blob: 69347dcea61f071633526d96bbcca84b937cd2b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* chull finds the convex hull of a set of points in the plane.
* It is based on a C translation (by f2c) of
* ACM TOMS algorithm 523 by W. F. Eddy, vol 3 (1977), 398-403, 411-2.
* converted to double precision, output order altered
* by B.D. Ripley, March 1999
# include <config.h>
#include <R_ext/Boolean.h> /* TRUE,... */
static void split(int n, double *x,
int m, int *in,
int ii, int jj,
int s,
int *iabv, int *na, int *maxa,
int *ibel, int *nb, int *maxb)
/* split() takes the m points of array x whose
subscripts are in array in and partitions them by the
line joining the two points in array x whose subscripts are ii and jj.
The subscripts of the points above the line are put into array
iabv, and the subscripts of the points below are put into array ibel.
na and nb are, respectively, the number of points
above the line and the number below.
maxa and maxb are the subscripts for array
x of the point furthest above the line and the point
furthest below, respectively. if either subset is null
the corresponding subscript (maxa or maxb) is set to zero.
formal parameters
n integer total number of data points
x real array (2,n) (x,y) co-ordinates of the data
m integer number of points in input subset
in integer array (m) subscripts for array x of the
points in the input subset
ii integer subscript for array x of one point
on the partitioning line
jj integer subscript for array x of another
point on the partitioning line
s integer switch to determine output.
refer to comments below
iabv integer array (m) subscripts for array x of the
points above the partitioning line
na integer number of elements in iabv
maxa integer subscript for array x of point
furthest above the line.
set to zero if na is zero
ibel integer array (m) subscripts for array x of the
points below the partitioning line
nb integer number of elements in ibel
maxb integer subscript for array x of point
furthest below the line.
set to zero if nb is zero
if s = 2 dont save ibel,nb,maxb.
if s =-2 dont save iabv,na,maxa.
otherwise save everything
if s is positive the array being partitioned is above
the initial partitioning line.
if it is negative, then the set of points is below.
/* Local variables (=0 : -Wall) */
double a=0, b=0, down, d1, up, xt, z;
int i, is;
Rboolean vert, neg_dir=0;
/* Parameter adjustments */
xt = x[ii];
/* Check to see if the line is vertical */
vert = (x[jj] == xt);
d1 = x[jj + n] - x[ii + n];
if (vert) {
neg_dir = ((s > 0 && d1 < 0.) || (s < 0 && d1 > 0.));
} else {
a = d1 / (x[jj] - xt);
b = x[ii + n] - a * xt;
up = 0.; *na = 0; *maxa = 0;
down = 0.; *nb = 0; *maxb = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
is = in[i];
if (vert) {
if(neg_dir) z = xt - x[is];
else z = x[is] - xt;
} else {
z = x[is + n] - a * x[is] - b;
if (z > 0.) { /* the point is ABOVE the line */
if (s == -2) continue;
iabv[*na] = is;
if (z >= up) {
up = z;
*maxa = *na;
else if (s != 2 && z < 0.) { /* the point is BELOW the line */
ibel[*nb] = is;
if (z <= down) {
down = z;
*maxb = *nb;
static void in_chull(int *n, double *x, int *m, int *in,
int *ia, int *ib, int *ih, int *nh, int *il)
/* this subroutine determines which of the m points of array
x whose subscripts are in array in are vertices of the
minimum area convex polygon containing the m points. the
subscripts of the vertices are placed in array ih in the
order they are found. nh is the number of elements in
array ih and array il. array il is a linked list giving
the order of the elements of array ih in a counter
clockwise direction. this algorithm corresponds to a
preorder traversal of a certain binary tree. each vertex
of the binary tree represents a subset of the m points.
at each step the subset of points corresponding to the
current vertex of the tree is partitioned by a line
joining two vertices of the convex polygon. the left son
vertex in the binary tree represents the subset of points
above the partitioning line and the right son vertex, the
subset below the line. the leaves of the tree represent
either null subsets or subsets inside a triangle whose
vertices coincide with vertices of the convex polygon.
formal parameters
n integer total number of data points (= nrow(x))
x real array (2,n) (x,y) co-ordinates of the data
m integer number of points in the input subset
in integer array (m) subscripts for array x of the points
in the input subset
work area
ia integer array (m) subscripts for array x of left son subsets.
see comments after dimension statements
ib integer array (m) subscripts for array x of right son subsets
ih integer array (m) subscripts for array x of the
vertices of the convex hull
nh integer number of elements in arrays ih and il.
== number of vertices of the convex polygon
il is used internally here.
