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% File src/library/stats/man/family.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Family Objects for Models}
family(object, \dots)
binomial(link = "logit")
gaussian(link = "identity")
Gamma(link = "inverse")
inverse.gaussian(link = "1/mu^2")
poisson(link = "log")
quasi(link = "identity", variance = "constant")
quasibinomial(link = "logit")
quasipoisson(link = "log")
\item{link}{a specification for the model link function. This can be
a name/expression, a literal character string, a length-one character
vector, or an object of class
\code{"\link[]{link-glm}"} (such as generated by
\code{\link{}}) provided it is not specified
\emph{via} one of the standard names given next.
The \code{gaussian} family accepts the links (as names)
\code{identity}, \code{log} and \code{inverse};
the \code{binomial} family the links \code{logit},
\code{probit}, \code{cauchit}, (corresponding to logistic,
normal and Cauchy CDFs respectively) \code{log} and
\code{cloglog} (complementary log-log);
the \code{Gamma} family the links \code{inverse}, \code{identity}
and \code{log};
the \code{poisson} family the links \code{log}, \code{identity},
and \code{sqrt}; and the \code{inverse.gaussian} family the links
\code{1/mu^2}, \code{inverse}, \code{identity}
and \code{log}.
The \code{quasi} family accepts the links \code{logit}, \code{probit},
\code{cloglog}, \code{identity}, \code{inverse},
\code{log}, \code{1/mu^2} and \code{sqrt}, and
the function \code{\link{power}} can be used to create a
power link function.
\item{variance}{for all families other than \code{quasi}, the variance
function is determined by the family. The \code{quasi} family will
accept the literal character string (or unquoted as a name/expression)
specifications \code{"constant"}, \code{"mu(1-mu)"}, \code{"mu"},
\code{"mu^2"} and \code{"mu^3"}, a length-one character vector
taking one of those values, or a list containing components
\code{varfun}, \code{validmu}, \code{dev.resids}, \code{initialize}
and \code{name}.
\item{object}{the function \code{family} accesses the \code{family}
objects which are stored within objects created by modelling
functions (e.g., \code{glm}).}
\item{\dots}{further arguments passed to methods.}
Family objects provide a convenient way to specify the details of the
models used by functions such as \code{\link{glm}}. See the
documentation for \code{\link{glm}} for the details on how such model
fitting takes place.
\code{family} is a generic function with methods for classes
\code{"glm"} and \code{"lm"} (the latter returning \code{gaussian()}).
For the \code{binomial} and \code{quasibinomial} families the response
can be specified in one of three ways:
\item As a factor: \sQuote{success} is interpreted as the factor not
having the first level (and hence usually of having the second level).
\item As a numerical vector with values between \code{0} and
\code{1}, interpreted as the proportion of successful cases (with the
total number of cases given by the \code{weights}).
\item As a two-column integer matrix: the first column gives the
number of successes and the second the number of failures.
The \code{quasibinomial} and \code{quasipoisson} families differ from
the \code{binomial} and \code{poisson} families only in that the
dispersion parameter is not fixed at one, so they can model
over-dispersion. For the binomial case see McCullagh and Nelder
(1989, pp.\sspace{}124--8). Although they show that there is (under some
restrictions) a model with
variance proportional to mean as in the quasi-binomial model, note
that \code{glm} does not compute maximum-likelihood estimates in that
model. The behaviour of S is closer to the quasi- variants.
The \code{link} and \code{variance} arguments have rather awkward
semantics for back-compatibility. The recommended way is to supply
them as quoted character strings, but they can also be supplied
unquoted (as names or expressions). Additionally, they can be
supplied as a length-one character vector giving the name of one of
the options, or as a list (for \code{link}, of class
\code{"link-glm"}). The restrictions apply only to links given as
names: when given as a character string all the links known to
\code{\link{}} are accepted.
This is potentially ambiguous: supplying \code{link = logit} could mean
the unquoted name of a link or the value of object \code{logit}. It
is interpreted if possible as the name of an allowed link, then
as an object. (You can force the interpretation to always be the value of
an object via \code{logit[1]}.)
An object of class \code{"family"} (which has a concise print method).
This is a list with elements
\item{family}{character: the family name.}
\item{link}{character: the link name.}
\item{linkfun}{function: the link.}
\item{linkinv}{function: the inverse of the link function.}
\item{variance}{function: the variance as a function of the mean.}
\item{dev.resids}{function giving the deviance for each observation
as a function of \code{(y, mu, wt)}, used by the
\code{\link[=residuals.glm]{residuals}} method when computing
deviance residuals.}
\item{aic}{function giving the AIC value if appropriate (but \code{NA}
for the quasi- families). More precisely, this function
returns \eqn{-2\ell + 2 s}{-2 ll + 2 s}, where \eqn{\ell}{ll} is the
log-likelihood and \eqn{s} is the number of estimated scale
parameters. Note that the penalty term for the location parameters
(typically the \dQuote{regression coefficients}) is added elsewhere,
e.g., in \code{\link{}()}, or \code{\link{AIC}()}, see the
AIC example in \code{\link{glm}}.
