blob: eb50a37fed1d92d73c53c533d99328f982a4a079 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/Reserved.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2017 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Reserved Words in R}
The reserved words in \R's parser are
\code{\link{if}} \code{\link{else}} \code{\link{repeat}} \code{\link{while}}
\code{\link{function}} \code{\link{for}} \code{in}
\code{\link{next}} \code{\link{break}}
\code{\link{TRUE}} \code{\link{FALSE}} \code{\link{NULL}}
\code{\link{Inf}} \code{\link{NaN}}
\code{\link{NA}} \code{\link{NA_integer_}} \code{\link{NA_real_}}
\code{\link{NA_complex_}} \code{\link{NA_character_}}
\code{\dots} and \code{..1}, \code{..2} etc, which are used to refer to
arguments passed down from a calling function, see \code{\link{...}}.
Reserved words outside \link[=Quotes]{quotes} are always parsed to be
references to the objects linked to in the \sQuote{Description}, and
hence they are not allowed as syntactic names (see
\code{\link{make.names}}). They \bold{are} allowed as non-syntactic
names, e.g.\sspace{}inside \link{backtick} quotes.