blob: 56dfc094d1ec8d8af5154d65196b4f4e012a6b2a [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1998-2018 The R Core Team.
* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
/* The x:y primitive calls do_colon(); do_colon() calls cross_colon() if
both arguments are factors and seq_colon() otherwise.
#include <config.h>
#include <Defn.h>
#include <Internal.h>
#include <float.h> /* for DBL_EPSILON */
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <R_ext/Itermacros.h>
#include "RBufferUtils.h"
static R_StringBuffer cbuff = {NULL, 0, MAXELTSIZE};
#define _S4_rep_keepClass
/* ==> rep(<S4>, .) keeps class e.g., for list-like */
static SEXP cross_colon(SEXP call, SEXP s, SEXP t)
SEXP a, la, ls, lt, rs, rt;
int i, j, k, n, nls, nlt;
char *cbuf;
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
if (length(s) != length(t))
errorcall(call, _("unequal factor lengths"));
n = length(s);
ls = getAttrib(s, R_LevelsSymbol);
lt = getAttrib(t, R_LevelsSymbol);
nls = LENGTH(ls);
nlt = LENGTH(lt);
PROTECT(a = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
PROTECT(rs = coerceVector(s, INTSXP));
PROTECT(rt = coerceVector(t, INTSXP));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int vs = INTEGER(rs)[i];
int vt = INTEGER(rt)[i];
if ((vs == NA_INTEGER) || (vt == NA_INTEGER))
INTEGER(a)[i] = vt + (vs - 1) * nlt;
if (!isNull(ls) && !isNull(lt)) {
PROTECT(la = allocVector(STRSXP, nls * nlt));
k = 0;
/* FIXME: possibly UTF-8 version */
for (i = 0; i < nls; i++) {
const char *vi = translateChar(STRING_ELT(ls, i));
size_t vs = strlen(vi);
for (j = 0; j < nlt; j++) {
const char *vj = translateChar(STRING_ELT(lt, j));
size_t vt = strlen(vj), len = vs + vt + 2;
cbuf = R_AllocStringBuffer(len, &cbuff);
snprintf(cbuf, len, "%s:%s", vi, vj);
SET_STRING_ELT(la, k, mkChar(cbuf));
setAttrib(a, R_LevelsSymbol, la);
PROTECT(la = mkString("factor"));
setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, la);
return a;
/* interval at which to check interrupts */
#define NINTERRUPT 1000000U
static SEXP seq_colon(double n1, double n2, SEXP call)
double r = fabs(n2 - n1);
if(r >= R_XLEN_T_MAX)
errorcall(call, _("result would be too long a vector"));
if (n1 == (R_xlen_t) n1 && n2 == (R_xlen_t) n2)
return R_compact_intrange((R_xlen_t) n1, (R_xlen_t) n2);
SEXP ans;
R_xlen_t n = (R_xlen_t)(r + 1 + FLT_EPSILON);
Rboolean useInt = (n1 <= INT_MAX) && (n1 == (int) n1);
if(useInt) {
if(n1 <= INT_MIN || n1 > INT_MAX)
useInt = FALSE;
else {
/* r := " the effective 'to' " of from:to */
double dn = (double) n;
r = n1 + ((n1 <= n2) ? dn-1 : -(dn-1));
if(r <= INT_MIN || r > INT_MAX) useInt = FALSE;
if (useInt) {
if (n1 <= n2)
ans = R_compact_intrange((R_xlen_t) n1, (R_xlen_t)(n1 + n - 1));
ans = R_compact_intrange((R_xlen_t) n1, (R_xlen_t)(n1 - n + 1));
} else {
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n);
if (n1 <= n2)
for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(ans)[i] = n1 + (double)i;
for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(ans)[i] = n1 - (double)i;
return ans;
SEXP attribute_hidden do_colon(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP s1, s2;
double n1, n2;
checkArity(op, args);
if (inherits(CAR(args), "factor") && inherits(CADR(args), "factor"))
return(cross_colon(call, CAR(args), CADR(args)));
s1 = CAR(args);
s2 = CADR(args);
n1 = length(s1);
n2 = length(s2);
if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0)
errorcall(call, _("argument of length 0"));
if (n1 > 1)
ngettext("numerical expression has %d element: only the first used",
"numerical expression has %d elements: only the first used",
(int) n1), (int) n1);
if (n2 > 1)
ngettext("numerical expression has %d element: only the first used",
"numerical expression has %d elements: only the first used",
(int) n2), (int) n2);
n1 = asReal(s1);
n2 = asReal(s2);
if (ISNAN(n1) || ISNAN(n2))
