout_types(tmp, &typeInfo, &data, exact);
if(typeInfo.isinteger) done = TRUE; else UNPROTECT(1);
if (!done && typeInfo.isreal) {
PROTECT(rval = allocVector(REALSXP, len));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING || strlen(tmp) == 0
|| isNAstring(tmp, 1, &data) || isBlankString(tmp))
REAL(rval)[i] = NA_REAL;
else {
REAL(rval)[i] = Strtod(tmp, &endp, FALSE, &data, i_exact);
if (!isBlankString(endp)) {
typeInfo.isreal = FALSE;
ruleout_types(tmp, &typeInfo, &data, exact);
if(typeInfo.isreal) done = TRUE; else UNPROTECT(1);
if (!done && typeInfo.iscomplex) {
PROTECT(rval = allocVector(CPLXSXP, len));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
tmp = CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING || strlen(tmp) == 0
|| isNAstring(tmp, 1, &data) || isBlankString(tmp))
COMPLEX(rval)[i].r = COMPLEX(rval)[i].i = NA_REAL;
else {
COMPLEX(rval)[i] = strtoc(tmp, &endp, FALSE, &data, i_exact);
if (!isBlankString(endp)) {
typeInfo.iscomplex = FALSE;
/* this is not needed, unless other cases are added */
ruleout_types(tmp, &typeInfo, &data, exact);
if(typeInfo.iscomplex) done = TRUE; else UNPROTECT(1);
if (!done) {
if (asIs) {
PROTECT(rval = duplicate(cvec));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(isNAstring(CHAR(STRING_ELT(rval, i)), 1, &data))
else {
PROTECT(dup = duplicated(cvec, FALSE));
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
/* <NA> is never to be a level here */
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING) continue;
if (LOGICAL(dup)[i] == 0 && !isNAstring(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i)), 1, &data))
PROTECT(levs = allocVector(STRSXP,j));
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (STRING_ELT(cvec, i) == NA_STRING) continue;
if (LOGICAL(dup)[i] == 0 && !isNAstring(CHAR(STRING_ELT(cvec, i)), 1, &data))
SET_STRING_ELT(levs, j++, STRING_ELT(cvec, i));
/* We avoid an allocation by reusing dup,
* a LGLSXP of the right length
rval = dup;
/* put the levels in lexicographic order */
sortVector(levs, FALSE);
PROTECT(a = matchE(levs, cvec, NA_INTEGER, env));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
INTEGER(rval)[i] = INTEGER(a)[i];
setAttrib(rval, R_LevelsSymbol, levs);
PROTECT(a = mkString("factor"));
setAttrib(rval, R_ClassSymbol, a);
setAttrib(rval, R_DimSymbol, dims);
setAttrib(rval, isArray(cvec) ? R_DimNamesSymbol : R_NamesSymbol, names);
return rval;
/* Works with digits, but OK in UTF-8 */
SEXP menu(SEXP choices)
int c, j;
double first;
char buffer[MAXELTSIZE], *bufp = buffer;
LocalData data = {NULL, 0, 0, '.', NULL, NO_COMCHAR, 0, NULL, FALSE,
data.NAstrings = R_NilValue;
if (!isString(choices))
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "choices");
snprintf(ConsolePrompt, CONSOLE_PROMPT_SIZE, _("Selection: "));
while ((c = ConsoleGetchar()) != '\n' && c != R_EOF) {
if (bufp >= &buffer[MAXELTSIZE - 2]) continue;
*bufp++ = (char) c;
*bufp++ = '\0';
ConsolePrompt[0] = '\0';
bufp = buffer;
while (Rspace((int)*bufp)) bufp++;
first = LENGTH(choices) + 1;
if (isdigit((int)*bufp)) {
first = Strtod(buffer, NULL, TRUE, &data, /*exact*/FALSE);
} else {
for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(choices); j++) {
if (streql(translateChar(STRING_ELT(choices, j)), buffer)) {
first = j + 1;
return ScalarInteger((int)first);
/* readTableHead(file, nlines, comment.char, blank.lines.skip, quote, sep) */
/* simplified version of readLines, with skip of blank lines and
comment-only lines */
#define BUF_SIZE 1000
SEXP readtablehead(SEXP args)
SEXP file, comstr, ans = R_NilValue, ans2, quotes, sep;
int nlines, i, c, quote = 0, nread, nbuf, buf_size = BUF_SIZE,
blskip, skipNul;
const char *p; char *buf;
Rboolean empty, skip, firstnonwhite;
LocalData data = {NULL, 0, 0, '.', NULL, NO_COMCHAR, 0, NULL, FALSE,
data.NAstrings = R_NilValue;
