blob: 9c3d510a8a0d98c2f8ca267691a5d7ccc91e6acf [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* Copyright (C) 1997--2013 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
/* Stuff for labels on contour plots
Originally written by Nicholas Hildreth
Adapted by Paul Murrell
/* Included by src/main/plot3d.c and src/library/graphics/src/plot3d */
/* C o n t o u r P l o t t i n g */
typedef struct SEG {
struct SEG *next;
double x0;
double y0;
double x1;
double y1;
static int ctr_intersect(double z0, double z1, double zc, double *f)
/* Old test was ((z0 - zc) * (z1 - zc) < 0.0), but rounding led to inconsistencies
in PR#15454 */
if ( (z0 < zc) != (z1 < zc) && z0 != zc && z1 != zc ) {
*f = (zc - z0) / (z1 - z0);
return 1;
return 0;
static SEGP ctr_newseg(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, SEGP prev)
SEGP seg = (SEGP)R_alloc(1, sizeof(SEG));
seg->x0 = x0;
seg->y0 = y0;
seg->x1 = x1;
seg->y1 = y1;
seg->next = prev;
return seg;
static void ctr_swapseg(SEGP seg)
double x, y;
x = seg->x0;
y = seg->y0;
seg->x0 = seg->x1;
seg->y0 = seg->y1;
seg->x1 = x;
seg->y1 = y;
/* ctr_segdir(): Determine the entry direction to the next cell */
/* and update the cell indices */
#define XMATCH(x0,x1) (fabs(x0-x1) == 0)
#define YMATCH(y0,y1) (fabs(y0-y1) == 0)
static int ctr_segdir(double xend, double yend, double *x, double *y,
int *i, int *j, int nx, int ny)
if (YMATCH(yend, y[*j])) {
if (*j == 0)
return 0;
*j = *j - 1;
return 3;
if (XMATCH(xend, x[*i])) {
if (*i == 0)
return 0;
*i = *i - 1;
return 4;
if (YMATCH(yend, y[*j + 1])) {
if (*j >= ny - 1)
return 0;
*j = *j + 1;
return 1;
if (XMATCH(xend, x[*i + 1])) {
if (*i >= nx - 1)
return 0;
*i = *i + 1;
return 2;
return 0;
/* Search seglist for a segment with endpoint (xend, yend). */
/* The cell entry direction is dir, and if tail=1/0 we are */
/* building the tail/head of a contour. The matching segment */
/* is pointed to by seg and the updated segment list (with */
/* the matched segment stripped) is returned by the funtion. */
static SEGP ctr_segupdate(double xend, double yend, int dir, Rboolean tail,
SEGP seglist, SEGP* seg)
if (seglist == NULL) {
*seg = NULL;
return NULL;
switch (dir) {
case 1:
case 3:
if (YMATCH(yend,seglist->y0)) {
if (!tail)
*seg = seglist;
return seglist->next;
if (YMATCH(yend,seglist->y1)) {
if (tail)
*seg = seglist;
return seglist->next;
case 2:
case 4:
if (XMATCH(xend,seglist->x0)) {
if (!tail)
*seg = seglist;
return seglist->next;
if (XMATCH(xend,seglist->x1)) {
if (tail)
*seg = seglist;
return seglist->next;
seglist->next = ctr_segupdate(xend, yend, dir, tail, seglist->next, seg);
return seglist;
* Generate a list of segments for a single level
* NB this R_allocs its return value, so callers need to manage R_alloc stack.
static SEGP* contourLines(double *x, int nx, double *y, int ny,
double *z, double zc, double atom)
double f, xl, xh, yl, yh, zll, zhl, zlh, zhh, xx[4], yy[4];
int i, j, k, l, m, nacode;
SEGP seglist;
SEGP *segmentDB;
/* Initialize the segment data base */
/* Note we must be careful about resetting */
/* the top of the stack, otherwise we run out of */
/* memory after a sequence of displaylist replays */
* This reset is done out in GEcontourLines
segmentDB = (SEGP*)R_alloc(nx*ny, sizeof(SEGP));
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ny; j++)
segmentDB[i + j * nx] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < nx - 1; i++) {
xl = x[i];
xh = x[i + 1];
for (j = 0; j < ny - 1; j++) {
yl = y[j];
yh = y[j + 1];
k = i + j * nx;
zll = z[k];
zhl = z[k + 1];
zlh = z[k + nx];
zhh = z[k + nx + 1];
/* If the value at a corner is exactly equal to a contour level,
* change that value by a tiny amount */
if (zll == zc) zll += atom;
if (zhl == zc) zhl += atom;
if (zlh == zc) zlh += atom;
if (zhh == zc) zhh += atom;
#ifdef DEBUG_contour
/* Haven't seen this happening (MM): */
if (zll == zc) REprintf(" [%d,%d] ll: %g\n",i,j, zll);
if (zhl == zc) REprintf(" [%d,%d] hl: %g\n",i,j, zhl);
if (zlh == zc) REprintf(" [%d,%d] lh: %g\n",i,j, zlh);
if (zhh == zc) REprintf(" [%d,%d] hh: %g\n",i,j, zhh);
/* Check for intersections with sides */
nacode = 0;
if (R_FINITE(zll)) nacode += 1;
if (R_FINITE(zhl)) nacode += 2;
if (R_FINITE(zlh)) nacode += 4;
if (R_FINITE(zhh)) nacode += 8;
k = 0;
switch (nacode) {
case 15:
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zhl, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zlh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zhl, zhh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xh; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zlh, zhh, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yh; k++;
case 14:
if (ctr_intersect(zhl, zhh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xh; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zlh, zhh, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yh; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zlh, zhl, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yh + f * (yl - yh);
case 13:
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zlh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zlh, zhh, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yh; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zhh, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
case 11:
if (ctr_intersect(zhl, zhh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xh; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zhl, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zhh, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
case 7:
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zlh, zc, &f)) {
yy[k] = yl + f * (yh - yl);
xx[k] = xl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zll, zhl, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yl; k++;
if (ctr_intersect(zlh, zhl, zc, &f)) {
xx[k] = xl + f * (xh - xl);
yy[k] = yh + f * (yl - yh);
/* We now have k(=2,4) endpoints */
/* Decide which to join */
seglist = NULL;
if (k > 0) {
if (k == 2) {
seglist = ctr_newseg(xx[0], yy[0], xx[1], yy[1], seglist);
else if (k == 4) {
for (k = 3; k >= 1; k--) {
m = k;
xl = xx[k];
for (l = 0; l < k; l++) {
if (xx[l] > xl) {
xl = xx[l];
m = l;
if (m != k) {
xl = xx[k];
yl = yy[k];
xx[k] = xx[m];
yy[k] = yy[m];
xx[m] = xl;
yy[m] = yl;
seglist = ctr_newseg(xx[0], yy[0], xx[1], yy[1], seglist);
seglist = ctr_newseg(xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3], seglist);
else error("k = %d, should be 2 or 4", k);
segmentDB[i + j * nx] = seglist;
return segmentDB;