il integer array (m) a linked list giving in order in a
counter-clockwise direction the
elements of array ih
the upper end of array ia is used to store temporarily
the sizes of the subsets which correspond to right son
vertices, while traversing down the left sons when on the
left half of the tree, and to store the sizes of the left
sons while traversing the right sons(down the right half)
#define y(k) x[k + x_dim1]
Rboolean mine, maxe;
int i, j, ilinh, ma, mb, kn, mm, kx, mx, mp1, mbb, nia, nib,
inh, min, mxa, mxb, mxbb;
int x_dim1, x_offset;
double d1;
/* Parameter adjustments */
x_dim1 = *n;
x_offset = 1;
x -= x_offset;
if (*m == 1) {
goto L_1pt;
il[1] = 2;
il[2] = 1;
kn = in[1];
kx = in[2];
if (*m == 2) {
goto L_2pts;
mp1 = *m + 1;
min = 1;
mx = 1;
kx = in[1];
maxe = FALSE;
mine = FALSE;
/* find two vertices of the convex hull for the initial partition */
for (i = 2; i <= *m; ++i) {
j = in[i];
if ((d1 = x[j] - x[kx]) < 0.) {
} else if (d1 == 0) {
maxe = TRUE;
} else {
maxe = FALSE;
mx = i;
kx = j;
if ((d1 = x[j] - x[kn]) < 0.) {
mine = FALSE;
min = i;
kn = j;
} else if (d1 == 0) {
mine = TRUE;
if (kx == kn) { /* if the max and min are equal,
* all m points lie on a vertical line */
goto L_vertical;
if (maxe || mine) {/* if maxe (or mine) is TRUE, there are several
maxima (or minima) with equal first coordinates */
if (maxe) {/* have several points with the (same) largest x[] */
for (i = 1; i <= *m; ++i) {
j = in[i];
if (x[j] != x[kx]) continue;
if (y(j) <= y(kx)) continue;
mx = i;
kx = j;
if (mine) {/* have several points with the (same) smallest x[] */
for (i = 1; i <= *m; ++i) {
j = in[i];
if (x[j] != x[kn]) continue;
if (y(j) >= y(kn)) continue;
min = i;
kn = j;
/* L7:*/
ih[1] = kx;
ih[2] = kn;
*nh = 3;
inh = 1;
nib = 1;
ma = *m;
in[mx] = in[*m];
in[*m] = kx;
mm = *m - 2;
if (min == *m) {
min = mx;
in[min] = in[*m - 1];
in[*m - 1] = kn;
/* begin by partitioning the root of the tree */
split(*n, &x[x_offset], mm, &in[1],
ih[1], ih[2],
&ia[1], &mb, &mxa,
&ib[1], &ia[ma], &mxbb);
/* first traverse the LEFT HALF of the tree */
/* start with the left son */
nib += ia[ma];
do {
if (mxa != 0) {
il[*nh] = il[inh];
il[inh] = *nh;
ih[*nh] = ia[mxa];
ia[mxa] = ia[mb];
if (mb != 0) {
ilinh = il[inh];
split(*n, &x[x_offset], mb, &ia[1],
ih[inh], ih[ilinh],
&ia[1], &mbb, &mxa,
&ib[nib], &ia[ma], &mxb);
mb = mbb;
goto L8;
/* then the right son */
inh = il[inh];
do {
inh = il[inh];
nib -= ia[ma];
if (ma >= *m) goto L12;
} while(ia[ma] == 0);
ilinh = il[inh];
/* on the left side of the tree, the right son of a right son */
/* must represent a subset of points which is inside a */
/* triangle with vertices which are also vertices of the */
/* convex polygon and hence the subset may be neglected. */
split(*n, &x[x_offset], ia[ma], &ib[nib],
ih[inh], ih[ilinh],
&ia[1], &mb, &mxa,
&ib[nib], &mbb, &mxb);
ia[ma] = mbb;
} while(TRUE);
/* now traverse the RIGHT HALF of the tree */
mxb = mxbb;
ma = *m;
mb = ia[ma];
nia = 1;
ia[ma] = 0;
/* start with the right son */
nia += ia[ma];
do {
if (mxb != 0) {
il[*nh] = il[inh];
il[inh] = *nh;
ih[*nh] = ib[mxb];
ib[mxb] = ib[mb];
if (mb != 0) {
ilinh = il[inh];
split(*n, &x[x_offset], mb, &ib[nib],
ih[inh], ih[ilinh],
&ia[nia], &ia[ma], &mxa,
&ib[nib], &mbb, &mxb);
mb = mbb;
goto L13;
/* then the left son */
inh = il[inh];
do {
inh = il[inh];
nia -= ia[ma];
if (ma == mp1) goto Finis;
} while(ia[ma] == 0);
ilinh = il[inh];
/* on the right side of the tree, the left son of a left son */
/* must represent a subset of points which is inside a */
/* triangle with vertices which are also vertices of the */
/* convex polygon and hence the subset may be neglected. */
split(*n, &x[x_offset], ia[ma], &ia[nia],
ih[inh], ih[ilinh],
&ia[nia], &mbb, &mxa,
&ib[nib], &mb, &mxb);
} while(TRUE);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
L_vertical:/* all the points lie on a vertical line */
kx = in[1];
kn = in[1];
for (i = 1; i <= *m; ++i) {
j = in[i];
if (y(j) > y(kx)) {
mx = i;
kx = j;
if (y(j) < y(kn)) {
min = i;
kn = j;
if (kx == kn) goto L_1pt;
L_2pts:/* only two points */
ih[1] = kx;
ih[2] = kn;
if (x[kn] == x[kx] && y(kn) == y(kx))
*nh = 2;
*nh = 3;
goto Finis;
L_1pt:/* only one point */
*nh = 2;
ih[1] = in[1];
il[1] = 1;
/* put the results in order, as given by IH */
for (i = 1; i <= *nh; ++i) {
ia[i] = ih[i];
j = il[1];
for (i = 2; i <= *nh; ++i) {
ih[i] = ia[j];
j = il[j];
#undef y
} /* chull */
#include <Rinternals.h>
SEXP chull(SEXP x)
// x is a two-column matrix
int n = nrows(x), nh;
int *in = (int*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) in[i] = i+1;
int *ih = (int*)R_alloc(4*n, sizeof(int));
x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, REALSXP));
if(TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP) error("'x' is not numeric");
in_chull(&n, REAL(x), &n, in, ih+n, ih+2*n, ih, &nh, ih+3*n);
SEXP ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nh);
int *ians = INTEGER(ans);
for (int i = 0; i < nh; i++) ians[i] = ih[nh - 1 -i];
return ans;