blob: 42d33c3454023312bdc6c81c79e2b719fd94f048 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1997--2018 The R Core Team
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
* Deparsing has 3 layers.
* - The user interfaces, do_deparse(), do_dput(), and do_dump() should
* not be called from an internal function.
* - unless nlines > 0, the actual deparsing via deparse2() needs
* to be done twice, once to count things up and a second time to put
* them into the string vector for return.
* - Printing this to a file is handled by the calling routine.
* Current call paths:
* do_deparse() ------------> deparse1WithCutoff()
* do_dput() -> deparse1() -> deparse1WithCutoff()
* do_dump() -> deparse1() -> deparse1WithCutoff()
* ---------
* Workhorse: deparse1WithCutoff() -> deparse2() -> deparse2buff() --> {<itself>, ...}
* --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `-- implicit arg R_BrowseLines == getOption("deparse.max.lines")
* ./errors.c: PrintWarnings() | warningcall_dflt() ... -> deparse1s() -> deparse1WithCutoff()
* ./print.c : Print[Language|Closure|Expression]() --> deparse1w() -> deparse1WithCutoff()
* bind.c,match.c,..: c|rbind(), match(), switch()...-> deparse1line() -> deparse1WithCutoff()
* Indentation is carried out in the routine printtab2buff at the
* bottom of this file. It seems like this should be settable via
* options.
* LocalParseData VARIABLES (historically GLOBALs):
* linenumber: counts the number of lines that have been written,
* this is used to setup storage for deparsing.
* len: counts the length of the current line, it will be
* used to determine when to break lines.
* incurly: keeps track of whether we are inside a curly or not,
* this affects the printing of if-then-else.
* inlist: keeps track of whether we are inside a list or not,
* this affects the printing of if-then-else.
* startline: indicator TRUE=start of a line (so we can tab out to
* the correct place).
* indent: how many tabs should be written at the start of
* a line.
* buff: contains the current string, we attempt to break
* lines at cutoff, but can unlimited length.
* lbreak: often used to indicate whether a line has been
* broken, this makes sure that that indenting behaves
* itself.
/* DTL ('duncan'):
* The code here used to use static variables to share values
* across the different routines. These have now been collected
* into a struct named LocalParseData and this is explicitly
* passed between the different routines. This avoids the needs
* for the global variables and allows multiple evaluators, potentially
* in different threads, to work on their own independent copies
* that are local to their call stacks. This avoids any issues
* with interrupts, etc. not restoring values.
* The previous issue with the global "cutoff" variable is now implemented
* by creating a deparse1WithCutoff() routine which takes the cutoff from
* the caller and passes this to the different routines as a member of the
* LocalParseData struct. Access to the deparse1() routine remains unaltered.
* This is exactly as Ross had suggested ...
* One possible fix is to restructure the code with another function which
* takes a cutoff value as a parameter. Then "do_deparse" and "deparse1"
* could each call this deeper function with the appropriate argument.
* I wonder why I didn't just do this? -- it would have been quicker than
* writing this note. I guess it needs a bit more thought ...
#include <config.h>
#define R_USE_SIGNALS 1
#include <Defn.h>
#include <Internal.h>
#include <float.h> /* for DBL_DIG */
#include <Print.h>
#include <Fileio.h>
#ifdef Win32
#include <trioremap.h>
#define BUFSIZE 512
#define MIN_Cutoff 20
#define DEFAULT_Cutoff 60
#define MAX_Cutoff (BUFSIZE - 12)
/* ----- MAX_Cutoff < BUFSIZE !! */
#include "RBufferUtils.h"
typedef R_StringBuffer DeparseBuffer;
typedef struct {
int linenumber;
int len; // FIXME: size_t
int incurly;
int inlist;
Rboolean startline; /* = TRUE; */
int indent;
SEXP strvec;
DeparseBuffer buffer;
int cutoff;
int backtick;
int opts;
int sourceable;
#ifdef longstring_WARN
int longstring;
int maxlines;
Rboolean active;
int isS4;
Rboolean fnarg; /* fn argument, so parenthesize = as assignment */
} LocalParseData;
static SEXP deparse1WithCutoff(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int cutoff,
Rboolean backtick, int opts, int nlines);
static void args2buff(SEXP, int, int, LocalParseData *);
static void deparse2buff(SEXP, LocalParseData *);
static void print2buff(const char *, LocalParseData *);
static void printtab2buff(int, LocalParseData *);
static void writeline(LocalParseData *);
static void vec2buff (SEXP, LocalParseData *, Rboolean do_names);
static void vector2buff(SEXP, LocalParseData *);
static void src2buff1(SEXP, LocalParseData *);
static Rboolean src2buff(SEXP, int, LocalParseData *);
static void linebreak(Rboolean *lbreak, LocalParseData *);
static void deparse2(SEXP, SEXP, LocalParseData *);
// .Internal(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, backtick, .deparseOpts(control), nlines))
SEXP attribute_hidden do_deparse(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
SEXP expr = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
int cut0 = DEFAULT_Cutoff;
if(!isNull(CAR(args))) {
cut0 = asInteger(CAR(args));
if(cut0 == NA_INTEGER|| cut0 < MIN_Cutoff || cut0 > MAX_Cutoff) {
warning(_("invalid 'cutoff' value for 'deparse', using default"));
cut0 = DEFAULT_Cutoff;
args = CDR(args);
int backtick = isNull(CAR(args)) ? 0 : asLogical(CAR(args));
args = CDR(args);
int opts = isNull(CAR(args)) ? SHOWATTRIBUTES : asInteger(CAR(args));
args = CDR(args);
int nlines = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (nlines == NA_INTEGER) nlines = -1;
return deparse1WithCutoff(expr, FALSE, cut0, backtick, opts, nlines);
// deparse1() version *looking* at getOption("deparse.max.lines")
SEXP deparse1m(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int opts)
Rboolean backtick = TRUE;
int old_bl = R_BrowseLines,
blines = asInteger(GetOption1(install("deparse.max.lines")));
if (blines != NA_INTEGER && blines > 0)
R_BrowseLines = blines;
SEXP result = deparse1WithCutoff(call, abbrev, DEFAULT_Cutoff, backtick,
opts, 0);
R_BrowseLines = old_bl;
return result;
// deparse1() version with R_BrowseLines := 0
SEXP deparse1(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int opts)
Rboolean backtick = TRUE;
int old_bl = R_BrowseLines;
R_BrowseLines = 0;
SEXP result = deparse1WithCutoff(call, abbrev, DEFAULT_Cutoff, backtick,
opts, 0);
R_BrowseLines = old_bl;
return result;
/* used for language objects in print() */
SEXP deparse1w(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int opts)
Rboolean backtick = TRUE;
return deparse1WithCutoff(call, abbrev, R_print.cutoff, backtick, opts, -1);
static SEXP deparse1WithCutoff(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int cutoff,
Rboolean backtick, int opts, int nlines)
/* Arg. abbrev:
If abbrev is TRUE, then the returned value
is a STRSXP of length 1 with at most 13 characters.