args = CDR(args);
file = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
nlines = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
comstr = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
blskip = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
quotes = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
sep = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
skipNul = asLogical(CAR(args));
if (nlines <= 0 || nlines == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nlines");
if (blskip == NA_LOGICAL) blskip = 1;
if (isString(quotes)) {
const char *sc = translateChar(STRING_ELT(quotes, 0));
/* FIXME: will leak memory at long jump */
if (strlen(sc)) data.quoteset = strdup(sc);
else data.quoteset = "";
} else if (isNull(quotes))
data.quoteset = "";
error(_("invalid quote symbol set"));
if (TYPEOF(comstr) != STRSXP || length(comstr) != 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "comment.char");
p = translateChar(STRING_ELT(comstr, 0));
data.comchar = NO_COMCHAR; /* here for -Wall */
if (strlen(p) > 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "comment.char");
else if (strlen(p) == 1) data.comchar = (int)*p;
if (isString(sep) || isNull(sep)) {
if (length(sep) == 0) data.sepchar = 0;
else data.sepchar = (unsigned char) translateChar(STRING_ELT(sep, 0))[0];
/* gets compared to chars: bug prior to 1.7.0 */
} else error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "sep");
if (skipNul == NA_LOGICAL) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "skipNul");
data.skipNul = skipNul;
i = asInteger(file);
data.con = getConnection(i);
data.ttyflag = (i == 0);
data.wasopen = data.con->isopen;
if(!data.wasopen) {
strcpy(data.con->mode, "r");
if(!data.con->open(data.con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
} else { /* for a non-blocking connection, more input may
have become available, so re-position */
if(data.con->canseek && !data.con->blocking)
data.con->seek(data.con, data.con->seek(data.con, -1, 1, 1), 1, 1);
/* FIXME: will leak memory at long jump */
buf = (char *) malloc(buf_size);
error(_("cannot allocate buffer in 'readTableHead'"));
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, nlines));
for(nread = 0; nread < nlines; ) {
nbuf = 0; empty = TRUE; skip = FALSE; firstnonwhite = TRUE;
if (data.ttyflag)
snprintf(ConsolePrompt, CONSOLE_PROMPT_SIZE, "%d: ", nread);
/* want to interpret comments here, not in scanchar */
while((c = scanchar(TRUE, &data)) != R_EOF) {
if(nbuf >= buf_size - 3) {
buf_size *= 2;
/* FIXME: will leak memory at long jump */
char *tmp = (char *) realloc(buf, buf_size);
if(!tmp) {
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
error(_("cannot allocate buffer in 'readTableHead'"));
} else buf = tmp;
/* Need to handle escaped embedded quotes, and how they are
escaped depends on 'sep' */
if(quote) {
if(data.sepchar == 0 && c == '\\') {
/* all escapes should be passed through */
/* fillBuffer would not copy a backslash preceding quote */
buf[nbuf++] = (char) c;
c = scanchar(TRUE, &data);
if(c == R_EOF) {
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
error(_("\\ followed by EOF"));
buf[nbuf++] = (char) c;
} else if(quote && c == quote) {
if(data.sepchar == 0)
quote = 0;
else { /* need to check for doubled quote */
char c2 = (char) scanchar(TRUE, &data);
if(c2 == quote)
buf[nbuf++] = (char) c; /* and c = c2 */
else {
unscanchar(c2, &data);
quote = 0;
} else if(!skip && (firstnonwhite || data.sepchar != 0) && strchr(data.quoteset, c))
quote = c;
else if (!skip && data.sepchar == 0 && Rspace(c))
/* firstnonwhite stays true within quoted section */
firstnonwhite = TRUE;
else if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') firstnonwhite = FALSE;
/* A line is empty only if it contains nothing before
EOL, EOF or a comment char.