errorcall(call, _("NA/NaN argument"));
return seq_colon(n1, n2, call);
/*, times) for a vector times */
static SEXP rep2(SEXP s, SEXP ncopy)
R_xlen_t i, j, nc, n;
SEXP a, t;
#define R2_SWITCH_LOOP(it) \
switch (TYPEOF(s)) { \
case LGLSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = 0; j < (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j++) \
LOGICAL(a)[n++] = LOGICAL(s)[i]; \
} \
break; \
case INTSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
INTEGER(a)[n++] = INTEGER(s)[i]; \
} \
break; \
case REALSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
REAL(a)[n++] = REAL(s)[i]; \
} \
break; \
case CPLXSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
COMPLEX(a)[n++] = COMPLEX(s)[i]; \
} \
break; \
case STRSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
SET_STRING_ELT(a, n++, STRING_ELT(s, i)); \
} \
break; \
case VECSXP: \
case EXPRSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
SEXP elt = lazy_duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(s, i)); \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
SET_VECTOR_ELT(a, n++, elt); \
} \
break; \
case RAWSXP: \
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % ni == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for (j = (R_xlen_t) it[i]; j > 0; j--) \
RAW(a)[n++] = RAW(s)[i]; \
} \
break; \
default: \
if (TYPEOF(ncopy) != INTSXP)
if (TYPEOF(ncopy) == REALSXP)
PROTECT(t = coerceVector(ncopy, REALSXP));
PROTECT(t = coerceVector(ncopy, INTSXP));
nc = xlength(ncopy);
double sna = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
if (ISNAN(REAL(t)[i]) || REAL(t)[i] <= -1 ||
REAL(t)[i] >= R_XLEN_T_MAX+1.0)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
sna += (R_xlen_t) REAL(t)[i];
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
if (INTEGER(t)[i] == NA_INTEGER || INTEGER(t)[i] < 0)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
sna += INTEGER(t)[i];
if (sna > R_XLEN_T_MAX)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
R_xlen_t na = (R_xlen_t) sna;
/* R_xlen_t ni = NINTERRUPT, ratio;
if(nc > 0) {
ratio = na/nc; // average no of replications
if (ratio > 1000U) ni = 1000U;
} */
PROTECT(a = allocVector(TYPEOF(s), na));
n = 0;
return a;
/* rep_len(x, len), also used for with scalar 'times' */
static SEXP rep3(SEXP s, R_xlen_t ns, R_xlen_t na)
R_xlen_t i, j;
PROTECT(a = allocVector(TYPEOF(s), na));
switch (TYPEOF(s)) {
case LGLSXP:
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
LOGICAL(a)[i] = LOGICAL(s)[j];
case INTSXP:
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
INTEGER(a)[i] = INTEGER(s)[j];
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(a)[i] = REAL(s)[j];
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
COMPLEX(a)[i] = COMPLEX(s)[j];
case RAWSXP:
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
RAW(a)[i] = RAW(s)[j];
case STRSXP:
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
case VECSXP:
MOD_ITERATE1(na, ns, i, j, {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
SET_VECTOR_ELT(a, i, lazy_duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(s, j)));
return a;
// .Internal(, times))
SEXP attribute_hidden do_rep_int(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
SEXP s = CAR(args), ncopy = CADR(args);
R_xlen_t nc;
if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "", args, rho, &a, 0, 0))
if (!isVector(ncopy))
error(_("invalid type (%s) for '%s' (must be a vector)"),
type2char(TYPEOF(ncopy)), "times");
if (!isVector(s) && s != R_NilValue)
error(_("attempt to replicate an object of type '%s'"),
nc = xlength(ncopy); // might be 0
if (nc == xlength(s))
PROTECT(a = rep2(s, ncopy));
else {
if (nc != 1) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
R_xlen_t ns = xlength(s);
if (TYPEOF(ncopy) != INTSXP) {
double snc = asReal(ncopy);
if (!R_FINITE(snc) || snc <= -1. ||
(ns > 0 && snc >= R_XLEN_T_MAX + 1.))
