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# File src/library/base/R/dates.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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## First shot at adding a "Date" class to base R.
## Representation is the number of whole days since 1970-01-01.
## The difftime class already covers time differences in days.
## Need to take timezone into account here
Sys.Date <- function() as.Date(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()))
as.Date <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.Date")
as.Date.POSIXct <- function(x, tz = "UTC", ...)
if(tz == "UTC") {
z <- floor(unclass(x)/86400)
attr(z, "tzone") <- NULL
} else
as.Date(as.POSIXlt(x, tz = tz))
as.Date.POSIXlt <- function(x, ...) .Internal(POSIXlt2Date(x))
as.Date.factor <- function(x, ...) as.Date(as.character(x), ...)
as.Date.character <- function(x, format,
tryFormats = c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d"),
optional = FALSE, ...)
charToDate <- function(x) {
xx <- x[1L]
if( {
j <- 1L
while( && (j <- j+1L) <= length(x)) xx <- x[j]
if( f <- "%Y-%m-%d" # all NAs
strptime(x, f)
else {
for(ff in tryFormats)
if(!, ff, tz="GMT")))
return(strptime(x, ff))
## no success :
as.Date.character(, length(x)), "%Y-%m-%d")
else stop("character string is not in a standard unambiguous format")
res <- if(missing(format)) charToDate(x) else strptime(x, format, tz="GMT")
as.Date.numeric <- function(x, origin, ...)
if(missing(origin)) stop("'origin' must be supplied")
as.Date(origin, ...) + x
as.Date.default <- function(x, ...)
if(inherits(x, "Date"))
else if(is.logical(x) && all(
stop(gettextf("do not know how to convert '%s' to class %s",
domain = NA)
## ## Moved to package date
## <- function(x, ...)
## {
## if(inherits(x, "date")) {
## x <- (x - 3653) # origin 1960-01-01
## return(structure(x, class = "Date"))
## } else stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a \"date\" object",
## deparse(substitute(x)) ))
## }
## ## Moved to package chron
## as.Date.dates <- function(x, ...)
## {
## if(inherits(x, "dates")) {
## z <- attr(x, "origin")
## x <- trunc(as.numeric(x))
## if(length(z) == 3L && is.numeric(z))
## x <- x + as.numeric(as.Date(paste(z[3L], z[1L], z[2L], sep="/")))
## return(structure(x, class = "Date"))
## } else stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a \"dates\" object",
## deparse(substitute(x)) ))
## }
format.Date <- function(x, ...)
xx <- format(as.POSIXlt(x), ...)
names(xx) <- names(x)
## keep in sync with print.POSIX?t() in ./datetime.R
print.Date <- function(x, max = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(max)) max <- getOption("max.print", 9999L)
if(max < length(x)) {
print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max=max+1, ...)
cat(" [ reached 'max' / getOption(\"max.print\") -- omitted",
length(x) - max, 'entries ]\n')
} else if(length(x))
print(format(x), max = max, ...)
cat(class(x)[1L], "of length 0\n")
summary.Date <- function(object, digits = 12L, ...)
x <- summary.default(unclass(object), digits = digits, ...)
if(m <- match("NA's", names(x), 0L)) {
NAs <- as.integer(x[m])
x <- x[-m]
attr(x, "NAs") <- NAs
.Date(x, c("summaryDefault", "table", oldClass(object)))
`+.Date` <- function(e1, e2)
## need to drop "units" attribute here
coerceTimeUnit <- function(x)
secs = x/86400, mins = x/1440, hours = x/24,
days = x, weeks = 7*x)))
if (nargs() == 1L) return(e1)
# only valid if one of e1 and e2 is a scalar.
if(inherits(e1, "Date") && inherits(e2, "Date"))
stop("binary + is not defined for \"Date\" objects")
if (inherits(e1, "difftime")) e1 <- coerceTimeUnit(e1)
if (inherits(e2, "difftime")) e2 <- coerceTimeUnit(e2)
.Date(unclass(e1) + unclass(e2))
`-.Date` <- function(e1, e2)
coerceTimeUnit <- function(x)
secs = x/86400, mins = x/1440, hours = x/24,
days = x, weeks = 7*x)))
if(!inherits(e1, "Date"))
stop("can only subtract from \"Date\" objects")
if (nargs() == 1L) stop("unary - is not defined for \"Date\" objects")
if(inherits(e2, "Date")) return(difftime(e1, e2, units="days"))
if (inherits(e2, "difftime")) e2 <- coerceTimeUnit(e2)
if(!is.null(attr(e2, "class")))
stop("can only subtract numbers from \"Date\" objects")
.Date(unclass(as.Date(e1)) - e2)
Ops.Date <- function(e1, e2)
if (nargs() == 1L)
stop(gettextf("unary %s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
domain = NA)
boolean <- switch(.Generic, "<" =, ">" =, "==" =,
"!=" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE,
if (!boolean)
stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
domain = NA)
## allow character args to be coerced to dates
if (is.character(e1)) e1 <- as.Date(e1)
if (is.character(e2)) e2 <- as.Date(e2)
Math.Date <- function (x, ...)
stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
domain = NA)
Summary.Date <- function (..., na.rm)
ok <- switch(.Generic, max = , min = , range = TRUE, FALSE)
if (!ok) stop(gettextf("%s not defined for \"Date\" objects", .Generic),
domain = NA)
.Date(NextMethod(.Generic), oldClass(list(...)[[1L]]))
`[.Date` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE)
.Date(NextMethod("["), oldClass(x))
`[[.Date` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE)
.Date(NextMethod("[["), oldClass(x))
`[<-.Date` <- function(x, ..., value)
if(!length(value)) return(x)
value <- unclass(as.Date(value))
.Date(NextMethod(.Generic), oldClass(x))
`length<-.Date` <- function(x, value)
.Date(NextMethod(), oldClass(x))
as.character.Date <- function(x, ...) format(x, ...) <-
as.list.Date <- function(x, ...)
lapply(unclass(x), .Date, oldClass(x))
c.Date <- function(..., recursive = FALSE)
.Date(c(unlist(lapply(list(...), unclass))))# recursive=recursive << FIXME?
mean.Date <- function (x, ...)
.Date(mean(unclass(x), ...))
seq.Date <- function(from, to, by, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)
if (missing(from)) stop("'from' must be specified")
if (!inherits(from, "Date")) stop("'from' must be a \"Date\" object")
if(length(as.Date(from)) != 1L) stop("'from' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(to)) {
if (!inherits(to, "Date")) stop("'to' must be a \"Date\" object")
if (length(as.Date(to)) != 1L) stop("'to' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(along.with)) {
length.out <- length(along.with)
} else if (!is.null(length.out)) {
if (length(length.out) != 1L) stop("'length.out' must be of length 1")
length.out <- ceiling(length.out)
status <- c(!missing(to), !missing(by), !is.null(length.out))
if(sum(status) != 2L)
stop("exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified")
if (missing(by)) {
from <- unclass(as.Date(from))
to <- unclass(as.Date(to))
res <-, to, length.out = length.out)
if (length(by) != 1L) stop("'by' must be of length 1")
valid <- 0L
if (inherits(by, "difftime")) {
by <- switch(attr(by,"units"), secs = 1/86400, mins = 1/1440,
hours = 1/24, days = 1, weeks = 7) * unclass(by)
} else if(is.character(by)) {
by2 <- strsplit(by, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
if(length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L)
stop("invalid 'by' string")
valid <- pmatch(by2[length(by2)],
c("days", "weeks", "months", "quarters", "years"))
if( stop("invalid string for 'by'")
if(valid <= 2L) {
by <- c(1, 7)[valid]
if (length(by2) == 2L) by <- by * as.integer(by2[1L])
} else
by <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1
} else if(!is.numeric(by)) stop("invalid mode for 'by'")
if( stop("'by' is NA")
if(valid <= 2L) { # days or weeks
from <- unclass(as.Date(from))
res <-, by = by, length.out = length.out)
else {
to0 <- unclass(as.Date(to))
## defeat test in seq.default
res <-, to0 - from, by) + from
res <- .Date(res)
} else { # months or quarters or years
r1 <- as.POSIXlt(from)
if(valid == 5L) { # years
if(missing(to)) {
yr <-$year, by = by, length.out = length.out)
} else {
to0 <- as.POSIXlt(to)
yr <-$year, to0$year, by)
r1$year <- yr
res <- as.Date(r1)
} else { # months or quarters
if (valid == 4L) by <- by * 3
if(missing(to)) {
mon <-$mon, by = by, length.out = length.out)
} else {
to0 <- as.POSIXlt(to)
mon <-$mon, 12*(to0$year - r1$year) + to0$mon, by)
r1$mon <- mon
res <- as.Date(r1)
## can overshoot
if (!missing(to)) {
to <- as.Date(to)
res <- if (by > 0) res[res <= to] else res[res >= to]
## *very* similar to cut.POSIXt [ ./datetime.R ] -- keep in sync!
cut.Date <-
function (x, breaks, labels = NULL, start.on.monday = TRUE,
right = FALSE, ...)