A line containing just white space is not empty if sep=","
However foo\nEOF does not have a final empty line.
if(empty && !skip)
if(c != '\n' && c != data.comchar) empty = FALSE;
if(!quote && !skip && c == data.comchar) skip = TRUE;
if(quote || c != '\n') buf[nbuf++] = (char) c; else break;
buf[nbuf] = '\0';
if(data.ttyflag && empty) goto no_more_lines;
if(!empty || (c != R_EOF && !blskip)) { /* see previous comment */
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, nread, mkChar(buf));
if (strlen(buf) < nbuf) // PR#15625
warning("line %d appears to contain embedded nulls", nread);
if(c == R_EOF) goto no_more_lines;
if(!data.wasopen) data.con->close(data.con);
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
return ans;
if(!data.wasopen) data.con->close(data.con);
if(nbuf > 0) { /* incomplete last line */
if(data.con->text && data.con->blocking) {
warning(_("incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on '%s'"),
} else {
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
error(_("incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on '%s'"),
PROTECT(ans2 = allocVector(STRSXP, nread));
for(i = 0; i < nread; i++)
SET_STRING_ELT(ans2, i, STRING_ELT(ans, i));
if (data.quoteset[0]) free(data.quoteset);
return ans2;
/* --------- write.table --------- */
/* write.table(x, file, nr, nc, rnames, sep, eol, na, dec, quote, qstring)
x is a matrix or data frame
file is a connection
sep eol dec qstring are character strings
quote is a numeric vector
static Rboolean isna(SEXP x, R_xlen_t indx)
Rcomplex rc;
switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
case LGLSXP:
return LOGICAL(x)[indx] == NA_LOGICAL;
case INTSXP:
return INTEGER(x)[indx] == NA_INTEGER;
return ISNAN(REAL(x)[indx]);
case STRSXP:
return STRING_ELT(x, indx) == NA_STRING;
rc = COMPLEX(x)[indx];
return ISNAN(rc.r) || ISNAN(rc.i);
return FALSE;
/* a version of EncodeElement with different escaping of char strings */
static const char
*EncodeElement2(SEXP x, R_xlen_t indx, Rboolean quote,
Rboolean qmethod, R_StringBuffer *buff, const char *dec)
int nbuf;
char *q;
const char *p, *p0;
if (indx < 0 || indx >= xlength(x))
error(_("index out of range"));
if(TYPEOF(x) == STRSXP) {
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
p0 = translateChar(STRING_ELT(x, indx));
if(!quote) return p0;
for(nbuf = 2, p = p0; *p; p++) /* find buffer length needed */
nbuf += (*p == '"') ? 2 : 1;
R_AllocStringBuffer(nbuf, buff);
q = buff->data; *q++ = '"';
for(p = p0; *p;) {
if(*p == '"') *q++ = qmethod ? '\\' : '"';
*q++ = *p++;
*q++ = '"'; *q = '\0';
return buff->data;
return EncodeElement0(x, indx, quote ? '"' : 0, dec);
typedef struct wt_info {
Rboolean wasopen;
Rconnection con;
R_StringBuffer *buf;
int savedigits;
} wt_info;
/* utility to cleanup e.g. after interrupts */
static void wt_cleanup(void *data)
wt_info *ld = data;
if(!ld->wasopen) {
errno = 0;
if (ld->con->status != NA_INTEGER && ld->con->status < 0) {
int serrno = errno;
if (serrno)
warning(_("Problem closing connection: %s"), strerror(serrno));
warning(_("Problem closing connection"));
R_print.digits = ld->savedigits;
SEXP writetable(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
SEXP x, sep, rnames, eol, na, dec, quote, xj;
Rboolean wasopen, quote_rn = FALSE, *quote_col;
Rconnection con;
const char *csep, *ceol, *cna, *sdec, *tmp = NULL /* -Wall */;
SEXP *levels;
R_StringBuffer strBuf = {NULL, 0, MAXELTSIZE};
wt_info wi;
RCNTXT cntxt;
args = CDR(args);
x = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
/* this is going to be a connection open or openable for writing */
if(!inherits(CAR(args), "connection"))
error(_("'file' is not a connection"));
con = getConnection(asInteger(CAR(args))); args = CDR(args);
error(_("cannot write to this connection"));
wasopen = con->isopen;
if(!wasopen) {
strcpy(con->mode, "wt");
if(!con->open(con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
int nr = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
int nc = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
rnames = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
sep = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
