blob: ca0c5f37e4ee97eb1f17d0948dd4963e60cc1f3c [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Warn About Extraneous Arguments in the "..." of Its Caller}
Warn about extraneous arguments in the \code{...} of its caller. A
utility to be used e.g., in S3 methods which need a formal \code{...}
argument but do not make any use of it. This helps catching user
errors in calling the function in question (which is the caller of
chkDots(..., = -1, allowed = character(0))
\item{...}{\dQuote{the dots}, as passed from the caller.}
\item{}{passed to \code{\link{}()}. A caller may
use -2 if the message should mention \emph{its} caller.}
\item{allowed}{not yet implemented: character vector of \emph{named}
elements in \code{...} which are \dQuote{allowed} and hence not
warned about.}
\author{Martin Maechler, first version outside base, June 2012.}
\code{\link{warning}}, \code{\link{...}}.
seq.default ## <- you will see ' chkDots(...) '
seq(1,5, foo = "bar") # gives warning via chkDots()
## warning with more than one ...-entry:
density.f <- function(x, ...) NextMethod("density")
x <- density(structure(rnorm(10), class="f"), bar=TRUE, baz=TRUE)