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% File src/library/base/man/system.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Invoke a System Command}
\code{system2} invokes the OS command specified by \code{command}.
system2(command, args = character(),
stdout = "", stderr = "", stdin = "", input = NULL,
env = character(), wait = TRUE,
minimized = FALSE, invisible = TRUE, timeout = 0)
\item{command}{the system command to be invoked, as a character string.}
\item{args}{a character vector of arguments to \command{command}.}
\item{stdout, stderr}{where output to \file{stdout} or
\file{stderr} should be sent. Possible values are \code{""}, to the \R
console (the default), \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE} (discard output),
\code{TRUE} (capture the output in a character vector) or a
character string naming a file.}
\item{stdin}{should input be diverted? \code{""} means the default,
alternatively a character string naming a file. Ignored
if \code{input} is supplied.}
\item{input}{if a character vector is supplied, this is copied one
string per line to a temporary file, and the standard input of
\code{command} is redirected to the file.}
\item{env}{character vector of name=value strings to set environment
\item{wait}{a logical (not \code{NA}) indicating whether the \R
interpreter should wait for the command to finish, or run it
asynchronously. This will be ignored (and the interpreter will
always wait) if \code{stdout = TRUE} or \code{stderr = TRUE}. When
running the command asynchronously, no output will be displayed on
the \code{Rgui} console in Windows (it will be dropped, instead).}
\item{timeout}{timeout in seconds, ignored if 0. This is a limit for the
elapsed time running \code{command} in a separate process. Fractions
of seconds are ignored.}
#ifdef unix
\item{minimized, invisible}{arguments that are accepted on Windows but
ignored on this platform, with a warning.}
#ifdef windows
\item{minimized}{logical (not \code{NA}), indicates whether the
command window should be displayed initially as a minimized window.}
\item{invisible}{logical (not \code{NA}), indicates whether the
command window should be visible on the screen.}
Unlike \code{\link{system}}, \code{command} is always quoted by
\code{\link{shQuote}}, so it must be a single command without arguments.
For details of how \code{command} is found see \code{\link{system}}.
On Windows, \code{env} is only supported for commands such as
\command{R} and \command{make} which accept environment variables on
their command line.
Some Unix commands (such as some implementations of \code{ls}) change
their output if they consider it to be piped or redirected:
\code{stdout = TRUE} uses a pipe whereas \code{stdout =
"some_file_name"} uses redirection.
Because of the way it is implemented, on a Unix-alike \code{stderr =
TRUE} implies \code{stdout = TRUE}: a warning is given if this is
not what was specified.
When \code{timeout} is non-zero, the command is terminated after the given
number of seconds. The termination works for typical commands, but is not
guaranteed: it is possible to write a program that would keep running
after the time is out. Timeouts can only be set with \code{wait = TRUE}.
#ifdef unix
Timeouts cannot be used with interactive commands: the command is run with
standard input redirected from \code{/dev/null} and it must not modify
terminal settings. As long as tty \code{tostop} option is disabled, which
it usually is by default, the executed command may write to standard
output and standard error.
%% We use popen, and that pipes stdout only
If \code{stdout = TRUE} or \code{stderr = TRUE}, a character vector
giving the output of the command, one line per character string.
(Output lines of more than 8095 bytes will be split.) If the command
could not be run an \R error is generated. If \code{command} runs but
gives a non-zero exit status this will be reported with a warning and
in the attribute \code{"status"} of the result: an attribute
\code{"errmsg"} may also be available.
In other cases, the return value is an error code (\code{0} for
success), given the \link{invisible} attribute (so needs to be printed
explicitly). If the command could not be run for any reason, the
value is \code{127} and a warning is issued (as from \R 3.5.0).
Otherwise if \code{wait = TRUE} the value is the exit status returned
by the command, and if \code{wait = FALSE} it is \code{0} (the
conventional success value).
If the command times out, a warning is issued and the exit status is
#ifdef windows
Some Windows commands return out-of-range status values
(e.g., \code{-1}) and so only the bottom 16 bits of the value are used.
\code{system2} is a more portable and flexible interface than
\code{\link{system}}. It allows redirection of output without needing
to invoke a shell on Windows, a portable way to set environment
variables for the execution of \code{command}, and finer control over
the redirection of \code{stdout} and \code{stderr}. Conversely,
\code{system} (and \code{shell} on Windows) allows the invocation of
arbitrary command lines.
There is no guarantee that if \code{stdout} and \code{stderr} are both
\code{TRUE} or the same file that the two streams will be interleaved
in order. This depends on both the buffering used by the command and
the OS.
#ifdef windows
\code{\link{shell}} and \code{\link{shell.exec}}.