This is used for plot labelling etc.
SEXP svec;
int savedigits;
Rboolean need_ellipses = FALSE;
LocalParseData localData =
{/* linenumber */ 0,
0, 0, 0, /*startline = */TRUE, 0,
/* DeparseBuffer= */ {NULL, 0, BUFSIZE},
#ifdef longstring_WARN
/* maxlines = */ INT_MAX,
/* active = */TRUE, 0, FALSE};
localData.cutoff = cutoff;
localData.backtick = backtick;
localData.opts = opts;
localData.strvec = R_NilValue;
PrintDefaults(); /* from global options() */
savedigits = R_print.digits;
R_print.digits = DBL_DIG;/* MAX precision */
svec = R_NilValue;
if (nlines > 0) {
localData.linenumber = localData.maxlines = nlines;
} else { // default: nlines = -1 (from R), or = 0 (from other C fn's)
if(R_BrowseLines > 0)// not by default; e.g. from getOption("deparse.max.lines")
localData.maxlines = R_BrowseLines + 1; // enough to determine linenumber
deparse2(call, svec, &localData); = TRUE;
if(R_BrowseLines > 0 && localData.linenumber > R_BrowseLines) {
localData.linenumber = R_BrowseLines + 1;
need_ellipses = TRUE;
PROTECT(svec = allocVector(STRSXP, localData.linenumber));
deparse2(call, svec, &localData);
if (abbrev) {
char data[14];
strncpy(data, CHAR(STRING_ELT(svec, 0)), 10);
data[10] = '\0';
if (strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(svec, 0))) > 10) strcat(data, "...");
svec = mkString(data);
} else if(need_ellipses) {
SET_STRING_ELT(svec, R_BrowseLines, mkChar(" ..."));
if(nlines > 0 && localData.linenumber < nlines) {
UNPROTECT(1); /* old svec value */
svec = lengthgets(svec, localData.linenumber);
PROTECT(svec); /* protect from warning() allocating, PR#14356 */
R_print.digits = savedigits;
/*: Don't warn anymore, we do deal with most (-> 'S4SXP' below)
if ((opts & WARNINCOMPLETE) && localData.isS4)
warning(_("deparse of an S4 object may not always be source()able"));
else */
if ((opts & WARNINCOMPLETE) && !localData.sourceable)
warning(_("deparse may be incomplete"));
#ifdef longstring_WARN
if ((opts & WARNINCOMPLETE) && localData.longstring)
warning(_("deparse may be not be source()able in R < 2.7.0"));
/* somewhere lower down might have allocated ... */
return svec;
/* deparse1line(), e.g. for non-trivial list entries in as.character(<list>).
* --------------
* Concatenates all lines into one long one.
* This is needed in terms.formula, where we must be able
* to deparse a term label into a single line of text so
* that it can be reparsed correctly */
SEXP deparse1line_(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev, int opts)
Rboolean backtick=TRUE;
int lines;
deparse1WithCutoff(call, abbrev, MAX_Cutoff, backtick, opts, -1));
if ((lines = length(temp)) > 1) {
char *buf;
int i;
size_t len;
const void *vmax;
cetype_t enc = CE_NATIVE;
for (len = 0, i = 0; i < length(temp); i++) {
SEXP s = STRING_ELT(temp, i);
cetype_t thisenc = getCharCE(s);
len += strlen(CHAR(s)); // FIXME: check for overflow?
if (thisenc != CE_NATIVE)
enc = thisenc; /* assume only one non-native encoding */
vmax = vmaxget();
buf = R_alloc((size_t) len+lines, sizeof(char));
*buf = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < length(temp); i++) {
strcat(buf, CHAR(STRING_ELT(temp, i)));
if (i < lines - 1)
strcat(buf, "\n");
temp = ScalarString(mkCharCE(buf, enc));
SEXP deparse1line(SEXP call, Rboolean abbrev)
return deparse1line_(call, abbrev, SIMPLEDEPARSE);
// called only from ./errors.c for calls in warnings and errors :
SEXP attribute_hidden deparse1s(SEXP call)
Rboolean backtick=TRUE;
deparse1WithCutoff(call, FALSE, DEFAULT_Cutoff, backtick,
DEFAULTDEPARSE, /* nlines = */ 1);
#include "Rconnections.h"
static void con_cleanup(void *data)
Rconnection con = data;
if(con->isopen) con->close(con);
// .Internal(dput(x, file, .deparseOpts(control)))
SEXP attribute_hidden do_dput(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
SEXP tval = CAR(args),
saveenv = R_NilValue; // -Wall
if (TYPEOF(tval) == CLOSXP) {
PROTECT(saveenv = CLOENV(tval));
SET_CLOENV(tval, R_GlobalEnv);
int opts = isNull(CADDR(args)) ? SHOWATTRIBUTES : asInteger(CADDR(args));
tval = deparse1(tval, 0, opts);
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) == CLOSXP) {
SET_CLOENV(CAR(args), saveenv);
PROTECT(tval); /* against Rconn_printf */
if(!inherits(CADR(args), "connection"))
error(_("'file' must be a character string or connection"));
int ifile = asInteger(CADR(args));
if (ifile != 1) {
Rconnection con = getConnection(ifile);
RCNTXT cntxt;
Rboolean wasopen = con->isopen;
if(!wasopen) {
char mode[5];
strcpy(mode, con->mode);
strcpy(con->mode, "w");
if(!con->open(con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
strcpy(con->mode, mode);
/* Set up a context which will close the connection on error */
begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
cntxt.cend = &con_cleanup;
cntxt.cenddata = con;
if(!con->canwrite) error(_("cannot write to this connection"));
Rboolean havewarned = FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(tval); i++) {
int res = Rconn_printf(con, "%s\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, i)));
if(!havewarned &&
res < strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, i))) + 1) {
warning(_("wrote too few characters"));
havewarned = TRUE;
if(!wasopen) {endcontext(&cntxt); con->close(con);}
else { // ifile == 1 : "Stdout"
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(tval); i++)
Rprintf("%s\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, i)));
UNPROTECT(1); /* tval */
return (CAR(args));
// .Internal(dump(list, file, envir, opts, evaluate))
SEXP attribute_hidden do_dump(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
SEXP names = CAR(args),
file = CADR(args);
if(!inherits(file, "connection"))
error(_("'file' must be a character string or connection"));
error( _("character arguments expected"));
int nobjs = length(names);
if(nobjs < 1 || length(file) < 1)
error(_("zero-length argument"));
SEXP source = CADDR(args);
if (source != R_NilValue && TYPEOF(source) != ENVSXP)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "envir");
