| #### Testing print(), format() and the like --- mainly with numeric() |
| #### |
| #### to be run as |
| #### |
| #### R < print-tests.R >& print-tests.out-__version__ |
| #### == (csh) |
| opt.conformance <- 0 |
| |
| DIG <- function(d) |
| if(missing(d)) getOption("digits") else options(digits=as.integer(d)) |
| |
| DIG(7)#-- the default; just to make sure ... |
| options(width = 200) |
| |
| n1 <- 2^(4*1:7) |
| i1 <- as.integer(n1) |
| |
| v1 <- 2^c(-12, 2*(-4:-2),3,6,9) |
| v2 <- v1^(63/64) |
| ## avoid ending in `5' as printing then depends on rounding of |
| ## the run-time (and not all round to even). |
| v1[1:4] <-c(2.44140624e-04, 3.90624e-03, 1.5624e-02, 6.24e-02) |
| |
| |
| v3 <- pi*100^(-1:3) |
| v4 <- (0:2)/1000 + 1e-10 #-- tougher one |
| |
| digs1 <- c(1,2*(1:5),11:15) # 16: platform dependent |
| # 30 gives ERROR : options(digits=30) |
| digs2 <- c(1:20)#,30) gives 'error' in R: ``print.default(): invalid digits..'' |
| |
| all(i1 == n1)# TRUE |
| i1# prints nicely |
| n1# did not; does now (same as 'i1') |
| |
| round (v3, 3)#S+ & R 0.49: |
| ##[1] 0.031 3.142 314.159 31415.927 3141592.654 |
| signif(v3, 3) |
| ##R.49: [1] 0.0314 3.1400 314.0000 31400.0000 3140000.0000 |
| ##S+ [1] 3.14e-02 3.14e+00 3.14e+02 3.14e+04 3.14e+06 |
| |
| ###---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ##- Date: Tue, 20 May 97 17:11:18 +0200 |
| |
| ##- From: Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> |
| ##- To: R-devel@stat.math.ethz.ch |
| ##- Subject: R-alpha: print 'problems': print(2^30, digits=12); comments at start of function() |
| ##- |
| ##- Both of these bugs are not a real harm, |
| ##- however, they have been annoying me for too long ... ;-) |
| ##- |
| ##- 1) |
| print (2^30, digits = 12) #- WAS exponential form, unnecessarily -- now ok |
| formatC(2^30, digits = 12) #- shows you what you'd want above |
| |
| ## S and R are now the same here; note that the problem also affects |
| ## paste(.) & format(.) : |
| |
| DIG(10); paste(n1); DIG(7) |
| |
| |
| ## Assignment to .Options$digits: Does NOT work for print() nor cat() |
| for(i in digs1) { .Options$digits <- i; cat(i,":"); print (v1[-1]) } |
| |
| ## using options() *does* things |
| for(i in digs1) { DIG(i); cat(i,":"); print (v3) } |
| for(i in digs1) { DIG(i); cat(i,":", formatC(v3, digits=i, width=8),"\n") } |
| |
| |
| ## R-0.50: switches to NON-exp at 14, but should only at 15... |
| ## R-0.61++: doesn' switch at all (or at 20 only) |
| ## S-plus: does not switch at all.. |
| for(i in digs1) { cat(i,":"); print(v1, digits=i) } |
| |
| ## R 0.50-a1: switches at 10 inst. 11 |
| for(i in digs1) { cat(i,":"); print(v1[-1], digits=i) } |
| |
| for(i in digs1) { DIG(i); cat(i,":", formatC(v2, digits=i, width=8),"\n") } |
| |
| for(i in digs1) { cat(i,":"); print(v2, digits=i) } #-- exponential all thru |
