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% File src/library/grDevices/man/quartzFonts.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Quartz Fonts Setup}
These functions handle the translation of a device-independent \R graphics
font family name to a \code{\link{quartz}} font description.
They are only available on Unix-alikes, i.e, not on Windows, and
typically used on the Mac.
\item{family}{a character vector containing the four PostScript font
names for plain, bold, italic, and bolditalic versions of
a font family.}
\item{\dots}{either character strings naming mappings to display,
or new (named) mappings to define.}
A quartz device is created with a default font (see
the documentation for \code{quartz}), but it is also possible
to specify a font family when drawing to the device
(for example, see the documentation for \code{\link{gpar}} in the
\pkg{grid} package).
The font family sent to the device is a simple string name, which must be
mapped to something more specific to quartz fonts. A list of
mappings is maintained and can be modified by the user.
The \code{quartzFonts} function can be used to list existing
mappings and to define new mappings. The \code{quartzFont}
function can be used to create a new mapping.
Default mappings are provided for three device-independent font family
names: \code{"sans"} for a sans-serif font, \code{"serif"} for a serif
font and \code{"mono"} for a monospaced font.
\code{\link{quartz}} for the default Mac graphics device.
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { # includes Mac
utils::str( quartzFonts() ) # a list(serif = .., sans = .., mono = ..)
quartzFonts("mono") # the list(mono = ..) sublist of quartzFonts()
## for East Asian locales you can use something like
quartzFonts(sans = quartzFont(rep("AppleGothic", 4)),
serif = quartzFont(rep("AppleMyungjp", 4)))
## since the default fonts may well not have the glyphs needed