blob: 4e3b0c6a1cebb56f879116ca19126c2cc83457b5 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/ksmooth.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Kernel Regression Smoother}
The Nadaraya--Watson kernel regression estimate.
ksmooth(x, y, kernel = c("box", "normal"), bandwidth = 0.5,
range.x = range(x),
n.points = max(100L, length(x)), x.points)
\item{x}{input x values. Long vectors are supported.}
\item{y}{input y values. Long vectors are supported.}
\item{kernel}{the kernel to be used. Can be abbreviated.}
\item{bandwidth}{the bandwidth. The kernels are scaled so that their
quartiles (viewed as probability densities) are at
\eqn{\pm}{+/-} \code{0.25*bandwidth}.}
\item{range.x}{the range of points to be covered in the output.}
\item{n.points}{the number of points at which to evaluate the fit.}
\item{x.points}{points at which to evaluate the smoothed fit. If
missing, \code{n.points} are chosen uniformly to cover
\code{range.x}. Long vectors are supported.}
A list with components
\item{x}{values at which the smoothed fit is evaluated. Guaranteed to
be in increasing order.}
\item{y}{fitted values corresponding to \code{x}.}
This function was implemented for compatibility with S,
although it is nowhere near as slow as the S function. Better kernel
smoothers are available in other packages such as \CRANpkg{KernSmooth}.
with(cars, {
plot(speed, dist)
lines(ksmooth(speed, dist, "normal", bandwidth = 2), col = 2)
lines(ksmooth(speed, dist, "normal", bandwidth = 5), col = 3)