| ## ^^^^^ digs2 (>= 18: PLATFORM dependent !! |
| for(i in digs1) { cat(i,":", formatC(v2, digits=i, width=8),"\n") } |
| |
| DIG(7)#-- the default; just to make sure ... |
| |
| N1 <- 10; N2 <- 7; n <- 8 |
| x <- 0:N1 |
| Mhyp <- rbind(phyper(x, N1, N2, n), dhyper(x, N1, N2, n)) |
| Mhyp |
| ##- [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] |
| ##- [1,] 0 0.0004113534 0.01336898 0.117030 0.4193747 0.7821884 0.9635952 |
| ##- [2,] 0 0.0004113534 0.01295763 0.103661 0.3023447 0.3628137 0.1814068 |
| ##- [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] |
| ##- [1,] 0.99814891 1.00000000 1 1 |
| ##- [2,] 0.03455368 0.00185109 0 0 |
| |
| m11 <- c(-1,1) |
| Mm <- pi*outer(m11, 10^(-5:5)) |
| Mm <- cbind(Mm, outer(m11, 10^-(5:1))) |
| Mm |
| do.p <- TRUE |
| do.p <- FALSE |
| for(di in 1:10) { |
| options(digits=di) |
| cat(if(do.p)"\n",formatC(di,w=2),":", format.info(Mm),"\n") |
| if(do.p)print(Mm) |
| } |
| ##-- R-0.49 (4/1997) R-0.50-a1 (7.7.97) |
| ##- 1 : 13 5 0 1 : 6 0 1 |
| ##- 2 : 8 1 1 = 2 : 8 1 1 |
| ##- 3 : 9 2 1 = 3 : 9 2 1 |
| ##- 4 : 10 3 1 = 4 : 10 3 1 |
| ##- 5 : 11 4 1 = 5 : 11 4 1 |
| ##- 6 : 12 5 1 = 6 : 12 5 1 |
| ##- 7 : 13 6 1 = 7 : 13 6 1 |
| ##- 8 : 14 7 1 = 8 : 14 7 1 |
| ##- 9 : 15 8 1 = 9 : 15 8 1 |
| ##- 10 : 16 9 1 = 10 : 16 9 1 |
| nonFin <- list(c(Inf,-Inf), c(NaN,NA), NA_real_, Inf) |
| mm <- sapply(nonFin, format.info) |
| fm <- lapply(nonFin, format) |
| w <- c(4,3,2,3) |
| stopifnot(sapply(lapply(fm, nchar), max) == w, |
| mm == rbind(w, 0, 0))# m[2,] was 2147483647; m[3,] was 1 |
| cnF <- c(lapply(nonFin, function(x) complex(re=x, im=x))[-3], |
| complex(re=NaN, im=-Inf)) |
| cmm <- sapply(cnF, format.info) |
| cfm <- lapply(cnF, format) |
| cw <- sapply(lapply(cfm, nchar), max) |
| stopifnot(cw == cmm[1,]+1 +cmm[4,]+1, |
| nchar(format(c(NA, 1 + 2i))) == 4)# wrongly was (5,4) |
| |
| |
| ##-- Ok now, everywhere |
| for(d in 1:9) {cat(d,":"); print(v4, digits=d) } |
| DIG(7) |
| |
| |
| ###------------ Very big and very small |
| umach <- unlist(.Machine)[paste("double.x", c("min","max"), sep='')] |
| xmin <- umach[1] |
| xmax <- umach[2] |
| tx <- unique(c(outer(-1:1,c(.1,1e-3,1e-7))))# 7 values (out of 9) |
| tx <- unique(sort(c(outer(umach,1+tx))))# 11 values (+ 1 Inf) |
| length(tx <- tx[is.finite(tx)]) # 11 |
| (txp <- tx[tx >= 1])#-- Positive exponent -- 4 values |
| (txn <- tx[tx < 1])#-- Negative exponent -- 7 values |
| |
| x2 <- c(0.099999994, 0.2) |
| x2 # digits=7: show all seven "9"s |
| print(x2, digits=6) # 0.1 0.2 , not 0.10 0.20 |
| v <- 6:8; names(v) <- v; sapply(v, format.info, x=x2) |
| |
| (z <- sort(c(outer(range(txn), 8^c(0,2:3))))) |
| outer(z, 0:6, signif) # had NaN's till 1.1.1 |
| |
| olddig <- options(digits=14) # RH6.0 fails at 15 |
| z <- 1.234567891234567e27 |
| for(dig in 1:14) cat(formatC(dig,w=2), |
