blob: bd5343f5084105399465e1c6e6b096a22292b4ec [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/grDevices/man/dev.capture.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2011 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
Capture device output as a raster image
\code{dev.capture} captures the current contents of a graphics device
as a raster (bitmap) image.
dev.capture(native = FALSE)
\item{native}{Logical. If \code{FALSE} the result is a matrix of R
color names, if \code{TRUE} the output is returned as a
\code{nativeRaster} object which is more efficient for plotting, but
not portable.}
Not all devices support capture of the output as raster bitmaps.
Typically, only image-based devices do and even not all of them.
\code{NULL} if the device does not support capture, otherwise a
matrix of color names (for \code{native = FALSE}) or a
\code{nativeRaster} object (for \code{native = TRUE}).
\keyword{ dplot }