blob: 26a4a6e4fd7b029dd97a05cde40beeab97f5060a [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* file preferences.c
* Copyright (C) 2000 Guido Masarotto and Brian Ripley
* 2004-2018 R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#include <config.h>
#include "win-nls.h"
#ifdef Win32
#define USE_MDI 1
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* isspace */
#include "graphapp/ga.h"
#include "graphapp/graphapp.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "consolestructs.h"
#include "rui.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include <Fileio.h>
void R_fixbackslash(char *s);
#define gettext GA_gettext
extern char fontname[LF_FACESIZE+4]; /* from console.c */
extern int consolex, consoley; /* from console.c */
extern int pagerMultiple, haveusedapager; /* from pager.c */
void editorsetfont(font f);
static void showDialog(Gui gui);
extern __declspec(dllimport) const char *ColorName[]; /* from graphapp/rgb.c */
static int cmatch(const char *col, const char **list)
int i=0;
const char **pos = list;
while(*pos != NULL) {
if(strcmpi(*pos, col) == 0) return(i);
i++; pos++;
static const char *StyleList[] = {"normal", "bold", "italic", NULL};
static const char *PointsList[] = {"6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24", "26", "28", "32", "36", NULL};
static const char *FontsList[] = {"Courier", "Courier New", "FixedSys", "FixedFont", "Lucida Console", "Consolas", "Terminal", "BatangChe", "DotumChe", "GulimChe", "MingLiU", "MS Gothic", "MS Mincho", "NSimSun", NULL};
static const char *GuiElementNames[numGuiColors+1] = {"background", "normaltext", "usertext",
"pagerbg", "pagertext", "highlight",
"dataeditbg", "dataedittext", "dataedituser",
"editorbg", "editortext", NULL};
static const char *BlinkList[] = {"None", "Partial", "Full"};
static window wconfig;
static button bApply, bSave, bLoad, bOK, bCancel;
static label l_mdi, l_mwin, l_font, l_point, l_style, l_lang, l_crows, l_ccols,
l_cx, l_cy, l_prows, l_pcols, l_grx, l_gry,
l_cols, l_cbb, l_cbl, l_blink;
static radiogroup g_mwin;
static radiobutton rb_mdi, rb_sdi, rb_mwin, rb_swin;
static listbox f_font, f_style, d_point, guielement, guicolor;
static checkbox toolbar, statusbar, tt_font, c_resize, c_buff;
static field f_crows, f_ccols, f_prows, f_pcols, f_cx, f_cy, f_cbb,f_cbl,
f_grx, f_gry, f_lang, f_blink;
static textbox guisample;
static font samplefont = NULL;
static int samplePointsize = 10;
static int sampleStyle = Plain;
static int sampleFontNum;
static rgb dialogColors[numGuiColors];
static void getChoices(Gui p)
p->MDI = ischecked(rb_mdi);
p->toolbar = ischecked(toolbar);
p->statusbar = ischecked(statusbar);
p->pagerMultiple = ischecked(rb_mwin);
strncpy(p->language, gettext(f_lang), sizeof(p->language)-1);
p->language[sizeof(p->language)-1] = '\0';
strncpy(p->font, gettext(f_font), sizeof(p->font)-1);
p->font[sizeof(p->font)-1] = '\0';
p->tt_font = ischecked(tt_font);
p->pointsize = atoi(gettext(d_point));
strncpy(p->style, gettext(f_style), sizeof(p->style)-1);
p->style[sizeof(p->style)-1] = '\0';
p->crows = atoi(gettext(f_crows));
p->ccols = atoi(gettext(f_ccols));
p->cx = atoi(gettext(f_cx));
p->cy = atoi(gettext(f_cy));
p->setWidthOnResize = ischecked(c_resize);
p->buffered = ischecked(c_buff);
p->cbb = atoi(gettext(f_cbb));
p->cbl = atoi(gettext(f_cbl));
p->prows = atoi(gettext(f_prows));
p->pcols = atoi(gettext(f_pcols));
p->grx = atoi(gettext(f_grx));
p->gry = atoi(gettext(f_gry));
p->cursor_blink = getlistitem(f_blink);
dialogColors[cmatch(gettext(guielement),GuiElementNames)] = nametorgb(gettext(guicolor));
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
