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% File src/library/grDevices/man/make.rgb.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2012 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Create colour spaces }
These functions specify colour spaces for use in
make.rgb(red, green, blue, name = NULL, white = "D65",
gamma = 2.2)
colorConverter(toXYZ, fromXYZ, name, white = NULL, vectorized = FALSE)
\item{red,green,blue}{Chromaticity (xy or xyY) of RGB primaries}
\item{name}{Name for the colour space}
\item{white}{Character string specifying the reference white (see
\item{gamma}{Display gamma (nonlinearity). A positive number or the
string \code{"sRGB"} }
\item{fromXYZ}{Function to convert from XYZ tristimulus coordinates
to this space}
\item{toXYZ}{Function to convert from this space to XYZ tristimulus
\item{vectorized}{Whether \code{fromXYZ} and \code{toXYZ} are
vectorized internally to handle input color matrices.}
An RGB colour space is defined by the chromaticities of the red, green and
blue primaries. These are given as vectors of length 2 or 3 in xyY
coordinates (the Y component is not used and may be omitted).
The chromaticities are defined relative to a reference white, which
must be one of the CIE standard illuminants: "A", "B", "C",
"D50", "D55", "D60", "E" (usually "D65").
The display gamma is most commonly 2.2, though 1.8 is used for Apple RGB.
The sRGB standard specifies a more complicated function that is close
to a gamma of 2.2; \code{gamma = "sRGB"} uses this function.
Colour spaces other than RGB can be specified directly by giving
conversions to and from XYZ tristimulus coordinates.
The functions should take two arguments. The first is a vector giving the
coordinates for one colour. The second argument is the reference
white. If a specific reference white is included in the definition of
the colour space (as for the RGB spaces) this second argument should
be ignored and may be \code{...}.
As of R 3.6.0 the built in color converters along with
\code{\link{convertColor}} were vectorized to process three column
color matrices in one call, instead of row by row via \code{\link{apply}}.
In order to maintain backwards compatibility, \code{colorConverter} wraps
\code{fromXYZ} and \code{toXYZ} in a \code{apply} loop in case they do not
also support matrix inputs. If the \code{fromXYZ} and \code{toXYZ} functions
you are using operate correctly on the whole color matrix at once instead of
row by row, you can set \code{vectorized=TRUE} for a performance improvement.
An object of class \code{colorConverter}
Conversion algorithms from \url{}.
(pal <- make.rgb(red = c(0.6400, 0.3300),
green = c(0.2900, 0.6000),
blue = c(0.1500, 0.0600),
name = "PAL/SECAM RGB"))
## converter for sRGB in #rrggbb format
hexcolor <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
if (min(rgb) < 0 || max(rgb) > 1)
else rgb(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3])},
white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb")
(cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())))
zapsmall(luv <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Luv", = 255))
(hex <- convertColor(luv, from = "Luv", to = hexcolor, scale.out = NULL))
## must make hex a matrix before using it
(cc <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB", = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(cc == cols)
## Internally vectorized version of hexcolor, notice the use
## of `vectorized = TRUE`:
hexcolorv <- colorConverter(toXYZ = function(hex, ...) {
rgb <- t(col2rgb(hex))/255
colorspaces$sRGB$toXYZ(rgb, ...) },
fromXYZ = function(xyz, ...) {
rgb <- colorspaces$sRGB$fromXYZ(xyz, ...)
rgb <- round(rgb, 5)
oob <- pmin(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) < 0 |
pmax(rgb[,1],rgb[,2],rgb[,3]) > 0
res <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(rgb))
res[!oob] <- rgb(rgb[!oob,,drop=FALSE])},
white = "D65", name = "#rrggbb",
(ccv <- round(convertColor(as.matrix(hex), from = hexcolor, to = "sRGB", = NULL, scale.out = 255)))
stopifnot(ccv == cols)