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
nc = ns == 0 ? 1 : (R_xlen_t) snc;
} else if ((nc = asInteger(ncopy)) == NA_INTEGER || nc < 0) // nc = 0 ok
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
if ((double) nc * ns > R_XLEN_T_MAX)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "times");
PROTECT(a = rep3(s, ns, nc * ns));
#ifdef _S4_rep_keepClass
if(IS_S4_OBJECT(s)) { /* e.g. contains = "list" */
setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, getAttrib(s, R_ClassSymbol));
if (inherits(s, "factor")) {
SEXP tmp;
if(inherits(s, "ordered")) {
PROTECT(tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, mkChar("ordered"));
SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 1, mkChar("factor"));
} else PROTECT(tmp = mkString("factor"));
setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, tmp);
setAttrib(a, R_LevelsSymbol, getAttrib(s, R_LevelsSymbol));
return a;
SEXP attribute_hidden do_rep_len(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
R_xlen_t ns, na;
SEXP a, s, len;
checkArity(op, args);
if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "rep_len", args, rho, &a, 0, 0))
s = CAR(args);
if (!isVector(s) && s != R_NilValue)
error(_("attempt to replicate non-vector"));
len = CADR(args);
if(length(len) != 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length.out");
if (TYPEOF(len) != INTSXP) {
double sna = asReal(len);
if (ISNAN(sna) || sna <= -1. || sna >= R_XLEN_T_MAX + 1.)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length.out");
na = (R_xlen_t) sna;
} else
if ((na = asInteger(len)) == NA_INTEGER || na < 0) /* na = 0 ok */
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "length.out");
if (TYPEOF(s) == NILSXP && na > 0)
error(_("cannot replicate NULL to a non-zero length"));
ns = xlength(s);
if (ns == 0) {
PROTECT(a = duplicate(s));
if(na > 0) a = xlengthgets(a, na);
return a;
PROTECT(a = rep3(s, ns, na));
#ifdef _S4_rep_keepClass
if(IS_S4_OBJECT(s)) { /* e.g. contains = "list" */
setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, getAttrib(s, R_ClassSymbol));
if (inherits(s, "factor")) {
SEXP tmp;
if(inherits(s, "ordered")) {
PROTECT(tmp = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 0, mkChar("ordered"));
SET_STRING_ELT(tmp, 1, mkChar("factor"));
} else PROTECT(tmp = mkString("factor"));
setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, tmp);
setAttrib(a, R_LevelsSymbol, getAttrib(s, R_LevelsSymbol));
return a;
/* rep(), allowing for both times and each ;
* ----- nt == length(times) ; if (nt == 1) 'times' is *not* accessed */
static SEXP rep4(SEXP x, SEXP times, R_xlen_t len, R_xlen_t each, R_xlen_t nt)
R_xlen_t lx = xlength(x);
R_xlen_t i, j, k, k2, k3, sum;
// faster code for common special case
if (each == 1 && nt == 1) return rep3(x, lx, len);
PROTECT(a = allocVector(TYPEOF(x), len));
#define R4_SWITCH_LOOP(itimes) \
switch (TYPEOF(x)) { \
case LGLSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
LOGICAL(a)[k2++] = LOGICAL(x)[i]; \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case INTSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
INTEGER(a)[k2++] = INTEGER(x)[i]; \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case REALSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
REAL(a)[k2++] = REAL(x)[i]; \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case CPLXSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