p->guiColors[i] = dialogColors[i];
/* MDIsize is not currently a choice in the dialog, only in the Rconsole file */
p->warning[0] = 0;
void getDefaults(Gui gui)
gui->crows = 25;
gui->ccols = 80;
gui->cx = gui->cy = 0;
gui->grx = Rwin_graphicsx;
gui->gry = Rwin_graphicsy;
gui->cursor_blink = 1; /* partial */
gui->guiColors[consolebg] = White;
gui->guiColors[consolefg] = DarkBlue;
gui->guiColors[consoleuser] = gaRed;
gui->guiColors[pagerbg] = White;
gui->guiColors[pagerfg] = DarkBlue;
gui->guiColors[pagerhighlight] = DarkRed;
gui->guiColors[dataeditbg] = White;
gui->guiColors[dataeditfg] = DarkBlue;
gui->guiColors[dataedituser] = gaRed;
gui->guiColors[editorbg] = White;
gui->guiColors[editorfg] = Black;
gui->prows = 25;
gui->pcols = 80;
gui->pagerMultiple = 0;
gui->cbb = 65000;
gui->cbl = 8000;
gui->setWidthOnResize = 1;
strcpy(gui->font, "Courier New");
strcpy(gui->style, "normal");
gui->tt_font = 1;
gui->pointsize = 10;
strcpy(gui->language, "");
gui->buffered = 1;
gui->warning[0] = 0;
#ifdef USE_MDI
gui->toolbar = ((RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR) != 0);
gui->statusbar = ((RguiMDI & RW_STATUSBAR) != 0);
gui->MDI = ((RguiMDI & RW_MDI) != 0);
gui->MDIsize = rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
void getActive(Gui gui)
rect r;
ConsoleData p;
if (RConsole && (p = (ConsoleData) getdata(RConsole))) {
gui->toolbar = ((RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR) != 0);
gui->statusbar = ((RguiMDI & RW_STATUSBAR) != 0);
gui->MDI = ((RguiMDI & RW_MDI) != 0);
gui->pagerMultiple = pagerMultiple;
const char *p = getenv("LANGUAGE");
strncpy(gui->language, p ? p : "", sizeof(gui->language)-1);
gui->language[sizeof(gui->language)-1] = '\0';
/* Font, pointsize, style */
gui->tt_font = FALSE;
const char *pf;
if ((strlen(fontname) > 1) &&
(fontname[0] == 'T') && (fontname[1] == 'T')) {
gui->tt_font = TRUE;
for (pf = fontname+2; isspace(*pf) ; pf++);
} else pf = fontname;
strncpy(gui->font, pf, sizeof(gui->font)-1);
gui->font[sizeof(gui->font)-1] = '\0';
gui->pointsize = pointsize;
if (fontsty & Italic) strcpy(gui->style, "italic");
else if (fontsty & Bold) strcpy(gui->style, "Bold");
else strcpy(gui->style, "normal");
/* Console size, set widthonresize */
gui->crows = ROWS;
gui->ccols = COLS;
r = GetCurrentWinPos(RConsole);
gui->cx = r.x;
gui->cy = r.y;
gui->setWidthOnResize = setWidthOnResize;
gui->cbb = p->lbuf->dim;
gui->cbl = p->lbuf->ms;
gui->buffered = consolebuffered;
/* Pager size */
gui->prows = pagerrow;
gui->pcols = pagercol;
/* Graphics window */
gui->grx = Rwin_graphicsx;
gui->gry = Rwin_graphicsy;
/* Cursor blink */
gui->cursor_blink = p->cursor_blink;
/* Font colours */
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
gui->guiColors[i] = guiColors[i];
/* MDIsize is not currently a choice in the dialog, only in the Rconsole file, so is not set here */
gui->warning[0] = 0;
} else
static int has_changed(Gui a, Gui b)
Rboolean colorchange = FALSE;
if (a)
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
colorchange |= a->guiColors[i] != b->guiColors[i];
return !a || colorchange ||
a->MDI != b->MDI ||
a->toolbar != b->toolbar ||
a->statusbar != b->statusbar ||
a->pagerMultiple != b->pagerMultiple ||
strcmp(a->language, b->language) ||
strcmp(a->font, b->font) ||
a->tt_font != b->tt_font ||
a->pointsize != b->pointsize ||
strcmp(a->style, b->style) ||
a->crows != b->crows ||
a->ccols != b->ccols ||
a->cx != b->cx ||
a->cy != b->cy ||
a->cbb != b->cbb ||
a->cbl != b->cbl ||
a->setWidthOnResize != b->setWidthOnResize ||
a->prows != b->prows ||
a->pcols != b->pcols ||
a->grx != b->grx ||
a->gry != b->gry ||
a->cursor_blink != b->cursor_blink;