if(!inherits(x, "Date")) stop("'x' must be a date-time object")
x <- as.Date(x)
if (inherits(breaks, "Date")) {
breaks <- sort(as.Date(breaks))
} else if(is.numeric(breaks) && length(breaks) == 1L) {
## specified number of breaks
} else if(is.character(breaks) && length(breaks) == 1L) {
by2 <- strsplit(breaks, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
if(length(by2) > 2L || length(by2) < 1L)
stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
valid <-
c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "quarters"))
if( stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
start <- as.POSIXlt(min(x, na.rm=TRUE))
if(valid == 1L) incr <- 1L
if(valid == 2L) { # weeks
start$mday <- start$mday - start$wday
start$mday <- start$mday + ifelse(start$wday > 0L, 1L, -6L)
start$isdst <- -1L
incr <- 7L
if(valid == 3L) { # months
start$mday <- 1L
start$isdst <- -1L
end <- as.POSIXlt(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
step <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1L
end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (31 * step * 86400))
end$mday <- 1L
end$isdst <- -1L
breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, breaks))
} else if(valid == 4L) { # years
start$mon <- 0L
start$mday <- 1L
start$isdst <- -1L
end <- as.POSIXlt(max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
step <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1L
end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (366 * step * 86400))
end$mon <- 0L
end$mday <- 1L
end$isdst <- -1L
breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, breaks))
} else if(valid == 5L) { # quarters
qtr <- rep(c(0L, 3L, 6L, 9L), each = 3L)
start$mon <- qtr[start$mon + 1L]
start$mday <- 1L
start$isdst <- -1L
maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
end <- as.POSIXlt(maxx)
step <- if(length(by2) == 2L) as.integer(by2[1L]) else 1L
end <- as.POSIXlt(end + (93 * step * 86400))
end$mon <- qtr[end$mon + 1L]
end$mday <- 1L
end$isdst <- -1L
breaks <- as.Date(seq(start, end, paste(step * 3L, "months")))
## 93 days ahead could give an empty level, so
lb <- length(breaks)
if(maxx < breaks[lb-1]) breaks <- breaks[-lb]
} else {
start <- as.Date(start)
if (length(by2) == 2L) incr <- incr * as.integer(by2[1L])
maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- seq(start, maxx + incr, breaks)
breaks <- breaks[seq_len(1L+max(which(breaks <= maxx)))]
} else stop("invalid specification of 'breaks'")
res <- cut(unclass(x), unclass(breaks), labels = labels,
right = right, ...)
if(is.null(labels)) {
levels(res) <-
as.character(if (is.numeric(breaks)) x[!duplicated(res)]
else breaks[-length(breaks)])
julian.Date <- function(x, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"), ...)
if(length(origin) != 1L) stop("'origin' must be of length one")
structure(unclass(x) - unclass(origin), "origin" = origin)
weekdays.Date <- function(x, abbreviate = FALSE)
format(x, ifelse(abbreviate, "%a", "%A"))
months.Date <- function(x, abbreviate = FALSE)
format(x, ifelse(abbreviate, "%b", "%B"))
quarters.Date <- function(x, ...)
x <- (as.POSIXlt(x)$mon) %/% 3L
paste0("Q", x+1L)
## These only make sense for negative digits, but still ...
round.Date <- function(x, ...)
.Date(NextMethod(), oldClass(x))
## must avoid truncating forwards dates prior to 1970-01-01.
trunc.Date <- function(x, ...)
round(x - 0.4999999)
rep.Date <- function(x, ...)
.Date(NextMethod(), oldClass(x))
diff.Date <- function (x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, ...)
ismat <- is.matrix(x)
xlen <- if (ismat) dim(x)[1L] else length(x)
if (length(lag) != 1L || length(differences) > 1L || lag < 1L || differences < 1L)
stop("'lag' and 'differences' must be integers >= 1")
if (lag * differences >= xlen)
return(.difftime(numeric(), units="days"))
r <- x
i1 <- -seq_len(lag)
if (ismat)
for (i in seq_len(differences)) r <- r[i1, , drop = FALSE] -
r[-nrow(r):-(nrow(r) - lag + 1L), , drop = FALSE]
else for (i in seq_len(differences))
r <- r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)]
## ---- additions in 2.6.0 -----
is.numeric.Date <- function(x) FALSE
## ---- additions in 2.8.0 -----
split.Date <- function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...)
lapply(split.default(unclass(x), f, drop = drop, ...),
.Date, oldClass(x))
xtfrm.Date <- function(x) as.numeric(x)
## Added in 3.5.0.
.Date <- function(xx, cl = "Date") {
class(xx) <- cl