| format(z, digits=dig), signif(z, digits=dig), "\n") |
| options(olddig) |
| # The following are tests of printf inside formatC |
| ##------ Use Emacs screen width 134 ; Courier 12 ---- |
| # cat("dig| formatC(txp, d=dig)\n") |
| # for(dig in 1:17)# about >= 18 is platform dependent [libc's printf()..]. |
| # cat(formatC(dig,w=2), formatC(txp, dig=dig, wid=-29),"\n") |
| # cat("signif() behavior\n~~~~~~~~\n", |
| # "dig| formatC(signif(txp, dig=dig), dig = dig\n") |
| # for(dig in 1:15)# |
| # cat(formatC(dig,w=2), formatC(signif(txp, d=dig), dig=dig, wid=-26),"\n") |
| |
| # if(opt.conformance >= 1) { |
| # noquote(cbind(formatC(txp, dig = 22))) |
| # } |
| |
| # cat("dig| formatC(signif(txn, d = dig), dig=dig\n") |
| # for(dig in 1:15)# |
| # cat(formatC(dig,w=2), formatC(signif(txn, d=dig), dig=dig, wid=-20),"\n") |
| |
| # ##-- Testing 'print' / digits : |
| # for(dig in 1:13) { ## 12:13: libc-2.0.7 diff; 14:18 --- PLATFORM-dependent !!! |
| # cat("dig=",formatC(dig,w=2),": "); print(signif(txp, d=dig),dig=dig+1) |
| # } |
| |
| ##-- Wrong alignment when printing character matrices with quote = FALSE |
| m1 <- matrix(letters[1:24],6,4) |
| m1 |
| noquote(m1) |
| |
| ##--- Complex matrices and named vectors : |
| |
| x0 <- x <- c(1+1i, 1.2 + 10i) |
| names(x) <- c("a","b") |
| x |
| (xx <- rbind(x, 2*x)) |
| rbind(x0, 2*x0) |
| x[4:6] <- c(Inf,Inf*c(-1,1i)) |
| x + pi |
| matrix(x + pi, 2) |
| matrix(x + 1i*pi, 3) |
| xx + pi |
| t(cbind(xx, xx+ 1i*c(1,pi))) |
| |
| #--- format checks after incorrect changes in Nov 2000 |
| zz <- data.frame("(row names)" = c("aaaaa", "b"), check.names = FALSE) |
| format(zz) |
| format(zz, justify = "left") |
| zz <- data.frame(a = I("abc"), b = I("def\"gh")) |
| format(zz) |
| # " (font-locking: closing the string above) |
| |
| # test format.data.frame on former AsIs's. |
| set.seed(321) |
| dd <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = rnorm(5), z = c(1, 2, NA, 4, 5)) |
| model <- glm(y ~ x, data = dd, subset = 1:4, na.action = na.omit) |
| expand.model.frame(model, "z", na.expand = FALSE) |
| expand.model.frame(model, "z", na.expand = TRUE) |
| |
| ## print.table() changes affecting summary.data.frame |
| options(width=82) |
| summary(attenu) # ``one line'' |
| lst <- levels(attenu$station) |
| levels(attenu$station)[lst == "117"] <- paste(rep(letters,3),collapse="") |
| summary(attenu) # {2 + one long + 2 } variables |
| ## in 1.7.0, things were split to more lines |
| |
| ## format.default(*, nsmall > 0) -- for real and complex |
| |
| sf <- function(x, N=14) sapply(0:N, function(i) format(x,nsmall=i)) |
| sf(2) |
| sf(3.141) |
| sf(-1.25, 20) |
| |
| oDig <- options(digits= 3) |
| sf(pi) |
| sf(1.2e7) |
| sf(1.23e7) |
| s <- -0.01234 |
| sf(s) |
| |
| sf(pi + 2.2i) |
| sf(s + pi*1i) |
| |
| options(oDig) |
| |