static void cleanup(void)
delobj(l_mdi); delobj(rb_mdi); delobj(rb_sdi);
delobj(toolbar); delobj(statusbar);
delobj(l_mwin); delobj(g_mwin); delobj(rb_mwin); delobj(rb_swin);
delobj(l_lang); delobj(f_lang);
delobj(l_font); delobj(f_font); delobj(tt_font);
delobj(l_point); delobj(d_point);
delobj(l_style); delobj(f_style);
delobj(l_crows); delobj(f_crows); delobj(l_ccols); delobj(f_ccols);
delobj(c_resize); delobj(c_buff);
delobj(l_cx); delobj(f_cx); delobj(l_cy); delobj(f_cy);
delobj(l_cbb); delobj(f_cbb); delobj(l_cbl); delobj(f_cbl);
delobj(l_blink); delobj(f_blink);
delobj(l_prows); delobj(f_prows); delobj(l_pcols); delobj(f_pcols);
delobj(l_grx); delobj(f_grx); delobj(l_gry); delobj(f_gry);
delobj(guielement); delobj(guicolor); delobj(guisample);
delobj(bApply); delobj(bSave); delobj(bOK); delobj(bCancel);
void applyGUI(Gui newGUI)
rect r = getrect(RConsole);
ConsoleData p = (ConsoleData) getdata(RConsole);
int havenewfont = 0;
struct structGUI curGUI;
if(!has_changed(&curGUI, newGUI)) return;
if(newGUI->MDI != curGUI.MDI || newGUI->toolbar != curGUI.toolbar ||
newGUI->statusbar != curGUI.statusbar)
askok(G_("The overall console properties cannot be changed\non a running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply them.\n"));
if(strcmp(newGUI->language, curGUI.language)) {
char *buf = malloc(50);
askok(G_("The language for menus cannot be changed on a\n running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply to menus.\n"));
snprintf(buf, 50, "LANGUAGE=%s", newGUI->language);
/* Set a new font? */
if(strcmp(newGUI->font, curGUI.font) ||
newGUI->pointsize != curGUI.pointsize ||
char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128];
int sty = Plain;
if(newGUI->tt_font) strcpy(fontname, "TT "); else strcpy(fontname, "");
strcat(fontname, newGUI->font);
if (!strcmp(newGUI->style, "bold")) sty = Bold;
if (!strcmp(newGUI->style, "italic")) sty = Italic;
pointsize = newGUI->pointsize;
fontsty = sty;
/* Don't delete font: open pagers may be using it */
if (strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont"))
consolefn = gnewfont(NULL, fontname, fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1);
else consolefn = FixedFont;
if (!consolefn) {
snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128,
G_("Font %s-%d-%d not found.\nUsing system fixed font"),
fontname, fontsty | FixedWidth, pointsize);
consolefn = FixedFont;
/* if (!ghasfixedwidth(consolefn)) {
G_("Font %s-%d-%d has variable width.\nUsing system fixed font"),
fontname, fontsty, pointsize);
consolefn = FixedFont;
} */
p->f = consolefn;
FH = fontheight(p->f);
FW = fontwidth(p->f);
havenewfont = 1;
/* resize console, possibly with new font */
if (consoler != newGUI->crows || consolec != newGUI->ccols || havenewfont) {
char buf[20];
consoler = newGUI->crows;
consolec = newGUI->ccols;
r.width = (consolec + 1) * FW;
r.height = (consoler + 1) * FH;
resize(RConsole, r);
snprintf(buf, 20, "%d", ROWS); settext(f_crows, buf);
snprintf(buf, 20, "%d", COLS); settext(f_ccols, buf);
if (p->lbuf->dim != newGUI->cbb || p->lbuf->ms != newGUI->cbl)
xbufgrow(p->lbuf, newGUI->cbb, newGUI->cbl);
/* Set colours and redraw */
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
p->guiColors[i] = guiColors[i] = newGUI->guiColors[i];
drawconsole(RConsole, r);
if(haveusedapager &&
(newGUI->prows != curGUI.prows || newGUI->pcols != curGUI.pcols))
askok(G_("Changes in pager size will not apply to any open pagers"));
pagerrow = newGUI->prows;
pagercol = newGUI->pcols;
if(newGUI->pagerMultiple != pagerMultiple) {
if(!haveusedapager ||
askokcancel(G_("Do not change pager type if any pager is open\nProceed?"))