int opts = asInteger(CADDDR(args));
/* <NOTE>: change this if extra options are added */
if(opts == NA_INTEGER || opts < 0 || opts > 2048)
error(_("'opts' should be small non-negative integer"));
// evaluate :
if (!asLogical(CAD4R(args))) opts |= DELAYPROMISES;
SEXP objs, o = PROTECT(objs = allocList(nobjs));
int nout = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nobjs; i++, o = CDR(o)) {
SET_TAG(o, installTrChar(STRING_ELT(names, i)));
SETCAR(o, findVar(TAG(o), source));
if (CAR(o) == R_UnboundValue)
warning(_("object '%s' not found"), EncodeChar(PRINTNAME(TAG(o))));
else nout++;
o = objs;
SEXP outnames = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, nout)); // -> result
if(nout > 0) {
if(INTEGER(file)[0] == 1) {
for (int i = 0, nout = 0; i < nobjs; i++) {
if (CAR(o) == R_UnboundValue) continue;
const char *obj_name = translateChar(STRING_ELT(names, i));
SET_STRING_ELT(outnames, nout++, STRING_ELT(names, i));
if(isValidName(obj_name)) Rprintf("%s <-\n", obj_name);
else if(opts & S_COMPAT) Rprintf("\"%s\" <-\n", obj_name);
else Rprintf("`%s` <-\n", obj_name);
SEXP tval = PROTECT(deparse1(CAR(o), 0, opts));
for (int j = 0; j < LENGTH(tval); j++)
Rprintf("%s\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, j)));/* translated */
UNPROTECT(1); /* tval */
o = CDR(o);
else {
Rconnection con = getConnection(INTEGER(file)[0]);
Rboolean wasopen = con->isopen;
RCNTXT cntxt;
if(!wasopen) {
char mode[5];
strcpy(mode, con->mode);
strcpy(con->mode, "w");
if(!con->open(con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
strcpy(con->mode, mode);
/* Set up a context which will close the connection on error */
begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
cntxt.cend = &con_cleanup;
cntxt.cenddata = con;
if(!con->canwrite) error(_("cannot write to this connection"));
Rboolean havewarned = FALSE;
for (int i = 0, nout = 0; i < nobjs; i++) {
if (CAR(o) == R_UnboundValue) continue;
SET_STRING_ELT(outnames, nout++, STRING_ELT(names, i));
int res;
const char *s = translateChar(STRING_ELT(names, i));
unsigned int extra = 6;
if(isValidName(s)) {
extra = 4;
res = Rconn_printf(con, "%s <-\n", s);
} else if(opts & S_COMPAT)
res = Rconn_printf(con, "\"%s\" <-\n", s);
res = Rconn_printf(con, "`%s` <-\n", s);
if(!havewarned && res < strlen(s) + extra)
warning(_("wrote too few characters"));
SEXP tval = PROTECT(deparse1(CAR(o), 0, opts));
for (int j = 0; j < LENGTH(tval); j++) {
res = Rconn_printf(con, "%s\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, j)));
if(!havewarned &&
res < strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(tval, j))) + 1) {
warning(_("wrote too few characters"));
havewarned = TRUE;
UNPROTECT(1); /* tval */
o = CDR(o);
if(!wasopen) {endcontext(&cntxt); con->close(con);}
return outnames;
static void linebreak(Rboolean *lbreak, LocalParseData *d)
if (d->len > d->cutoff) {
if (!*lbreak) {
*lbreak = TRUE;
static void deparse2(SEXP what, SEXP svec, LocalParseData *d)
d->strvec = svec;
d->linenumber = 0;
d->indent = 0;
deparse2buff(what, d);
/* curlyahead looks at s to see if it is a list with
the first op being a curly. You need this kind of
lookahead info to print if statements correctly. */
static Rboolean
curlyahead(SEXP s)
if (isList(s) || isLanguage(s))
if (TYPEOF(CAR(s)) == SYMSXP && CAR(s) == R_BraceSymbol)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* needsparens looks at an arg to a unary or binary operator to
determine if it needs to be parenthesized when deparsed
mainop is a unary or binary operator,
arg is an argument to it, on the left if left == 1 */
static Rboolean needsparens(PPinfo mainop, SEXP arg, unsigned int left)
PPinfo arginfo;
if (TYPEOF(arg) == LANGSXP) {
if (TYPEOF(CAR(arg)) == SYMSXP) {
arginfo = PPINFO(SYMVALUE(CAR(arg)));
switch(arginfo.kind) {
case PP_BINARY: /* Not all binary ops are binary! */
case PP_BINARY2:
switch(length(CDR(arg))) {
case 1:
if (!left)
return FALSE;
if (arginfo.precedence == PREC_SUM) /* binary +/- precedence upgraded as unary */
arginfo.precedence = PREC_SIGN;
case 2:
if (mainop.precedence == PREC_COMPARE &&
arginfo.precedence == PREC_COMPARE)
return TRUE; /* a < b < c is not legal syntax */
return FALSE;
if (mainop.kind == PP_DOLLAR)
return FALSE;
/* fall through, don't break... */
case PP_ASSIGN2:
case PP_UNARY:
/* Same as other unary operators above */
if (arginfo.precedence == PREC_NOT && !left)
return FALSE;
if (mainop.precedence > arginfo.precedence
|| (mainop.precedence == arginfo.precedence && left == mainop.rightassoc)) {
return TRUE;
case PP_FOR:
case PP_IF:
case PP_WHILE:
return left == 1;
return FALSE;
} else if (isUserBinop(CAR(arg))) {
if (mainop.precedence > PREC_PERCENT
|| (mainop.precedence == PREC_PERCENT && left == mainop.rightassoc)) {
return TRUE;
else if ((TYPEOF(arg) == CPLXSXP) && (length(arg) == 1)) {
if (mainop.precedence > PREC_SUM
|| (mainop.precedence == PREC_SUM && left == mainop.rightassoc)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* does the character() vector x contain one `NA_character_` or is all "",
* or if(isAtomic) does it have one "recursive" or "use.names" ? */
static Rboolean usable_nice_names(SEXP x, Rboolean isAtomic)
if(TYPEOF(x) == STRSXP) {
R_xlen_t i, n = xlength(x);
Rboolean all_0 = TRUE;
if(isAtomic) // c(*, recursive=, use.names=): cannot use these as nice_names
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
|| strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i)), "recursive") == 0
|| strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i)), "use.names") == 0)
return FALSE;
else if (all_0 && *CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i))) /* length test */
all_0 = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (STRING_ELT(x, i) == NA_STRING)
return FALSE;
else if (all_0 && *CHAR(STRING_ELT(x, i))) /* length test */
all_0 = FALSE;
return !all_0;
return TRUE;
typedef enum { UNKNOWN = -1,
OK_NAMES, // no structure(*); names written as (n1 = v1, ..)
