blob: 7d6aa4c4771f3e6af073f22abc9ed7c9367521fa [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/base/R/character.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
substr <- function(x, start, stop)
if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
.Internal(substr(x, as.integer(start), as.integer(stop)))
substring <- function(text, first, last=1000000L)
if(!is.character(text)) text <- as.character(text)
n <- max(lt <- length(text), length(first), length(last))
if(lt && lt < n) text <- rep_len(text, length.out = n)
.Internal(substr(text, as.integer(first), as.integer(last)))
startsWith <- function(x, prefix) .Internal(startsWith(x, prefix))
endsWith <- function(x, suffix) .Internal(endsWith (x, suffix))
`substr<-` <- function(x, start, stop, value)
.Internal(`substr<-`(x, as.integer(start), as.integer(stop), value))
`substring<-` <- function(text, first, last=1000000L, value)
.Internal(`substr<-`(text, as.integer(first), as.integer(last), value))
abbreviate <-
function(names.arg, minlength = 4L, use.classes = TRUE, dot = FALSE,
strict = FALSE, method = c("left.kept", "both.sides"),
named = TRUE)
if(minlength <= 0L) {
x <-"", length(names.arg))
if(named) names(x) <- names.arg
## need to remove leading/trailing spaces before we check for dups
names.arg <- sub("^ +", "", sub(" +$", "", as.character(names.arg)))
dups <- duplicated(names.arg)
old <- names.arg
if(any(dups)) names.arg <- names.arg[!dups]
x <- names.arg
if(strict) {
x[] <- .Internal(abbreviate(x, minlength, use.classes))
} else {
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "both.sides")
## string reversion: FIXME reverse .Internal(abbreviate(.))
chRev <- function(x)
sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), rev), paste, collapse="")
dup2 <-, length(names.arg))
these <- names.arg
repeat {
ans <- .Internal(abbreviate(these, minlength, use.classes))
## NB: fulfills max(nchar(ans)) <= minlength
x[dup2] <- ans
if(!any(dup2 <- duplicated(x))) break
if(method == "both.sides") { ## abbreviate the dupl. ones from the other side:
x[dup2] <- chRev(.Internal(abbreviate(chRev(names.arg[dup2]),
minlength, use.classes)))
if(!any(dup2 <- duplicated(x))) break
minlength <- minlength+1
dup2 <- dup2 | match(x, x[dup2], 0L)
these <- names.arg[dup2]
x <- x[match(old, names.arg)]
if(dot) { # add "." where we did abbreviate:
chgd <- x != old
x[chgd] <- paste0(x[chgd],".")
if(named) names(x) <- old
make.names <- function(names, unique = FALSE, allow_ = TRUE)
names <- as.character(names)
names2 <- .Internal(make.names(names, allow_))
if(unique) {
o <- order(names != names2)
names2[o] <- make.unique(names2[o])
make.unique <- function (names, sep = ".") .Internal(make.unique(names, sep))
chartr <- function(old, new, x)
if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
.Internal(chartr(old, new, x))
tolower <- function(x)
if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
toupper <- function(x)
if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
casefold <- function(x, upper = FALSE)
if(upper) toupper(x) else tolower(x)
sQuote <- function(x, q = getOption("useFancyQuotes"))
if (!length(x)) return(character())
before <- after <- "'"
if(!is.null(q)) {
if(isTRUE(q)) {
li <- l10n_info()
if(li$"UTF-8") q <- "UTF-8"
if(!is.null(li$codepage) && li$codepage > 0L) {
## we can't just use iconv, as that seems to think
## it is in latin1 in CP1252
if(li$codepage >= 1250L && li$codepage <= 1258L
|| li$codepage == 874L) {
before <- rawToChar(as.raw(0x91))
after <- rawToChar(as.raw(0x92))
} else {
z <- iconv(c(intToUtf8(0x2018), intToUtf8(0x2019)),
"UTF-8", "")
before <- z[1L]; after <- z[2L]
if(identical(q, "TeX")) {
before <- "`"; after <- "'"
if(identical(q, "UTF-8")) {
before <- intToUtf8(0x2018); after <- intToUtf8(0x2019)
if(is.character(q) && length(q) >= 4L) {
before <- q[1L]; after <- q[2L]
paste0(before, x, after)
dQuote <- function(x, q = getOption("useFancyQuotes"))
if (!length(x)) return(character())
before <- after <- "\""
if(!is.null(q)) {
if(isTRUE(q)) {
li <- l10n_info()
if(li$"UTF-8") q <- "UTF-8"
if(!is.null(li$codepage) && li$codepage > 0L) {
if(li$codepage >= 1250L && li$codepage <= 1258L
|| li$codepage == 874L) {
before <- rawToChar(as.raw(0x93))
after <- rawToChar(as.raw(0x94))
} else {
z <- iconv(c(intToUtf8(0x201c), intToUtf8(0x201d)),
"UTF-8", "")
before <- z[1L]; after <- z[2L]
if(identical(q, "TeX")) {
before <- "``"; after <- "''"
if(identical(q, "UTF-8")) {
before <- intToUtf8(0x201c); after <- intToUtf8(0x201d)
if(is.character(q) && length(q) >= 4L) {
before <- q[3L]; after <- q[4L]
paste0(before, x, after)
strtoi <-
function(x, base = 0L)
.Internal(strtoi(as.character(x), as.integer(base)))
strrep <-
function(x, times)
if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
.Internal(strrep(x, as.integer(times)))