== YES)
pagerMultiple = newGUI->pagerMultiple;
if(pagerMultiple) {
check(rb_mwin); uncheck(rb_swin);
} else {check(rb_swin); uncheck(rb_mwin);}
setWidthOnResize = newGUI->setWidthOnResize;
consolebuffered = newGUI->buffered;
Rwin_graphicsx = newGUI->grx;
Rwin_graphicsy = newGUI->gry;
p->cursor_blink = newGUI->cursor_blink;
static void do_apply(void)
struct structGUI newGUI;
static void save(button b)
char *file, buf[256], *p;
FILE *fp;
setuserfilter("All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0");
strncpy(buf, getenv("R_USER"), sizeof(buf)-1);
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
file = askfilesavewithdir(G_("Select directory for file 'Rconsole'"),
"Rconsole", buf);
if(!file) return;
strncpy(buf, file, sizeof(buf)-1);
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
p = buf + strlen(buf) - 2;
if(!strncmp(p, ".*", 2)) *p = '\0';
fp = R_fopen(buf, "w");
if(fp == NULL) {
MessageBox(0, "Cannot open file to fp",
"Configuration Save Error",
fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n",
"# Optional parameters for the console and the pager",
"# The system-wide copy is in rwxxxx/etc.",
"# A user copy can be installed in `R_USER'.",
"## Style",
"# This can be `yes' (for MDI) or `no' (for SDI).");
fprintf(fp, "MDI = %s\n", ischecked(rb_mdi)?"yes":"no");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n\n",
"# the next two are only relevant for MDI",
"toolbar = ", ischecked(toolbar)?"yes":"no",
"statusbar = ", ischecked(statusbar)?"yes":"no");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n",
"## Font.",
"# Please use only fixed width font.",
"# If font=FixedFont the system fixed font is used; in this case",
"# points and style are ignored. If font begins with \"TT \", only",
"# True Type fonts are searched for.");
fprintf(fp, "font = %s%s\npoints = %s\nstyle = %s # Style can be normal, bold, italic\n\n\n",
ischecked(tt_font)?"TT ":"",
fprintf(fp, "# Dimensions (in characters) of the console.\n");
fprintf(fp, "rows = %s\ncolumns = %s\n",
gettext(f_crows), gettext(f_ccols));
fprintf(fp, "# Dimensions (in characters) of the internal pager.\n");
fprintf(fp, "pgrows = %s\npgcolumns = %s\n",
gettext(f_prows), gettext(f_pcols));
fprintf(fp, "# should options(width=) be set to the console width?\n");
fprintf(fp, "setwidthonresize = %s\n\n",
ischecked(c_resize) ? "yes" : "no");
fprintf(fp, "# memory limits for the console scrolling buffer, in chars and lines\n");
fprintf(fp, "bufbytes = %s\nbuflines = %s\n\n",
gettext(f_cbb), gettext(f_cbl));
fprintf(fp, "# Initial position of the console (pixels, relative to the workspace for MDI)\n");
fprintf(fp, "xconsole = %s\nyconsole = %s\n\n",
gettext(f_cx), gettext(f_cy));
fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n",
"# Dimension of MDI frame in pixels",
"# Format (w*h+xorg+yorg) or use -ve w and h for offsets from right bottom",
"# This will come up maximized if w==0",
"# MDIsize = 0*0+0+0",
"# MDIsize = 1000*800+100+0",
"# MDIsize = -50*-50+50+50 # 50 pixels space all round");
fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n%s\npagerstyle = %s\n\n\n",
"# The internal pager can displays help in a single window",
"# or in multiple windows (one for each topic)",
"# pagerstyle can be set to `singlewindow' or `multiplewindows'",
ischecked(rb_mwin) ? "multiplewindows" : "singlewindow");
fprintf(fp, "## Colours for console and pager(s)\n# (see rwxxxx/etc/rgb.txt for the known colours).\n");
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%s = %s\n", GuiElementNames[i], rgbtoname(dialogColors[i]));
fprintf(fp, "\n\n%s\n%s\nxgraphics = %s\nygraphics = %s\n",
"## Initial position of the graphics window",
"## (pixels, <0 values from opposite edge)",
gettext(f_grx), gettext(f_gry));
fprintf(fp, "\n\n%s\nlanguage = %s\n",
"## Language for messages",
fprintf(fp, "\n\n## Default setting for console buffering: 'yes' or 'no'\n");
fprintf(fp, "buffered = %s\n",