COMPLEX(a)[k2++] = COMPLEX(x)[i]; \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case STRSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
SET_STRING_ELT(a, k2++, STRING_ELT(x, i)); \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case VECSXP: \
case EXPRSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
SEXP elt = lazy_duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(x, i)); \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
SET_VECTOR_ELT(a, k2++, elt); \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
case RAWSXP: \
for(i = 0, k = 0, k2 = 0; i < lx; i++) { \
/* if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();*/ \
for(j = 0, sum = 0; j < each; j++) sum += (R_xlen_t) itimes[k++]; \
for(k3 = 0; k3 < sum; k3++) { \
RAW(a)[k2++] = RAW(x)[i]; \
if(k2 == len) goto done; \
} \
} \
break; \
default: \
if(nt == 1)
switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
case LGLSXP:
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
LOGICAL(a)[i] = LOGICAL(x)[(i/each) % lx];
case INTSXP:
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
INTEGER(a)[i] = INTEGER(x)[(i/each) % lx];
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(a)[i] = REAL(x)[(i/each) % lx];
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
COMPLEX(a)[i] = COMPLEX(x)[(i/each) % lx];
case STRSXP:
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
SET_STRING_ELT(a, i, STRING_ELT(x, (i/each) % lx));
case VECSXP:
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
SEXP elt = lazy_duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(x, (i/each) % lx));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(a, i, elt);
case RAWSXP:
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
RAW(a)[i] = RAW(x)[(i/each) % lx];
else if(TYPEOF(times) == REALSXP)
return a;
/* We are careful to use evalListKeepMissing here (inside
DispatchOrEval) to avoid dropping missing arguments so e.g.
rep(1:3,,8) matches length.out */
/* This is a primitive SPECIALSXP with internal argument matching */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_rep(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP ans, x, times = R_NilValue;
R_xlen_t i, lx, len = NA_INTEGER, each = 1, nt;
static SEXP do_rep_formals = NULL;
/* includes factors, POSIX[cl]t, Date */
if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "rep", args, rho, &ans, 0, 0))
/* This has evaluated all the non-missing arguments into ans */
PROTECT(args = ans);
/* This is a primitive, and we have not dispatched to a method
so we manage the argument matching ourselves. We pretend this is
rep(x, times, length.out, each, ...)
if (do_rep_formals == NULL)
do_rep_formals = allocFormalsList5(install("x"), install("times"),
install("each"), R_DotsSymbol);
PROTECT(args = matchArgs(do_rep_formals, args, call));
x = CAR(args);
/* supported in R 2.15.x */
errorcall(call, "replication of pairlists is defunct");
lx = xlength(x);
if (TYPEOF(CADDR(args)) != INTSXP) {
double slen = asReal(CADDR(args));
if (R_FINITE(slen)) {
if (slen <= -1 || slen >= R_XLEN_T_MAX+1.0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "length.out");
len = (R_xlen_t) slen;
} else
} else {
len = asInteger(CADDR(args));
if(len != NA_INTEGER && len < 0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "length.out");
if(length(CADDR(args)) != 1)
warningcall(call, _("first element used of '%s' argument"),
if (TYPEOF(CADDDR(args)) != INTSXP) {
double seach = asReal(CADDDR(args));
if (R_FINITE(seach)) {
if (seach <= -1. || (lx > 0 && seach >= R_XLEN_T_MAX + 1.))