See \code{\link{logLik}} for the assumptions made about the
dispersion parameter.}
\item{mu.eta}{function: derivative of the inverse-link function
with respect to the linear predictor. If the inverse-link
function is \eqn{\mu = g^{-1}(\eta)}{mu = ginv(eta)} where
\eqn{\eta}{eta} is the value of the linear predictor, then this
function returns
\eqn{d(g^{-1})/d\eta = d\mu/d\eta}{d(ginv(eta))/d(eta) = d(mu)/d(eta)}.}
\item{initialize}{expression. This needs to set up whatever data
objects are needed for the family as well as \code{n} (needed for
AIC in the binomial family) and \code{mustart} (see \code{\link{glm}}).}
\item{validmu}{logical function. Returns \code{TRUE} if a mean
vector \code{mu} is within the domain of \code{variance}.}
\item{valideta}{logical function. Returns \code{TRUE} if a linear
predictor \code{eta} is within the domain of \code{linkinv}.}
\item{simulate}{(optional) function \code{simulate(object, nsim)} to be
called by the \code{"lm"} method of \code{\link{simulate}}. It will
normally return a matrix with \code{nsim} columns and one row for
each fitted value, but it can also return a list of length
\code{nsim}. Clearly this will be missing for \sQuote{quasi-} families.}
McCullagh P. and Nelder, J. A. (1989)
\emph{Generalized Linear Models.}
London: Chapman and Hall.
Dobson, A. J. (1983)
\emph{An Introduction to Statistical Modelling.}
London: Chapman and Hall.
Cox, D. R. and Snell, E. J. (1981).
\emph{Applied Statistics; Principles and Examples.}
London: Chapman and Hall.
Hastie, T. J. and Pregibon, D. (1992)
\emph{Generalized linear models.}
Chapter 6 of \emph{Statistical Models in S}
eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
The design was inspired by S functions of the same names described
in Hastie & Pregibon (1992) (except \code{quasibinomial} and
\code{\link{glm}}, \code{\link{power}}, \code{\link{}}.
For binomial \emph{coefficients}, \code{\link{choose}};
the binomial and negative binomial \emph{distributions},
\code{\link{Binomial}}, and \code{\link{NegBinomial}}.
require(utils) # for str
nf <- gaussian() # Normal family
gf <- Gamma()
gf$variance(-3:4) #- == (.)^2
## Binomial with default 'logit' link: Check some properties visually:
bi <- binomial()
et <- seq(-10,10, by=1/8)
plot(et, bi$mu.eta(et), type="l")
## show that mu.eta() is derivative of linkinv() :
lines((et[-1]+et[-length(et)])/2, col=adjustcolor("red", 1/4),
diff(bi$linkinv(et))/diff(et), type="l", lwd=4)
## which here is the logistic density:
lines(et, dlogis(et), lwd=3, col=adjustcolor("blue", 1/4))
stopifnot(exprs = {
all.equal(bi$ mu.eta(et), dlogis(et))
all.equal(bi$linkinv(et), plogis(et) -> m)
all.equal(bi$linkfun(m ), qlogis(m)) # logit(.) == qlogis(.) !
## Data from example(glm) :
d.AD <- data.frame(treatment = gl(3,3),
outcome = gl(3,1,9),
counts = c(18,17,15, 20,10,20, 25,13,12))
glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, d.AD, family = poisson())
## Quasipoisson: compare with above / example(glm) :
glm.qD93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, d.AD, family = quasipoisson())
anova (glm.qD93, test = "F")
## for Poisson results (same as from 'glm.D93' !) use
anova (glm.qD93, dispersion = 1, test = "Chisq")
summary(glm.qD93, dispersion = 1)
## Example of user-specified link, a logit model for p^days
## See Shaffer, T. 2004. Auk 121(2): 526-540.
logexp <- function(days = 1)
linkfun <- function(mu) qlogis(mu^(1/days))
linkinv <- function(eta) plogis(eta)^days
mu.eta <- function(eta) days * plogis(eta)^(days-1) *
valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
link <- paste0("logexp(", days, ")")
structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv,
mu.eta = mu.eta, valideta = valideta, name = link),
class = "link-glm")
(bil3 <- binomial(logexp(3)))
\dontshow{stopifnot(length(bil3$mu.eta(as.double(0:5))) == 6)}
## in practice this would be used with a vector of 'days', in
## which case use an offset of 0 in the corresponding formula
## to get the null deviance right.
## Binomial with identity link: often not a good idea, as both
## computationally and conceptually difficult:
binomial(link = "identity") ## is exactly the same as
binomial(link ="identity"))
## tests of quasi
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rpois(100, exp(1+x))
glm(y ~ x, family = quasi(variance = "mu", link = "log"))
# which is the same as
glm(y ~ x, family = poisson)
glm(y ~ x, family = quasi(variance = "mu^2", link = "log"))
\dontrun{glm(y ~ x, family = quasi(variance = "mu^3", link = "log")) # fails}
y <- rbinom(100, 1, plogis(x))
# need to set a starting value for the next fit
glm(y ~ x, family = quasi(variance = "mu(1-mu)", link = "logit"), start = c(0,1))