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% File src/library/base/man/load.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Reload Saved Datasets}
Reload datasets written with the function \code{save}.
load(file, envir = parent.frame(), verbose = FALSE)
\item{file}{a (readable binary-mode) \link{connection} or a character string
giving the name of the file to load (when \link{tilde expansion}
is done).}
\item{envir}{the environment where the data should be loaded.}
\item{verbose}{should item names be printed during loading?}
\code{load} can load \R objects saved in the current or any earlier
format. It can read a compressed file (see \code{\link{save}})
directly from a file or from a suitable connection (including a call
to \code{\link{url}}).
A not-open connection will be opened in mode \code{"rb"} and closed
after use. Any connection other than a \code{\link{gzfile}} or
\code{\link{gzcon}} connection will be wrapped in \code{\link{gzcon}}
to allow compressed saves to be handled: note that this leaves the
connection in an altered state (in particular, binary-only), and that
it needs to be closed explicitly (it will not be garbage-collected).
Only \R objects saved in the current format (used since \R 1.4.0)
can be read from a connection. If no input is available on a
connection a warning will be given, but any input not in the current
format will result in a error.
Loading from an earlier version will give a warning about the
\sQuote{magic number}: magic numbers \code{1971:1977} are from \R <
0.99.0, and \code{RD[ABX]1} from \R 0.99.0 to \R 1.3.1. These are all
obsolete, and you are strongly recommended to re-save such files in a
current format.
The \code{verbose} argument is mainly intended for debugging. If it
is \code{TRUE}, then as objects from the file are loaded, their
names will be printed to the console. If \code{verbose} is set to
an integer value greater than one, additional names corresponding to
attributes and other parts of individual objects will also be printed.
Larger values will print names to a greater depth.
Objects can be saved with references to namespaces, usually as part of
the environment of a function or formula. Such objects can be loaded
even if the namespace is not available: it is replaced by a reference
to the global environment with a warning. The warning identifies the
first object with such a reference (but there may be more than one).
A character vector of the names of objects created, invisibly.
Saved \R objects are binary files, even those saved with
\code{ascii = TRUE}, so ensure that they are transferred without
conversion of end of line markers. \code{load} tries to detect such a
conversion and gives an informative error message.
\code{load(<file>)} replaces all existing objects with the same names
in the current environment (typically your workspace,
\code{\link{.GlobalEnv}}) and hence potentially overwrites important data.
It is considerably safer to use \code{envir = } to load into a
different environment, or to \code{\link{attach}(file)} which
\code{load()}s into a new entry in the \code{\link{search}} path.
#ifdef windows
\code{file} can be a UTF-8-encoded filepath that cannot be translated to
the current locale.
\code{\link{save}}, \code{\link{download.file}}; further
\code{\link{attach}} as wrapper for \code{load()}.
For other interfaces to the underlying serialization format, see
\code{\link{unserialize}} and \code{\link{readRDS}}.
\dontshow{oldwd <- setwd(tempdir())}
## save all data
xx <- pi # to ensure there is some data
save(list = ls(all = TRUE), file= "all.rda")
## restore the saved values to the current environment
xx <- exp(1:3)
## restore the saved values to the user's workspace
load("all.rda") ## which is here *equivalent* to
## load("all.rda", .GlobalEnv)
## This however annihilates all objects in .GlobalEnv with the same names !
xx # no longer exp(1:3)
attach("all.rda") # safer and will warn about masked objects w/ same name in .GlobalEnv
ls(pos = 2)
## also typically need to cleanup the search path:
## clean up (the example):
con <- url("")
## print the value to see what objects were created.
close(con) # url() always opens the connection