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "each");
each = lx == 0 ? NA_INTEGER : (R_xlen_t) seach;
} else each = NA_INTEGER;
} else {
each = asInteger(CADDDR(args));
if(each != NA_INTEGER && each < 0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "each");
if(length(CADDDR(args)) != 1)
warningcall(call, _("first element used of '%s' argument"), "each");
if(each == NA_INTEGER) each = 1;
if(lx == 0) {
if(len > 0 && x == R_NilValue)
warningcall(call, "'x' is NULL so the result will be NULL");
PROTECT(a = duplicate(x));
if(len != NA_INTEGER && len > 0 && x != R_NilValue)
a = xlengthgets(a, len);
return a;
if (!isVector(x))
errorcall(call, "attempt to replicate an object of type '%s'",
/* So now we know x is a vector of positive length. We need to
replicate it, and its names if it has them. */
int nprotect = 2;
/* First find the final length using 'times' and 'each' */
if(len != NA_INTEGER) { /* takes precedence over times */
nt = 1;
} else {
double sum = 0;
if(CADR(args) == R_MissingArg)
PROTECT(times = ScalarInteger(1));
else if(TYPEOF(CADR(args)) != INTSXP)
else if(TYPEOF(CADR(args)) == REALSXP)
PROTECT(times = coerceVector(CADR(args), REALSXP));
else PROTECT(times = coerceVector(CADR(args), INTSXP));
nt = XLENGTH(times);
if(nt == 1) {
R_xlen_t it;
if (TYPEOF(times) == REALSXP) {
double rt = REAL(times)[0];
if (ISNAN(rt) || rt <= -1 || rt >= R_XLEN_T_MAX+1.0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
it = (R_xlen_t) rt;
} else {
it = INTEGER(times)[0];
if (it == NA_INTEGER || it < 0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
if ((double) lx * it * each > R_XLEN_T_MAX)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
len = lx * it * each;
} else { // nt != 1
if(nt != (double) lx * each)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
if (TYPEOF(times) == REALSXP)
for(i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
double rt = REAL(times)[i];
if (ISNAN(rt) || rt <= -1 || rt >= R_XLEN_T_MAX+1.0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
sum += (R_xlen_t) rt;
for(i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
int it = INTEGER(times)[i];
if (it == NA_INTEGER || it < 0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
sum += it;
if (sum > R_XLEN_T_MAX)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "times");
len = (R_xlen_t) sum;
if(len > 0 && each == 0)
errorcall(call, _("invalid '%s' argument"), "each");
SEXP xn = PROTECT(getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)); nprotect++;
PROTECT(ans = rep4(x, times, len, each, nt)); nprotect++;
if (xlength(xn) > 0)
setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, rep4(xn, times, len, each, nt));
#ifdef _S4_rep_keepClass
if(IS_S4_OBJECT(x)) { /* e.g. contains = "list" */
setAttrib(ans, R_ClassSymbol, getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol));
return ans;
This is a primitive SPECIALSXP with internal argument matching,
'along' has to be used on an unevaluated argument, and evalList
tries to evaluate language objects.
#define FEPS 1e-10
/* to match seq.default */
SEXP attribute_hidden do_seq(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP ans = R_NilValue /* -Wall */, from, to, by, len, along;
int nargs = length(args), lf;
Rboolean One = (nargs == 1);
R_xlen_t i, lout = NA_INTEGER;
static SEXP do_seq_formals = NULL;
if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "seq", args, rho, &ans, 0, 1))
/* This is a primitive and we manage argument matching ourselves.
We pretend this is
seq(from, to, by, length.out, along.with, ...)