STRUC_ATTR, // use structure(*, <attr> = *, ..) for non-names only
STRUC_NMS_A // use structure(*, <attr> = *, ..) for names, too
} attr_type;
static const char* attrT2char(attr_type typ) {
switch(typ) {
case UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN";
case SIMPLE: return "SIMPLE";
case OK_NAMES: return "OK_NAMES";
case STRUC_ATTR: return "STRUC_ATTR";
case STRUC_NMS_A: return "STRUC_NMS_A";
default: return "_unknown_ attr_type -- should *NOT* happen!";
# define ChTF(_logic_) (_logic_ ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
/* Exact semantic of NICE_NAMES and SHOWATTRIBUTES i.e. "niceNames" and "showAttributes"
C| depCtrl | attr1() result
-| -----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1| NN && SA | STRUCT_ATTR + NN or STRUC_NMS_A (if NN are not "allowed")
2| !NN && SA | if(has attr) STRUC_NMS_A else "SIMPLE"
3| NN && !SA | OK_NAMES || SIMPLE if(!has_names)
4| !NN && !SA | SIMPLE
C| depCtrl : what should deparse(*, control = depCtrl) do ?
-| -----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1| NN && SA : all attributes(but srcref); names "NICE"ly (<nam> = <val>) if valid [no NA]
2| !NN && SA : all attributes( " " ) use structure(..) incl names but no _nice_ names
3| NN && !SA : no attributes but names, names nicely even when "wrong" (i.e. NA in names(.))
4| !NN && !SA : no attributes shown, not even names
// is *only* called if (d->opts & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) = d->opts & (SHOW_A | NICE_N)
static attr_type attr1(SEXP s, LocalParseData *d)
SEXP a = ATTRIB(s), nm = getAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol);
attr_type attr = UNKNOWN;
nice_names = d->opts & NICE_NAMES,
show_attr = d->opts & SHOWATTRIBUTES,
has_names = !isNull(nm), ok_names;
REprintf(" attr1(): has_names = %s", ChTF(has_names));
if(has_names) {
// ok only if there's no NA_character_,.. in names() nor all """
ok_names = nice_names && usable_nice_names(nm, isVectorAtomic(s));
REprintf(", ok_names = %s", ChTF(ok_names));
attr = show_attr ? STRUC_NMS_A :
/* nice_names */ OK_NAMES; // even when not ok
while(attr == UNKNOWN && !isNull(a)) {
if(has_names && TAG(a) == R_NamesSymbol) {
// also ok_names = TRUE
} else if(show_attr && TAG(a) != R_SrcrefSymbol) {
attr = STRUC_ATTR;
// else
a = CDR(a);
if(attr == UNKNOWN)
attr = has_names ? OK_NAMES : SIMPLE;
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) {
print2buff("structure(", d);
} else if(has_names) { // attr <= OK_NAMES
REprintf(", return()ing %s\n", attrT2char(attr));
return attr;
static void attr2(SEXP s, LocalParseData *d, Rboolean not_names)
while(!isNull(a)) {
if(TAG(a) != R_SrcrefSymbol &&
!(TAG(a) == R_NamesSymbol && not_names)) {
print2buff(", ", d);
if(TAG(a) == R_DimSymbol) {
print2buff(".Dim", d);
else if(TAG(a) == R_DimNamesSymbol) {
print2buff(".Dimnames", d);
else if(TAG(a) == R_NamesSymbol) {
print2buff(".Names", d);
else if(TAG(a) == R_TspSymbol) {
print2buff(".Tsp", d);
else if(TAG(a) == R_LevelsSymbol) {
print2buff(".Label", d);
else {
/* TAG(a) might contain spaces etc */
const char *tag = CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(a)));
int d_opts_in = d->opts;
d->opts = SIMPLEDEPARSE; /* turn off quote()ing */
deparse2buff(TAG(a), d);
else {
print2buff("\"", d);
deparse2buff(TAG(a), d);
print2buff("\"", d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;
print2buff(" = ", d);
Rboolean fnarg = d->fnarg;
d->fnarg = TRUE;
deparse2buff(CAR(a), d);
d->fnarg = fnarg;
a = CDR(a);
print2buff(")", d);
static void printcomment(SEXP s, LocalParseData *d)
SEXP cmt;
int i, ncmt;
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
/* look for old-style comments first */
if(isList(TAG(s)) && !isNull(TAG(s))) {
for (s = TAG(s); s != R_NilValue; s = CDR(s)) {
print2buff(translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(s), 0)), d);
else {
cmt = getAttrib(s, R_CommentSymbol);
ncmt = length(cmt);
for(i = 0 ; i < ncmt ; i++) {
print2buff(translateChar(STRING_ELT(cmt, i)), d);
static const char *quotify(SEXP name, int quote)
const char *s = CHAR(name);
/* If a symbol is not a valid name, put it in quotes, escaping
* any quotes in the string itself */
if (isValidName(s) || *s == '\0') return s;
return EncodeString(name, 0, quote, Rprt_adj_none);
/* check for whether we need to parenthesize a caller. The unevaluated ones
are tricky:
We want
(function(x) 1)(x)
static Rboolean parenthesizeCaller(SEXP s)
SEXP op, sym;
if (TYPEOF(s) == LANGSXP) { /* unevaluated */
op = CAR(s);
if (TYPEOF(op) == SYMSXP) {
if (isUserBinop(op)) return TRUE; /* %foo% */
sym = SYMVALUE(op);
if (PPINFO(sym).precedence >= PREC_SUBSET
|| PPINFO(sym).kind == PP_FUNCALL
|| PPINFO(sym).kind == PP_PAREN
|| PPINFO(sym).kind == PP_CURLY) return FALSE; /* x$f(z) or x[n](z) or f(z) or (f) or {f} */
else return TRUE; /* (f+g)(z) etc. */
return FALSE; /* regular function call */
} else
return TRUE; /* something strange, like (1)(x) */
} else
return TYPEOF(s) == CLOSXP;
/* This is the recursive part of deparsing. */
WARNINCOMPLETE but that is not used below this point. */
static void deparse2buff(SEXP s, LocalParseData *d)
Rboolean lookahead = FALSE, lbreak = FALSE, fnarg = d->fnarg;
attr_type attr = STRUC_ATTR;
int d_opts_in = d->opts, i, n;
d->fnarg = FALSE;
if (!d->active) return;
Rboolean hasS4_t = TYPEOF(s) == S4SXP;
if (IS_S4_OBJECT(s) || hasS4_t) {
d->isS4 = TRUE;
/* const void *vmax = vmaxget(); */
SEXP class = getAttrib(s, R_ClassSymbol),
cl_def = TYPEOF(class) == STRSXP ? STRING_ELT(class, 0) : R_NilValue;
if(TYPEOF(cl_def) == CHARSXP) { // regular S4 objects
print2buff("new(\"", d);
print2buff(translateChar(cl_def), d);
print2buff("\", ", d);
SEXP slotNms; // ---- slotNms := methods::.slotNames(s) ---------
// computed alternatively, slotNms := names(getClassDef(class)@slots) :
static SEXP R_getClassDef = NULL, R_slots = NULL, R_asS3 = NULL;
if(R_getClassDef == NULL)
R_getClassDef = findFun(install("getClassDef"), R_MethodsNamespace);
if(R_slots == NULL) R_slots = install("slots");
if(R_asS3 == NULL) R_asS3 = install("asS3");
SEXP e = PROTECT(lang2(R_getClassDef, class));
cl_def = PROTECT(eval(e, R_BaseEnv)); // correct env?
