blob: 8fd90bee2b8517a244a9aba35e59b6925aab6bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/system.time.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{CPU Time Used}
system.time(expr, gcFirst = TRUE)
%Deprecated unix.time(expr, gcFirst = TRUE)
\item{expr}{Valid \R expression to be timed.}
\item{gcFirst}{Logical - should a garbage collection be performed
immediately before the timing? Default is \code{TRUE}.}
\description{Return CPU (and other) times that \code{expr} used.
\code{system.time} calls the function \code{\link{proc.time}},
evaluates \code{expr}, and then calls \code{proc.time} once more,
returning the difference between the two \code{proc.time} calls.
\code{unix.time} has been an alias of \code{system.time}, for
compatibility with S, and has finally been deprecated in 2016.
Timings of evaluations of the same expression can vary considerably
depending on whether the evaluation triggers a garbage collection. When
\code{gcFirst} is \code{TRUE} a garbage collection (\code{\link{gc}})
will be performed immediately before the evaluation of \code{expr}.
This will usually produce more consistent timings.
A object of class \code{"proc_time"}: see
\code{\link{proc.time}} for details.
\code{\link{proc.time}}, \code{\link{time}} which is for time series.
\code{\link{Sys.time}} to get the current date & time.
\donttest{system.time(for(i in 1:100) mad(runif(1000)))}
exT <- function(n = 10000) {
# Purpose: Test if system.time works ok; n: loop size
system.time(for(i in 1:n) x <- mean(rt(1000, df = 4)))
#-- Try to interrupt one of the following (using Ctrl-C / Escape):
exT() #- about 4 secs on a 2.5GHz Xeon
system.time(exT()) #~ +/- same