if (do_seq_formals == NULL)
do_seq_formals = allocFormalsList6(install("from"), install("to"),
install("by"), install("length.out"),
install("along.with"), R_DotsSymbol);
PROTECT(args = matchArgs(do_seq_formals, args, call));
from = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
to = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
by = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
len = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
along= CAR(args);
miss_from = (from == R_MissingArg),
miss_to = (to == R_MissingArg);
if(One && !miss_from) {
lf = length(from);
if(lf == 1 && (TYPEOF(from) == INTSXP || TYPEOF(from) == REALSXP)) {
double rfrom = asReal(from);
if (!R_FINITE(rfrom))
errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "from");
ans = seq_colon(1.0, rfrom, call);
else if (lf)
ans = seq_colon(1.0, (double)lf, call);
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
goto done;
if(along != R_MissingArg) {
lout = XLENGTH(along);
if(One) {
ans = lout ? seq_colon(1.0, (double)lout, call) : allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
goto done;
} else if(len != R_MissingArg && len != R_NilValue) {
double rout = asReal(len);
if(ISNAN(rout) || rout <= -0.5)
errorcall(call, _("'length.out' must be a non-negative number"));
if(length(len) != 1)
warningcall(call, _("first element used of '%s' argument"),
lout = (R_xlen_t) ceil(rout);
if(lout == NA_INTEGER) {
double rfrom, rto, rby = asReal(by);
if(miss_from) rfrom = 1.0;
else {
if(length(from) != 1) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be of length 1"), "from");
rfrom = asReal(from);
errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "from");
if(miss_to) rto = 1.0;
else {
if(length(to) != 1) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be of length 1"), "to");
rto = asReal(to);
errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "to");
if(by == R_MissingArg)
ans = seq_colon(rfrom, rto, call);
else {
if(length(by) != 1) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be of length 1"), "by");
double del = rto - rfrom;
if(del == 0.0 && rto == 0.0) {
ans = to; // is *not* missing in this case
goto done;
/* printf("from = %f, to = %f, by = %f\n", rfrom, rto, rby); */
double n = del/rby;
if(!R_FINITE(n)) {
if(del == 0.0 && rby == 0.0) {
ans = miss_from ? ScalarReal(rfrom) : from;
goto done;
} else
errorcall(call, _("invalid '(to - from)/by'"));
double dd = fabs(del)/fmax2(fabs(rto), fabs(rfrom));
if(dd < 100 * DBL_EPSILON) {
ans = miss_from ? ScalarReal(rfrom) : from;
goto done;
if(n > 100 * (double) INT_MAX)
if(n > (double) INT_MAX)
errorcall(call, _("'by' argument is much too small"));
if(n < - FEPS)
errorcall(call, _("wrong sign in 'by' argument"));
R_xlen_t nn;
if((miss_from || TYPEOF(from) == INTSXP) &&
(miss_to || TYPEOF(to) == INTSXP) &&
int *ia, ifrom = miss_from ? (int)rfrom : asInteger(from),
iby = asInteger(by);
/* With the current limits on integers and FEPS
reduced below 1/INT_MAX this is the same as the
next, so this is future-proofing against longer integers.
/* as seq.default also returns integer for from + (0:n)*by
nn = (R_xlen_t) n;
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nn+1);
ia = INTEGER(ans);
for(i = 0; i <= nn; i++)
ia[i] = (int)(ifrom + i * iby);
} else {
nn = (int)(n + FEPS);
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, nn+1);
double *ra = REAL(ans);
for(i = 0; i <= nn; i++)
ra[i] = rfrom + (double)i * rby;
/* Added in 2.9.0 */
if (nn > 0)
if((rby > 0 && ra[nn] > rto) || (rby < 0 && ra[nn] < rto))
ra[nn] = rto;
} else if (lout == 0) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
} else if (One) {
ans = seq_colon(1.0, (double)lout, call);
} else if (by == R_MissingArg) { // and len := length.out specified
double rfrom = asReal(from), rto = asReal(to), rby = 0; // -Wall
if(miss_to) rto = rfrom + (double)lout - 1;
if(miss_from) rfrom = rto - (double)lout + 1;
if(!R_FINITE(rfrom)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "from");
if(!R_FINITE(rto)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "to");