slotNms = // names( cl_def@slots ) :
getAttrib(R_do_slot(cl_def, R_slots), R_NamesSymbol);
UNPROTECT(2); // (e, cl_def)
int n;
Rboolean has_Data = FALSE;// does it have ".Data" slot?
if(TYPEOF(slotNms) == STRSXP && (n = LENGTH(slotNms))) {
SEXP slotlist = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, n));
// := structure(lapply(slotNms, slot, object=s), names=slotNms)
for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
SEXP slot_i = STRING_ELT(slotNms, i);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(slotlist, i, R_do_slot(s, installTrChar(slot_i)));
if(!hasS4_t && !has_Data)
has_Data = (strcmp(CHAR(slot_i), ".Data") == 0);
setAttrib(slotlist, R_NamesSymbol, slotNms);
vec2buff(slotlist, d, TRUE);
UNPROTECT(2); // (slotNms, slotlist)
if(!hasS4_t && !has_Data) {
// may have *non*-slot contents, (i.e., not in .Data)
// ==> additionally deparse asS3(s) :
e = PROTECT(lang2(R_asS3, s)); // = asS3(s)
SEXP S3_s = PROTECT(eval(e, R_BaseEnv)); // correct env?
print2buff(", ", d);
deparse2buff(S3_s, d);
UNPROTECT(2); // (e, S3_s)
print2buff(")", d);
else { // exception: class is not CHARSXP
if(isNull(cl_def) && isNull(ATTRIB(s))) // special
print2buff("getClass(\"S4\")@prototype", d);
else { // irregular S4 ((does this ever trigger ??))
d->sourceable = FALSE;
print2buff("<S4 object of class ", d);
deparse2buff(class, d);
print2buff(">", d);
/* vmaxset(vmax); */
} // if( S4 )
// non-S4 cases:
switch (TYPEOF(s)) {
case NILSXP:
print2buff("NULL", d);
case SYMSXP: {
doquote = (d_opts_in & QUOTEEXPRESSIONS) && strlen(CHAR(PRINTNAME(s)));
if (doquote) {
attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(s, d) : SIMPLE;
print2buff("quote(", d);
if (d_opts_in & S_COMPAT) {
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(s), '"'), d);
} else if (d->backtick)
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(s), '`'), d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(s)), d);
if (doquote) {
print2buff(")", d);
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(s, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
const char *ts = translateChar(s);
#ifdef longstring_WARN
/* versions of R < 2.7.0 cannot parse strings longer than 8192 chars */
if(strlen(ts) >= 8192) d->longstring = TRUE;
print2buff(ts, d);
print2buff(".Primitive(\"", d);
print2buff(PRIMNAME(s), d);
print2buff("\")", d);
if(d->opts & DELAYPROMISES) {
d->sourceable = FALSE;
print2buff("<promise: ", d);
d->opts &= ~QUOTEEXPRESSIONS; /* don't want delay(quote()) */
deparse2buff(PREXPR(s), d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;
print2buff(">", d);
} else {
PROTECT(s = eval(s, R_EmptyEnv)); /* eval uses env of promise */
deparse2buff(s, d);
case CLOSXP:
attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(s, d) : SIMPLE;
if ((d->opts & USESOURCE)
&& !isNull(t = getAttrib(s, R_SrcrefSymbol)))
src2buff1(t, d);
else {
/* We have established that we don't want to use the
source for this function */
print2buff("function (", d);
args2buff(FORMALS(s), 0, 1, d);
print2buff(") ", d);
deparse2buff(BODY_EXPR(s), d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(s, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
case ENVSXP:
d->sourceable = FALSE;
print2buff("<environment>", d);
case VECSXP:
attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(s, d) : SIMPLE;
print2buff("list(", d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;// vec2buff() must use unchanged d
vec2buff(s, d, attr == OK_NAMES || attr == STRUC_ATTR);
d->opts |= NICE_NAMES;
print2buff(")", d);
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(s, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
d->opts = d_opts_in;
attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(s, d) : SIMPLE;
if(length(s) <= 0)
print2buff("expression()", d);
else {
int locOpts = d->opts;
print2buff("expression(", d);
d->opts &= SIMPLE_OPTS;
vec2buff(s, d, attr == OK_NAMES || attr == STRUC_ATTR);
d->opts = locOpts;
print2buff(")", d);
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(s, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
d->opts = d_opts_in;
case LISTSXP: {
attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(s, d) : SIMPLE;
/* pairlist(x=) cannot be evaluated, hence with missings we use
as.pairlist(alist(...)) to allow evaluation of deparsed formals */
Rboolean missing = FALSE;
for(t=s; t != R_NilValue; t=CDR(t))
if (CAR(t) == R_MissingArg) {
missing = TRUE;
if (missing)
print2buff("as.pairlist(alist(", d);
print2buff("pairlist(", d);
for (t=s ; CDR(t) != R_NilValue ; t=CDR(t) ) {
if( TAG(t) != R_NilValue ) {
d->opts = SIMPLEDEPARSE; /* turn off quote()ing */
deparse2buff(TAG(t), d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;
print2buff(" = ", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(t), d);
print2buff(", ", d);
if( TAG(t) != R_NilValue ) {
d->opts = SIMPLEDEPARSE; /* turn off quote()ing */
deparse2buff(TAG(t), d);
d->opts = d_opts_in;
print2buff(" = ", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(t), d);
if (missing)
print2buff("))", d);
print2buff(")", d);
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(s, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
printcomment(s, d);
if (!isNull(ATTRIB(s)))
d->sourceable = FALSE;
SEXP op = CAR(s);
Rboolean doquote = FALSE;
Rboolean maybe_quote = d_opts_in & QUOTEEXPRESSIONS;
if (maybe_quote) {
// do *not* quote() formulas:
doquote = // := op is not `~` (tilde) :
!((TYPEOF(op) == SYMSXP) &&
!strcmp(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), "~"));
if (doquote) {
print2buff("quote(", d);
d->opts &= SIMPLE_OPTS;
} else { // `~`
if (TYPEOF(op) == SYMSXP) {
int userbinop = 0;
(userbinop = isUserBinop(op))) {
PPinfo fop;
Rboolean parens;
s = CDR(s);
if (userbinop) {
if (isNull(getAttrib(s, R_NamesSymbol))) {
// not quite right for spacing, but can't be unary :
fop.kind = PP_BINARY2;
fop.precedence = PREC_PERCENT;
fop.rightassoc = 0;
} else
// if args are named, deparse as function call (PR#15350):
fop.kind = PP_FUNCALL;
} else
if (fop.kind == PP_BINARY) {
switch (length(s)) {
case 1:
fop.kind = PP_UNARY;
if (fop.precedence == PREC_SUM)
// binary +/- precedence upgraded as unary
fop.precedence = PREC_SIGN;
case 2:
fop.kind = PP_FUNCALL;
else if (fop.kind == PP_BINARY2) {
if (length(s) != 2)
fop.kind = PP_FUNCALL;
else if (userbinop)
fop.kind = PP_BINARY;
switch (fop.kind) {
case PP_IF:
print2buff("if (", d);
/* print the predicate */
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
print2buff(") ", d);
if (d->incurly && !d->inlist ) {
lookahead = curlyahead(CAR(CDR(s)));
if (!lookahead) {
/* need to find out if there is an else */
if (length(s) > 2) {
deparse2buff(CAR(CDR(s)), d);
if (d->incurly && !d->inlist) {
if (!lookahead)
print2buff(" ", d);
print2buff("else ", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(CDDR(s)), d);
else {
deparse2buff(CAR(CDR(s)), d);
