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% File src/library/base/man/rawConversion.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2004-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Convert to or from Raw Vectors}
Conversion and manipulation of objects of type \code{"raw"}.
rawToChar(x, multiple = FALSE)
rawShift(x, n)
packBits(x, type = c("raw", "integer"))
\item{x}{object to be converted or shifted.}
\item{multiple}{logical: should the conversion be to a single
character string or multiple individual characters?}
\item{n}{the number of bits to shift. Positive numbers shift right
and negative numbers shift left: allowed values are \code{-8 ... 8}.}
\item{type}{the result type, partially matched.}
\code{charToRaw} converts a length-one character string to raw bytes.
It does so without taking into account any declared encoding (see
\code{rawToChar} converts raw bytes either to a single character
string or a character vector of single bytes (with \code{""} for
\code{0}). (Note that a single character string could contain
embedded nuls; only trailing nulls are allowed and will be removed.)
In either case it is possible to create a result which is invalid in a
multibyte locale, e.g.\sspace{}one using UTF-8. \link{Long vectors} are
allowed if \code{multiple} is true.
\code{rawShift(x, n)} shift the bits in \code{x} by \code{n} positions
to the right, see the argument \code{n}, above.
\code{rawToBits} returns a raw vector of 8 times the length of a raw
vector with entries 0 or 1. \code{intToBits} returns a raw vector
of 32 times the length of an integer vector with entries 0 or 1.
(Non-integral numeric values are truncated to integers.) In
both cases the unpacking is least-significant bit first.
\code{packBits} packs its input (using only the lowest bit for raw or
integer vectors) least-significant bit first to a raw or integer vector.
\code{packBits} accepts raw, integer or logical inputs, the last two
without any NAs.
#ifdef unix
Note that \sQuote{bytes} are not necessarily the same as characters,
e.g.\sspace{}in UTF-8 locales.
x <- "A test string"
(y <- charToRaw(x))
is.vector(y) # TRUE
rawToChar(y, multiple = TRUE)
(xx <- c(y, charToRaw("&"), charToRaw("more")))
rawShift(y, 1)
rawShift(y, -2)
showBits <- function(r) stats::symnum(as.logical(rawToBits(r)))
z <- as.raw(5)
z ; showBits(z)
showBits(rawShift(z, 1)) # shift to right
showBits(rawShift(z, 2))
showBits(rawShift(z, -1)) # shift to left
showBits(rawShift(z, -2)) # ..
showBits(rawShift(z, -3)) # shifted off entirely