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% File src/library/base/man/octmode.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2016-2017 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Bitwise Logical Operations}
Logical operations on integer vectors with elements viewed as sets of bits.
bitwAnd(a, b)
bitwOr(a, b)
bitwXor(a, b)
bitwShiftL(a, n)
bitwShiftR(a, n)
\item{a, b}{integer vectors; numeric vectors are coerced to integer vectors.}
\item{n}{non-negative integer vector of values up to 31.}
Each element of an integer vector has 32 bits.
Pairwise operations can result in integer \code{NA}.
Shifting is done assuming the values represent unsigned integers.
An integer vector of length the longer of the arguments, or zero
length if one is zero-length.
The output element is \code{NA} if an input is \code{NA} (after
coercion) or an invalid shift.
The logical operators, \code{\link{!}}, \code{\link{&}},
\code{\link{|}}, \code{\link{xor}}.
Notably these \emph{do} work bitwise for \code{\link{raw}} arguments.
The classes \code{"\link{octmode}"} and \code{"\link{hexmode}"} whose
implementation of the standard logical operators is based on these
Package \CRANpkg{bitops} has similar functions for numeric vectors which
differ in the way they treat integers \eqn{2^{31}}{2^31} or larger.
bitwNot(0:12) # -1 -2 ... -13
bitwAnd(15L, 7L) # 7
bitwOr (15L, 7L) # 15
bitwXor(15L, 7L) # 8
bitwXor(-1L, 1L) # -2
## The "same" for 'raw' instead of integer :
rr12 <- as.raw(0:12) ; rbind(rr12, !rr12)
c(r15 <- as.raw(15), r7 <- as.raw(7)) # 0f 07
r15 & r7 # 07
r15 | r7 # 0f
xor(r15, r7)# 08
bitwShiftR(-1, 1:31) # shifts of 2^32-1 = 4294967295