if (d->incurly && !lookahead && !d->inlist )
case PP_WHILE:
print2buff("while (", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
print2buff(") ", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
case PP_FOR:
print2buff("for (", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
print2buff(" in ", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
print2buff(") ", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(CDR(s)), d);
print2buff("repeat ", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
case PP_CURLY:
print2buff("{", d);
d->incurly += 1;
while (s != R_NilValue) {
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
s = CDR(s);
print2buff("}", d);
d->incurly -= 1;
case PP_PAREN:
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
print2buff(")", d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 1)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
if (PRIMVAL(SYMVALUE(op)) == 1)
print2buff("[", d);
print2buff("[[", d);
args2buff(CDR(s), 0, 0, d);
if (PRIMVAL(SYMVALUE(op)) == 1)
print2buff("]", d);
print2buff("]]", d);
if (d->backtick)
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(op), '`'), d);
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(op), '"'), d);
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(s, 0, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(s, 1, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
printcomment(s, d);
if (!(d->opts & USESOURCE) || !isString(CADDR(s))) {
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(FORMALS(s), 0, 1, d);
print2buff(") ", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
} else {
s = CADDR(s);
n = length(s);
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
print2buff(translateChar(STRING_ELT(s, i)), d);
case PP_ASSIGN2: {
Rboolean outerparens = fnarg && !strcmp(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), "=");
if (outerparens)
print2buff("(", d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 1)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
print2buff(" ", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff(" ", d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CADR(s), 0)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
if (outerparens)
print2buff(")", d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 1)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
/*temp fix to handle printing of x$a's */
if( isString(CADR(s)) &&
isValidName(CHAR(STRING_ELT(CADR(s), 0))))
deparse2buff(STRING_ELT(CADR(s), 0), d);
else {
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CADR(s), 0)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 1)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
print2buff(" ", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff(" ", d);
linebreak(&lbreak, d);
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CADR(s), 0)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
if (lbreak) {
lbreak = FALSE;
case PP_BINARY2: /* no space between op and args */
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 1)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CADR(s), 0)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
case PP_UNARY:
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
if ((parens = needsparens(fop, CAR(s), 0)))
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
if (parens)
print2buff(")", d);
case PP_BREAK:
print2buff("break", d);
case PP_NEXT:
print2buff("next", d);
if(d->opts & S_COMPAT) {
print2buff("\"", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff("\'(", d);
} else {
print2buff("`", d);
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(op)), d); /* ASCII */
print2buff("`(", d);
args2buff(s, 0, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
d->sourceable = FALSE;
else {
SEXP val = R_NilValue; /* -Wall */
if (isSymbol(CAR(s))) {
val = SYMVALUE(CAR(s));
if (TYPEOF(val) == PROMSXP)
val = eval(val, R_BaseEnv);
if ( isSymbol(CAR(s))
&& TYPEOF(val) == CLOSXP
&& streql(CHAR(PRINTNAME(CAR(s))), "::") ) { // :: is special case
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
print2buff("::", d);
deparse2buff(CADDR(s), d);
else if ( isSymbol(CAR(s))
&& TYPEOF(val) == CLOSXP
&& streql(CHAR(PRINTNAME(CAR(s))), ":::") ) { // ::: is special case
deparse2buff(CADR(s), d);
print2buff(":::", d);
deparse2buff(CADDR(s), d);
else {
if ( isSymbol(CAR(s)) ){
if(d->opts & S_COMPAT)
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(CAR(s)), '\''), d);
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(CAR(s)), '`'), d);
deparse2buff(CAR(s), d);
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(CDR(s), 0, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
} // end{op : SYMSXP }
else if (TYPEOF(op) == CLOSXP || TYPEOF(op) == SPECIALSXP
if (parenthesizeCaller(op)) {
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(op, d);
print2buff(")", d);
} else
deparse2buff(op, d);
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(CDR(s), 0, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
else { /* we have a lambda expression */
if (parenthesizeCaller(op)) {
print2buff("(", d);
deparse2buff(op, d);
print2buff(")", d);
} else
deparse2buff(op, d);
print2buff("(", d);
args2buff(CDR(s), 0, 0, d);
print2buff(")", d);
if (maybe_quote) {
d->opts = d_opts_in;
print2buff(")", d);
break; // end{case LANGSXP} ---------------------------------------------
case STRSXP:
case LGLSXP:
case INTSXP:
case RAWSXP:
vector2buff(s, d);
char tpb[32]; /* need 12+2+2*sizeof(void*) */
d->sourceable = FALSE;
snprintf(tpb, 32, "<pointer: %p>", R_ExternalPtrAddr(s));
tpb[31] = '\0';
print2buff(tpb, d);
d->sourceable = FALSE;
print2buff("<bytecode>", d);
d->sourceable = FALSE;
print2buff("<weak reference>", d);
case S4SXP: {
error("'S4SXP': should not happen - please report");
d->sourceable = FALSE;
UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("deparse2buff", s);
/* If there is a string array active point to that, and */
/* otherwise we are counting lines so don't do anything. */
static void writeline(LocalParseData *d)
if (d->strvec != R_NilValue && d->linenumber < d->maxlines)
SET_STRING_ELT(d->strvec, d->linenumber, mkChar(d->;
if (d->linenumber >= d->maxlines) d->active = FALSE;
/* reset */
d->len = 0;
d->[0] = '\0';
d->startline = TRUE;
static void print2buff(const char *strng, LocalParseData *d)
size_t tlen, bufflen;
if (d->startline) {
d->startline = FALSE;
printtab2buff(d->indent, d); /*if at the start of a line tab over */
tlen = strlen(strng);
R_AllocStringBuffer(0, &(d->buffer));
bufflen = strlen(d->;
R_AllocStringBuffer(bufflen + tlen, &(d->buffer));
strcat(d->, strng);
d->len += (int) tlen;
* Encodes a complex value as a syntactically correct
* string that can be reparsed by R. This is required
* because by default strings like '1+Infi' or '3+NaNi'
* are produced which are not valid complex literals.