ischecked(c_buff) ? "yes" : "no");
fprintf(fp, "\n\n%s\ncursor_blink = %s\n",
"## Console cursor blink",
static void load(button b) /* button callback */
char *optf, buf[256];
struct structGUI newGUI;
setuserfilter("All files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0");
strncpy(buf, getenv("R_USER"), sizeof(buf)-1);
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
optf = askfilenamewithdir(G_("Select 'Rconsole' file"), "Rconsole", buf);
if(!optf) return;
if (loadRconsole(&newGUI, optf)) {
if (strlen(newGUI.warning)) askok(newGUI.warning);
int loadRconsole(Gui gui, const char *optf)
int ok, done, cfgerr;
char *opt[2];
if (!optopenfile(optf)) {
return 0; /* this should not happen unless there are permission problems, etc */
cfgerr = 0;
while ((ok = optread(opt, '='))) {
done = 0;
if (ok == 2) {
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "font")) {
if(strlen(opt[1]) > 127) opt[1][127] = '\0';
gui->tt_font = FALSE;
const char *pf;
if ((strlen(opt[1]) > 1) &&
(opt[1][0] == 'T') && (opt[1][1] == 'T')) {
gui->tt_font = TRUE;
for (pf = opt[1]+2; isspace(*pf) ; pf++);
} else pf = opt[1];
strncpy(gui->font, pf, sizeof(gui->font)-1);
gui->font[sizeof(gui->font)-1] = '\0';
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "points")) {
gui->pointsize = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "style")) {
strncpy(gui->style, opt[1], sizeof(gui->style)-1);
gui->style[sizeof(gui->style)-1] = 0;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "rows")) {
gui->crows = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "columns")) {
gui->ccols = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "xconsole")) {
gui->cx = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "yconsole")) {
gui->cy = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "xgraphics")) {
gui->grx = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "ygraphics")) {
gui->gry = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "cursor_blink")) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], BlinkList[i])) {
gui->cursor_blink = i;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "pgrows")) {
gui->prows = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "pgcolumns")) {
gui->pcols = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "pagerstyle")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "singlewindow"))
gui->pagerMultiple = 0;
gui->pagerMultiple = 1;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "bufbytes")) {
gui->cbb = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "buflines")) {
gui->cbl = atoi(opt[1]);
done = 1;
#ifdef USE_MDI
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "MDI")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "yes"))
gui->MDI = 1;
else if (!strcmp(opt[1], "no"))
gui->MDI = 0;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "toolbar")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "yes"))
gui->toolbar = 1;
else if (!strcmp(opt[1], "no"))
gui->toolbar = 0;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "statusbar")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "yes"))
gui->statusbar = 1;
else if (!strcmp(opt[1], "no"))
gui->statusbar = 0;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "MDIsize")) { /* wxh+x+y */
int x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, sign;
char *p = opt[1];
if(*p == '-') {sign = -1; p++;} else sign = +1;
for(w=0; isdigit(*p); p++) w = 10*w + (*p - '0');
w *= sign;
if(*p == '-') {sign = -1; p++;} else sign = +1;
for(h=0; isdigit(*p); p++) h = 10*h + (*p - '0');
h *= sign;
if(*p == '-') sign = -1; else sign = +1;
for(x=0; isdigit(*p); p++) x = 10*x + (*p - '0');
x *= sign;
if(*p == '-') sign = -1; else sign = +1;
for(y=0; isdigit(*p); p++) y = 10*y + (*p - '0');
y *= sign;
gui->MDIsize = rect(x, y, w, h);
done = 1;
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
if (!strcmp(opt[0], GuiElementNames[i])) {
if (!strcmpi(opt[1], "Windows"))