if(lout > 2) rby = (rto - rfrom)/(double)(lout - 1);
if(rfrom <= INT_MAX && rfrom >= INT_MIN &&
rto <= INT_MAX && rto >= INT_MIN &&
rfrom == (int)rfrom &&
(lout <= 1 || rto == (int)rto) &&
(lout <= 2 || rby == (int)rby)) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, lout);
if(lout > 0) INTEGER(ans)[0] = (int)rfrom;
if(lout > 1) INTEGER(ans)[lout - 1] = (int)rto;
if(lout > 2)
for(i = 1; i < lout-1; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
INTEGER(ans)[i] = (int)(rfrom + (double)i*rby);
} else {
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, lout);
if(lout > 0) REAL(ans)[0] = rfrom;
if(lout > 1) REAL(ans)[lout - 1] = rto;
if(lout > 2) {
rby = (rto - rfrom)/(double)(lout - 1);
for(i = 1; i < lout-1; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(ans)[i] = rfrom + (double)i*rby;
} else if (miss_to) {
double rfrom = asReal(from), rby = asReal(by), rto;
if(miss_from) rfrom = 1.0;
if(!R_FINITE(rfrom)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "from");
if(!R_FINITE(rby)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "by");
rto = rfrom + (double)(lout-1)*rby;
if(rby == (int)rby && rfrom == (int)rfrom
&& rfrom <= INT_MAX && rfrom >= INT_MIN
&& rto <= INT_MAX && rto >= INT_MIN) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, lout);
for(i = 0; i < lout; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
INTEGER(ans)[i] = (int)(rfrom + (double)i*rby);
} else {
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, lout);
for(i = 0; i < lout; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(ans)[i] = rfrom + (double)i*rby;
} else if (miss_from) {
double rto = asReal(to), rby = asReal(by),
rfrom = rto - (double)(lout-1)*rby;
if(!R_FINITE(rto)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "to");
if(!R_FINITE(rby)) errorcall(call, _("'%s' must be a finite number"), "by");
if(rby == (int)rby && rto == (int)rto
&& rfrom <= INT_MAX && rfrom >= INT_MIN
&& rto <= INT_MAX && rto >= INT_MIN) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, lout);
for(i = 0; i < lout; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
INTEGER(ans)[i] = (int)(rto - (double)(lout - 1 - i)*rby);
} else {
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, lout);
for(i = 0; i < lout; i++) {
// if ((i+1) % NINTERRUPT == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
REAL(ans)[i] = rto - (double)(lout - 1 - i)*rby;
} else
errorcall(call, _("too many arguments"));
return ans;
SEXP attribute_hidden do_seq_along(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP ans;
R_xlen_t len;
static SEXP length_op = NULL;
/* Store the .Primitive for 'length' for DispatchOrEval to use. */
if (length_op == NULL) {
SEXP R_lengthSymbol = install("length");
length_op = eval(R_lengthSymbol, R_BaseEnv);
if (TYPEOF(length_op) != BUILTINSXP) {
length_op = NULL;
error("'length' is not a BUILTIN");
checkArity(op, args);
check1arg(args, call, "along.with");
/* Try to dispatch to S3 or S4 methods for 'length'. For cases
where no methods are defined this is more efficient than an
unconditional callback to R */
if (isObject(CAR(args)) &&
DispatchOrEval(call, length_op, "length", args, rho, &ans, 0, 1)) {
len = asInteger(ans);
len = xlength(CAR(args));
if (len == 0)
return allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
return R_compact_intrange(1, len);
SEXP attribute_hidden do_seq_len(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
R_xlen_t len;
checkArity(op, args);
check1arg(args, call, "length.out");
if(length(CAR(args)) != 1)
warningcall(call, _("first element used of '%s' argument"),
double dlen = asReal(CAR(args));
if(!R_FINITE(dlen) || dlen < 0)
errorcall(call, _("argument must be coercible to non-negative integer"));
if(dlen >= R_XLEN_T_MAX)
errorcall(call, _("result would be too long a vector"));
len = (R_xlen_t) dlen;
len = asInteger(CAR(args));
if(len == NA_INTEGER || len < 0)
errorcall(call, _("argument must be coercible to non-negative integer"));
if (len == 0)
return allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
return R_compact_intrange(1, len);