#define NB 1000 /* Same as printutils.c */
#define NB2 2*NB+25
static const char *EncodeNonFiniteComplexElement(Rcomplex x, char* buff)
int w, d, e, wi, di, ei;
// format a first time to get width/decimals
formatComplex(&x, 1, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, 0);
char Re[NB];
char Im[NB];
strcpy(Re, EncodeReal0(x.r, w, d, e, "."));
strcpy(Im, EncodeReal0(x.i, wi, di, ei, "."));
snprintf(buff, NB2, "complex(real=%s, imaginary=%s)", Re, Im);
buff[NB2-1] = '\0';
return buff;
static void deparse2buf_name(SEXP nv, int i, LocalParseData *d) {
if (!isNull(nv) && !isNull(STRING_ELT(nv, i))
&& *CHAR(STRING_ELT(nv, i))) { /* length test */
/* d->opts = SIMPLEDEPARSE; This seems pointless */
if(isValidName(translateChar(STRING_ELT(nv, i))))
deparse2buff(STRING_ELT(nv, i), d);
else if(d->backtick) {
print2buff("`", d);
deparse2buff(STRING_ELT(nv, i), d);
print2buff("`", d);
} else {
print2buff("\"", d);
deparse2buff(STRING_ELT(nv, i), d);
print2buff("\"", d);
/* d->opts = d_opts_in; */
print2buff(" = ", d);
// deparse atomic vectors :
static void vector2buff(SEXP vector, LocalParseData *d)
// Known here: TYPEOF(vector) is one of the 6 atomic *SXPs
const char *strp;
char *buff = 0, hex[64]; // 64 is more than enough
int i, d_opts_in = d->opts,
tlen = length(vector),
quote = isString(vector) ? '"' : 0;
Rboolean surround = FALSE, allNA,
intSeq = FALSE; // := TRUE iff integer sequence 'm:n' (up *or* down)
if(TYPEOF(vector) == INTSXP) {
int *vec = INTEGER(vector), d_i;
intSeq = (tlen > 1 &&
vec[0] != NA_INTEGER &&
vec[1] != NA_INTEGER &&
abs(d_i = vec[1] - vec[0]) == 1);
if(intSeq) for(i = 2; i < tlen; i++) {
if((vec[i] == NA_INTEGER) || (vec[i] - vec[i-1]) != d_i) {
intSeq = FALSE;
SEXP nv = R_NilValue;
Rboolean do_names = d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS;// iff TRUE use '<tag_i> = <comp_i>'
if(do_names) {
nv = getAttrib(vector, R_NamesSymbol); // only "do names" if have names:
do_names = FALSE;
STR_names, // if true, use structure(.,*) for names even if(nice_names)
need_c = tlen > 1; // (?) only TRUE iff SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS
STR_names = do_names && (intSeq || tlen == 0);
REprintf("vector2buff(v): length(v) = %d; initial (do|STR)_names) = (%s,%s)\n",
tlen, ChTF(do_names), ChTF(STR_names));
if (STR_names) // use structure(.,*) for names even if(nice_names)
d->opts &= ~NICE_NAMES;
attr_type attr = (d_opts_in & SHOW_ATTR_OR_NMS) ? attr1(vector, d) : SIMPLE;
if(do_names) do_names = (attr == OK_NAMES || attr == STRUC_ATTR);
if(!need_c) need_c = do_names; // c(a = *) but not c(1)
REprintf(" -> final (do|STR)_names) = (%s,%s), attr = %s\n",
ChTF(do_names), ChTF(STR_names), attrT2char(attr));
if (tlen == 0) {
switch(TYPEOF(vector)) {
case LGLSXP: print2buff("logical(0)", d); break;
case INTSXP: print2buff("integer(0)", d); break;
case REALSXP: print2buff("numeric(0)", d); break;
case CPLXSXP: print2buff("complex(0)", d); break;
case STRSXP: print2buff("character(0)", d); break;
case RAWSXP: print2buff("raw(0)", d); break;
default: UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("vector2buff", vector);
else if(TYPEOF(vector) == INTSXP) {
/* We treat integer separately, as S_compatible is relevant.
Also, it is neat to deparse m:n in that form,
so we do so as from 2.5.0, and for m > n, from 3.5.0
if(intSeq) { // m:n
strp = EncodeElement(vector, 0, '"', '.');
print2buff(strp, d);
print2buff(":", d);
strp = EncodeElement(vector, tlen - 1, '"', '.');
print2buff(strp, d);
} else {
int *vec = INTEGER(vector);
Rboolean addL = d->opts & KEEPINTEGER & !(d->opts & S_COMPAT);
allNA = (d->opts & KEEPNA) || addL;
for(i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
if(vec[i] != NA_INTEGER) {
allNA = FALSE;
if((d->opts & KEEPINTEGER && (d->opts & S_COMPAT))) {
print2buff("as.integer(", d); surround = TRUE;
allNA = allNA && !(d->opts & S_COMPAT);
if(need_c) print2buff("c(", d);
for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++) {
if(do_names) // put '<tag> = '
deparse2buf_name(nv, i, d);
if(allNA && vec[i] == NA_INTEGER) {
print2buff("NA_integer_", d);
} else {
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
print2buff(strp, d);
if(addL && vec[i] != NA_INTEGER) print2buff("L", d);
if (i < (tlen - 1)) print2buff(", ", d);
if (tlen > 1 && d->len > d->cutoff) writeline(d);
if (!d->active) break;
if(need_c) print2buff(")", d);
if(surround) print2buff(")", d);
} else { // tlen > 0; _not_ INTSXP
allNA = d->opts & KEEPNA;
if((d->opts & KEEPNA) && TYPEOF(vector) == REALSXP) {
for(i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
if(!ISNA(REAL(vector)[i])) {
allNA = FALSE;
if(allNA && (d->opts & S_COMPAT)) {
print2buff("as.double(", d); surround = TRUE;
} else if((d->opts & KEEPNA) && TYPEOF(vector) == CPLXSXP) {
Rcomplex *vec = COMPLEX(vector);
for(i = 0; i < tlen; i++) {
if( !ISNA(vec[i].r) && !ISNA(vec[i].i) ) {
allNA = FALSE;
if(allNA && (d->opts & S_COMPAT)) {
print2buff("as.complex(", d); surround = TRUE;
} else if((d->opts & KEEPNA) && TYPEOF(vector) == STRSXP) {
for(i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
if(STRING_ELT(vector, i) != NA_STRING) {
allNA = FALSE;
if(allNA && (d->opts & S_COMPAT)) {
print2buff("as.character(", d); surround = TRUE;
} else if(TYPEOF(vector) == RAWSXP) {
print2buff("as.raw(", d); surround = TRUE;
if(need_c) print2buff("c(", d);
allNA = allNA && !(d->opts & S_COMPAT);
for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++) {
if(do_names) // put '<tag> = '