gui->guiColors[i] = myGetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
else gui->guiColors[i] = nametorgb(opt[1]);
if (gui->guiColors[i] != Transparent)
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "setwidthonresize")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "yes"))
gui->setWidthOnResize = 1;
else if (!strcmp(opt[1], "no"))
gui->setWidthOnResize = 0;
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "language")) {
strncpy(gui->language, opt[1], sizeof(gui->language)-1);
gui->language[sizeof(gui->language)-1] = '\0';
done = 1;
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "buffered")) {
if (!strcmp(opt[1], "yes"))
gui->buffered = 1;
else if (!strcmp(opt[1], "no"))
gui->buffered = 0;
done = 1;
} else if (ok == 3) { /* opt[1] == "" */
if (!strcmp(opt[0], "language")) {
strcpy(gui->language, opt[1]);
done = 1;
if (!done)
snprintf(gui->warning, sizeof(gui->warning),
G_("Ignored '%s' at line %d of file %s"),
opt[0], optline(), optfile());
return !cfgerr;
static void apply(button b) /* button callback */
do_apply(); /* to be used outside button callbacks */
static void cancel(button b)
static void ok(button b)
static void cMDI(button b)
static void cSDI(button b)
static rgb whichbg[numGuiColors] = { consolebg, consolebg, consolebg,
pagerbg, pagerbg, pagerbg,
dataeditbg, dataeditbg, dataeditbg,
editorbg, editorbg };
static rgb whichfg[numGuiColors] = { consolefg, consolefg, consoleuser,
pagerfg, pagerfg, pagerhighlight,
dataeditfg, dataeditfg, dataedituser,
editorfg, editorfg };
static void clickColor(control c, int argument)
int element = cmatch(gettext(guielement), GuiElementNames);
dialogColors[element] = nametorgb(ColorName[argument]);
setforeground(guisample, dialogColors[whichfg[element]]);
setbackground(guisample, dialogColors[whichbg[element]]);
static void changeElement(control c, int argument)
int newcolor = rgbtonum(dialogColors[argument]);
setlistitem(guicolor, newcolor);
clickColor(guicolor, newcolor);
static void changeFont(control c)
char fontname[LF_FACESIZE+4];
if (samplefont) delobj(samplefont);
if(ischecked(tt_font)) strcpy(fontname, "TT "); else strcpy(fontname, "");
if (sampleFontNum >= 0) {
strcat(fontname, FontsList[sampleFontNum]);
} else
strcat(fontname, gettext(f_font));
samplefont = gnewfont(NULL, fontname, sampleStyle, samplePointsize, 0.0, 1);
settextfont(guisample, samplefont);
clickColor(c, getlistitem(guicolor));
static void scrollFont(scrollbar s, int position)
sampleFontNum = position;
static void scrollPoints(scrollbar s, int position)
samplePointsize = atoi(PointsList[position]);
static void scrollStyle(scrollbar s, int position)
sampleStyle = Plain;
if (!strcmp(gettext(f_style), "bold")) sampleStyle = Bold;
if (!strcmp(gettext(f_style), "italic")) sampleStyle = Italic;
static void showDialog(Gui gui)
char buf[100];
wconfig = newwindow(G_("Rgui Configuration Editor"), rect(0, 0, 550, 450),
Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
setbackground(wconfig, dialog_bg());
l_mdi = newlabel("Single or multiple windows",
rect(10, 10, 140, 20), AlignLeft);
rb_mdi = newradiobutton("MDI", rect(150, 10 , 70, 20), cMDI);
rb_sdi = newradiobutton("SDI", rect(220, 10 , 70, 20), cSDI);
toolbar = newcheckbox("MDI toolbar", rect(300, 10, 100, 20), NULL);
if(gui->toolbar) check(toolbar);
statusbar = newcheckbox("MDI statusbar", rect(420, 10, 130, 20), NULL);
if(gui->statusbar) check(statusbar);
if(gui->MDI) {
check(rb_mdi); cMDI(rb_mdi);
} else {
check(rb_sdi); cSDI(rb_sdi);
l_mwin = newlabel("Pager style", rect(10, 40, 90, 20), AlignLeft);
g_mwin = newradiogroup();
rb_mwin = newradiobutton("multiple windows", rect(150, 40, 150, 20), NULL);
rb_swin = newradiobutton("single window", rect(150, 60 , 150, 20), NULL);
if(gui->pagerMultiple) check(rb_mwin); else check(rb_swin);
l_lang = newlabel("Language for menus\nand messages",
rect(320, 40, 130, 40), AlignLeft);
f_lang = newfield(gui->language, rect(450, 45, 60, 20));