| e1 <- tryCatch(options(max.print=Inf), error=function(e)e) |
| e2 <- tryCatch(options(max.print= 0), error=function(e)e) |
| stopifnot(inherits(e1, "error")) |
| |
| |
| ## Printing of "Date"s |
| options(width = 80) |
| op <- options(max.print = 500) |
| dd <- as.Date("2012-03-12") + -10000:100 |
| writeLines(t1 <- tail(capture.output(dd))) |
| l6 <- length(capture.output(print(dd, max = 600))) |
| options(op) |
| t2 <- tail(capture.output(print(dd, max = 500))) |
| stopifnot(identical(t1, t2), l6 == 121) |
| ## not quite consistent in R <= 2.14.x |
| |
| |
| ## Calls with S3 class are not evaluated when (auto)-printed |
| obj <- structure(quote(stop("should not be evaluated")), class = "foo") |
| #-- |
| a <- list(obj) |
| b <- pairlist(obj) |
| c <- structure(list(), attr = obj) |
| d <- list(list(obj, pairlist(obj, structure(list(obj), attr = obj)), NULL)) |
| # Now auto-print, and explicit print(.) : |
| a |
| b |
| c |
| d |
| print(a) |
| print(b) |
| print(c) |
| print(d) |
| # Now with a method defined (again "auto" + explicit print()): |
| print.foo <- function(x, ...) cat("dispatched\n") |
| a ; print(a) |
| b ; print(b) |
| c ; print(c) |
| d ; print(d) |
| |
| |
| ## tagbuf is preserved after print dispatch in pairlists |
| obj <- structure(list(), class = "foo") |
| pairlist(a = list(A = obj, B = obj)) |
| list(list(pairlist(obj), NULL)) ## should print [[1]][[2]] \n NULL |
| LLo <- list(list(obj, |
| pairlist(a=obj, b=structure(list(C=obj), attr=obj)), |
| NULL)) |
| LLo ## tags (names and [[<n>]]) were lost in R <= 3.5.0 |
| |
| ## show() is preferred over print() when printing recursively |
| print.callS4Class <- function(x, ...) stop("should not be dispatched") |
| .CallS4Class <- setClass("callS4Class", slots = c(x = "numeric")) |
| setMethod("show", "callS4Class", function(object) cat("S4 show!\n")) |
| x <- .CallS4Class(x = 1) |
| ## these should all say 'S4 show!' |
| list(x) ; pairlist(x) # these 2 failed in R <= 3.5.0 |
| structure(list(), attr = x) |
| rm(x, .CallS4Class) |
| |
| |
| ## Print dispatch does not reset parameters |
| local({ |
| num <- 0.123456789 |
| print(list(num, obj, num), digits = 2) # should print 2 x '0.12' |
| }) |
| |
| |
| ## User-supplied arguments are forwarded on print-dispatch |
| print.foo <- function(x, other = FALSE, digits = 0L, ...) { |
| cat("digits: ", digits, "\n") |
| stopifnot(other, digits == 4, !...length()) |
| } |
| a <- list(obj) |
| b <- pairlist(obj) |
| c <- LLo[[1]][[2]]$b |
| d <- LLo |
| print(a, digits = 4, other = TRUE) |
| print(b, digits = 4, other = TRUE) |
| print(c, digits = 4, other = TRUE) |
| print(d, digits = 4, other = TRUE) |
| # |
| ## Deparsing should not reset parameters |
| print(list(a, expression(foo), b, quote(foo), c, base::list, d), |
| digits = 4, other = TRUE) |
| ## Cleanup |
| rm(print.foo, obj, a, b, c, d) |