blob: f67196e886e85eacdd7bb530646cc2df8005db56 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/grid/man/as.raster.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2009-2015 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Create a Raster Object}
Functions to create a raster object (representing a bitmap
image) and coerce other objects to a raster object.
as.raster(x, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{matrix}(x, max = 1, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{array}(x, max = 1, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{logical}(x, max = 1, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{numeric}(x, max = 1, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{character}(x, max = 1, \dots)
\method{as.raster}{raw}(x, max = 255L, \dots)
\item{x}{any \R object.}
\item{max}{number giving the maximum of the color values range.}
\item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.}
An object of class \code{"raster"} is a matrix of colour values as
given by \code{\link{rgb}} representing a bitmap image.
It is not expected that the user will need to call these functions
directly; functions to render bitmap images in graphics packages will
make use of the \code{as.raster()} function to generate a raster
object from their input.
The \code{as.raster()} function is (S3) generic so methods can be
written to convert other \R objects to a raster object.
The default implementation for numeric matrices interprets scalar
values on black-to-white scale.
Raster objects can be subsetted like a matrix and it is
possible to assign to a subset of a raster object.
There is a method for converting a raster object to a
\code{\link{matrix}} (of colour strings).
Raster objects can be compared for equality or inequality (with each
other or with a colour string).
There is a \code{\link{}} method which returns a logical matrix
of the same dimensions as the raster object. Note that \code{NA}
values are interpreted as the fully transparent colour by some (but
not all) graphics devices.
Raster images are internally represented row-first, which can cause
confusion when trying to manipulate a raster object. The recommended
approach is to coerce a raster to a matrix, perform the manipulation,
then convert back to a raster.
For \code{as.raster()}, a raster object.
For \code{is.raster()}, a logical indicating whether
\code{x} is a raster object.
# A red gradient
as.raster(matrix(hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10)),
nrow = 4, ncol = 5))
# Vectors are 1-column matrices ...
# character vectors are color names ...
as.raster(hcl(0, 80, seq(50, 80, 10)))
# numeric vectors are greyscale ...
as.raster(1:5, max = 5)
# logical vectors are black and white ...
as.raster(1:10 \%\% 2 == 0)
# ... unless nrow/ncol are supplied ...
as.raster(1:10 \%\% 2 == 0, nrow = 1)
# Matrix can also be logical or numeric (or raw) ...
as.raster(matrix(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow = 3, ncol = 2))
as.raster(matrix(1:3/4, nrow = 3, ncol = 4))
# An array can be 3-plane numeric (R, G, B planes) ...
as.raster(array(c(0:1, rep(0.5, 4)), c(2, 1, 3)))
# ... or 4-plane numeric (R, G, B, A planes)
as.raster(array(c(0:1, rep(0.5, 6)), c(2, 1, 4)))
# subsetting
r <- as.raster(matrix(colors()[1:100], ncol = 10))
r[, 2]
r[2:4, 2:5]
# assigning to subset
r[2:4, 2:5] <- "white"
# comparison
r == "white"
\dontshow{% regression tests
stopifnot(r[] == r,
identical(r[3:5], colors()[3:5]))
r[2:4] <- "black"
stopifnot(identical(r[1:4, 1], as.raster(c("white", rep("black", 3)))))
}% end{tests}
\keyword{ dplot }