/* Font, pointsize, style */
l_font = newlabel("Font", rect(10, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);
f_font = newdropfield(FontsList, rect(50, 100, 120, 20), scrollFont);
tt_font = newcheckbox("TrueType only", rect(180, 100, 110, 20), changeFont);
if (gui->tt_font) check(tt_font);
settext(f_font, gui->font);
l_point = newlabel("size", rect(310, 100, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
d_point = newdropfield(PointsList, rect(345, 100, 50, 20), scrollPoints);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pointsize);
settext(d_point, buf);
l_style = newlabel("style", rect(410, 100, 40, 20), AlignLeft);
f_style = newdroplist(StyleList, rect(450, 100, 80, 20), scrollStyle);
setlistitem(f_style, cmatch(gui->style, StyleList));
/* Console size, set widthonresize */
l_crows = newlabel("Console rows", rect(10, 150, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->crows);
f_crows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 150, 30, 20));
l_ccols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 150, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->ccols);
f_ccols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 150, 30, 20));
l_cx = newlabel("Initial left", rect(270, 150, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cx);
f_cx = newfield(buf, rect(350, 150, 40, 20));
l_cy = newlabel("top", rect(430, 150, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cy);
f_cy = newfield(buf, rect(480, 150, 40, 20));
c_resize = newcheckbox("set options(width) on resize?",
rect(20, 175, 200, 20), NULL);
if(gui->setWidthOnResize) check(c_resize);
l_cbb = newlabel("buffer chars", rect(270, 175, 70, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbb);
f_cbb = newfield(buf, rect(350, 175, 60, 20));
l_cbl = newlabel("lines", rect(430, 175, 50, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->cbl);
f_cbl = newfield(buf, rect(480, 175, 40, 20));
c_buff = newcheckbox("buffer console by default?",
rect(20, 190, 200, 20), NULL);
if(gui->buffered) check(c_buff);
/* Cursor blink */
l_blink = newlabel("Cursor blink", rect(270, 200,100, 30), AlignLeft);
f_blink = newdroplist(BlinkList, rect(350, 200, 80, 20), NULL);
setlistitem(f_blink, gui->cursor_blink);
/* Pager size */
l_prows = newlabel("Pager rows", rect(10, 230, 100, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->prows);
f_prows = newfield(buf, rect(110, 230, 30, 20));
l_pcols = newlabel("columns", rect(150, 230, 60, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->pcols);
f_pcols = newfield(buf, rect(220, 230, 30, 20));
/* Graphics window */
l_grx = newlabel("Graphics windows: initial left",
rect(10, 270, 190, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->grx);
f_grx = newfield(buf, rect(200, 270, 40, 20));
l_gry = newlabel("top", rect(270, 270, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", gui->gry);
f_gry = newfield(buf, rect(300, 270, 40, 20));
/* Font colours */
l_cols = newlabel("Console and Pager Colours",
rect(10, 310, 520, 20), AlignCenter);
guielement = newlistbox(GuiElementNames, rect(50, 330, 100, 80), changeElement, NULL);
guicolor = newlistbox(ColorName, rect(205, 330, 100, 80), clickColor, NULL);
guisample = newrichtextarea("Sample text", rect(350, 330, 150, 55));
for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
dialogColors[i] = gui->guiColors[i];
setlistitem(guielement, 0);
changeElement(guielement, 0);
sampleFontNum = cmatch(gettext(f_font), FontsList);
samplePointsize = atoi(gettext(d_point));
scrollStyle(f_style, 0); /* the 0 is ignored */
bApply = newbutton("Apply", rect(50, 410, 70, 25), apply);
bSave = newbutton("Save...", rect(130, 410, 70, 25), save);
bLoad = newbutton("Load...", rect(210, 410, 70, 25), load);
bOK = newbutton("OK", rect(350, 410, 70, 25), ok);
bCancel = newbutton("Cancel", rect(430, 410, 70, 25), cancel);
void Rgui_configure()
struct structGUI curGUI;