eol = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
na = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
dec = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
quote = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
int qmethod = asLogical(CAR(args));
if(nr == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nr");
if(nc == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nc");
if(!isNull(rnames) && !isString(rnames))
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "rnames");
if(!isString(sep)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "sep");
if(!isString(eol)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "eol");
if(!isString(na)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na");
if(!isString(dec)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "dec");
if(qmethod == NA_LOGICAL) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "qmethod");
csep = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sep, 0));
ceol = translateChar(STRING_ELT(eol, 0));
cna = translateChar(STRING_ELT(na, 0));
sdec = translateChar(STRING_ELT(dec, 0));
if(strlen(sdec) != 1)
error(_("'dec' must be a single character"));
quote_col = (Rboolean *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(Rboolean));
for(int j = 0; j < nc; j++) quote_col[j] = FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < length(quote); i++) { /* NB, quote might be NULL */
int this = INTEGER(quote)[i];
if(this == 0) quote_rn = TRUE;
if(this > 0) quote_col[this - 1] = TRUE;
R_AllocStringBuffer(0, &strBuf);
wi.savedigits = R_print.digits; R_print.digits = DBL_DIG;/* MAX precision */
wi.con = con;
wi.wasopen = wasopen;
wi.buf = &strBuf;
begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, call, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
cntxt.cend = &wt_cleanup;
cntxt.cenddata = &wi;
if(isVectorList(x)) { /* A data frame */
/* handle factors internally, check integrity */
levels = (SEXP *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(SEXP));
for(int j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
if(LENGTH(xj) != nr)
error(_("corrupt data frame -- length of column %d does not match nrows"),
if(inherits(xj, "factor")) {
levels[j] = getAttrib(xj, R_LevelsSymbol);
} else levels[j] = R_NilValue;
for(int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if(i % 1000 == 999) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
Rconn_printf(con, "%s%s",
EncodeElement2(rnames, i, quote_rn, qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec), csep);
for(int j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
if(j > 0) Rconn_printf(con, "%s", csep);
if(isna(xj, i)) tmp = cna;
else {
if(!isNull(levels[j])) {
/* We do not assume factors have integer levels,
although they should. */
if(TYPEOF(xj) == INTSXP)
tmp = EncodeElement2(levels[j], INTEGER(xj)[i] - 1,
quote_col[j], qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec);
else if(TYPEOF(xj) == REALSXP)
tmp = EncodeElement2(levels[j],
(R_xlen_t) (REAL(xj)[i] - 1),
quote_col[j], qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec);
error(_("column %s claims to be a factor but does not have numeric codes"),
} else {
tmp = EncodeElement2(xj, i, quote_col[j], qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec);
Rconn_printf(con, "%s", tmp);
Rconn_printf(con, "%s", ceol);
} else { /* A matrix */
UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("write.table, matrix method", x);
/* quick integrity check */
if(XLENGTH(x) != (R_xlen_t)nr * nc)
error(_("corrupt matrix -- dims do not match length"));
for(int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if(i % 1000 == 999) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
Rconn_printf(con, "%s%s",
EncodeElement2(rnames, i, quote_rn, qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec), csep);
for(int j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
if(j > 0) Rconn_printf(con, "%s", csep);
if(isna(x, i + (R_xlen_t)j*nr)) tmp = cna;
else {
tmp = EncodeElement2(x, i + (R_xlen_t)j*nr,
quote_col[j], qmethod,
&strBuf, sdec);
Rconn_printf(con, "%s", tmp);
Rconn_printf(con, "%s", ceol);
return R_NilValue;