deparse2buf_name(nv, i, d);
if(allNA && TYPEOF(vector) == REALSXP &&
ISNA(REAL(vector)[i])) {
strp = "NA_real_";
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == CPLXSXP &&
&& ISNA(COMPLEX(vector)[i].i)) ) {
strp = allNA ? "NA_complex_" : EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else if(TYPEOF(vector) == CPLXSXP &&
(ISNAN(COMPLEX(vector)[i].r) || !R_FINITE(COMPLEX(vector)[i].i)) ) {
if (!buff)
buff = alloca(NB2);
strp = EncodeNonFiniteComplexElement(COMPLEX(vector)[i], buff);
} else if (allNA && TYPEOF(vector) == STRSXP &&
STRING_ELT(vector, i) == NA_STRING) {
strp = "NA_character_";
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == REALSXP && (d->opts & S_COMPAT)) {
int w, d, e;
formatReal(&REAL(vector)[i], 1, &w, &d, &e, 0);
strp = EncodeReal2(REAL(vector)[i], w, d, e);
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == STRSXP) {
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
#ifdef longstring_WARN
const char *ts = translateChar(STRING_ELT(vector, i));
/* versions of R < 2.7.0 cannot parse strings longer than 8192 chars */
if(strlen(ts) >= 8192) d->longstring = TRUE;
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == RAWSXP) {
strp = EncodeRaw(RAW(vector)[i], "0x");
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == REALSXP && (d->opts & HEXNUMERIC)) {
double x = REAL(vector)[i];
// Windows warns here, but incorrectly as this is C99
// and the snprintf used from trio is compliant.
if (R_FINITE(x)) {
snprintf(hex, 32, "%a", x);
strp = hex;
} else
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == REALSXP && (d->opts & DIGITS16)) {
double x = REAL(vector)[i];
if (R_FINITE(x)) {
snprintf(hex, 32, "%.17g", x);
strp = hex;
} else
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == CPLXSXP && (d->opts & HEXNUMERIC)) {
Rcomplex z = COMPLEX(vector)[i];
if (R_FINITE(z.r) && R_FINITE(z.i)) {
snprintf(hex, 64, "%a + %ai", z.r, z.i);
strp = hex;
} else
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else if (TYPEOF(vector) == CPLXSXP && (d->opts & DIGITS16)) {
Rcomplex z = COMPLEX(vector)[i];
if (R_FINITE(z.r) && R_FINITE(z.i)) {
snprintf(hex, 64, "%.17g%+.17gi", z.r, z.i);
strp = hex;
} else
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
} else
strp = EncodeElement(vector, i, quote, '.');
print2buff(strp, d);
if (i < (tlen - 1)) print2buff(", ", d);
if (tlen > 1 && d->len > d->cutoff) writeline(d);
if (!d->active) break;
} // for(i in 1:tlen)
if(need_c ) print2buff(")", d);
if(surround) print2buff(")", d);
if(attr >= STRUC_ATTR) attr2(vector, d, (attr == STRUC_ATTR));
if (STR_names) d->opts = d_opts_in;
} // vector2buff()
/* src2buff1: Deparse one source ref to buffer */
static void src2buff1(SEXP srcref, LocalParseData *d)
int i,n;
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
PROTECT(srcref = lang2(R_AsCharacterSymbol, srcref));
PROTECT(srcref = eval(srcref, R_BaseEnv));
n = length(srcref);
for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
print2buff(translateChar(STRING_ELT(srcref, i)), d);
if(i < n-1) writeline(d);
/* src2buff : Deparse source element k to buffer, if possible; return FALSE on failure */
static Rboolean src2buff(SEXP sv, int k, LocalParseData *d)
if (TYPEOF(sv) == VECSXP && length(sv) > k && !isNull(t = VECTOR_ELT(sv, k))) {
src2buff1(t, d);
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
/* Deparse vectors of S-expressions, i.e., list() and expression() objects.
In particular, this deparses objects of mode expression. */
static void vec2buff(SEXP v, LocalParseData *d,
Rboolean do_names) // iff TRUE use '<tag_i> = <comp_i>'
Rboolean lbreak = FALSE;
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
int n = length(v);
SEXP nv;
if(do_names) {
nv = getAttrib(v, R_NamesSymbol); // only "do names" if have names:
if (isNull(nv))
do_names = FALSE;
SEXP sv; // Srcref or NULL
if (d->opts & USESOURCE) {
sv = getAttrib(v, R_SrcrefSymbol);
if (TYPEOF(sv) != VECSXP)
sv = R_NilValue;
} else
sv = R_NilValue;
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
if (i > 0)
print2buff(", ", d);
linebreak(&lbreak, d);
if(do_names) // put '<tag> = '
deparse2buf_name(nv, i, d);
if (!src2buff(sv, i, d))
deparse2buff(VECTOR_ELT(v, i), d);
if (lbreak)
static void args2buff(SEXP arglist, int lineb, int formals, LocalParseData *d)
Rboolean lbreak = FALSE;
while (arglist != R_NilValue) {
if (TYPEOF(arglist) != LISTSXP && TYPEOF(arglist) != LANGSXP)
error(_("badly formed function expression"));
if (TAG(arglist) != R_NilValue) {
SEXP s = TAG(arglist);
if( s == R_DotsSymbol )
print2buff(CHAR(PRINTNAME(s)), d);
else if(d->backtick)
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(s), '`'), d);
print2buff(quotify(PRINTNAME(s), '"'), d);
if(formals) {
if (CAR(arglist) != R_MissingArg) {
print2buff(" = ", d);
d->fnarg = TRUE;
deparse2buff(CAR(arglist), d);
else {
print2buff(" = ", d);
if (CAR(arglist) != R_MissingArg) {
d->fnarg = TRUE;
deparse2buff(CAR(arglist), d);
else {
d->fnarg = TRUE;
deparse2buff(CAR(arglist), d);
arglist = CDR(arglist);
if (arglist != R_NilValue) {
print2buff(", ", d);
linebreak(&lbreak, d);
if (lbreak)
/* This code controls indentation. Used to follow the S style, */
/* (print 4 tabs and then start printing spaces only) but I */
/* modified it to be closer to emacs style (RI). */
static void printtab2buff(int ntab, LocalParseData *d)
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= ntab; i++)
if (i <= 4)
print2buff(" ", d);
print2buff(" ", d);