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% File src/library/base/man/rapply.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Recursively Apply a Function to a List}
\code{rapply} is a recursive version of \code{\link{lapply}} with
flexibility in \emph{how} the result is structured (\code{how = ".."}).
rapply(object, f, classes = "ANY", deflt = NULL,
how = c("unlist", "replace", "list"), ...)
\item{object}{a \code{\link{list}} or \code{\link{expression}}, i.e., \dQuote{list-like}.}
\item{f}{a \code{\link{function}} of one \dQuote{principal} argument,
passing further arguments via \code{\dots}.}
\item{classes}{character vector of \code{\link{class}} names, or
\code{"ANY"} to match any class.}
\item{deflt}{The default result (not used if \code{how = "replace"}).}
\item{how}{character string partially matching the three possibilities given:
see \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to the call to \code{f}.}
This function has two basic modes. If \code{how = "replace"}, each
element of \code{object} which is not itself list-like and has a class
included in \code{classes} is replaced by the result of applying
\code{f} to the element.
Otherwise, with mode \code{how = "list"} or \code{how = "unlist"},
conceptually \code{object}
is copied, all non-list elements which have a class included in
\code{classes} are replaced by the result of applying \code{f} to the
element and all others are replaced by \code{deflt}. Finally, if
\code{how = "unlist"}, \code{unlist(recursive = TRUE)} is called on
the result.
The semantics differ in detail from \code{\link{lapply}}: in
particular the arguments are evaluated before calling the C code.
In \R 3.5.x and earlier, \code{object} was required to be a list,
which was \emph{not} the case for its list-like components.
If \code{how = "unlist"}, a vector, otherwise \dQuote{list-like}
of similar structure as \code{object}.
\code{\link{lapply}}, \code{\link{dendrapply}}.
Chambers, J. A. (1998)
\emph{Programming with Data}.
(\code{rapply} is only described briefly there.)
X <- list(list(a = pi, b = list(c = 1L)), d = "a test")
# the "identity operation":
rapply(X, function(x) x, how = "replace") -> X.; stopifnot(identical(X, X.))
rapply(X, sqrt, classes = "numeric", how = "replace")
rapply(X, deparse, control = "all") # passing extras. argument of deparse()
rapply(X, nchar, classes = "character", deflt = NA_integer_, how = "list")
rapply(X, nchar, classes = "character", deflt = NA_integer_, how = "unlist")
rapply(X, nchar, classes = "character", how = "unlist")
rapply(X, log, classes = "numeric", how = "replace", base = 2)
## with expression() / list():
E <- expression(list(a = pi, b = expression(c = C1 * C2)), d = "a test")
LE <- list(expression(a = pi, b = expression(c = C1 * C2)), d = "a test")
rapply(E, nchar, how="replace") # "expression(c = C1 * C2)" are 23 chars
rapply(E, nchar, classes = "character", deflt = NA_integer_, how = "unlist")
rapply(LE, as.character) # a "pi" | b1 "expression" | b2 "C1 * C2" ..
rapply(LE, nchar) # (see above)
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(E , rapply(E , identity, how = "replace"))
identical(LE, rapply(LE, identity, how = "replace"))