blob: 192ab9a702b1c4474ac9b2b8e8f9e25669870050 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/graphics/R/pairs.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# Some parts Copyright (C) 1999 Dr. Jens Oehlschlaegel-Akiyoshi
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
pairs <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("pairs")
pairs.formula <-
function(formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = stats::na.pass)
m <- = FALSE)
if(is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame())))
m$data <-
m$... <- NULL
m$na.action <- na.action # force in even if default
m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
pairs(mf, ...)
## some of the changes are from code
## Copyright (C) 1999 Dr. Jens Oehlschlaegel-Akiyoshi
## Others are by BDR and MM
## This version distributed under GPL (version 2 or later)
pairs.default <-
function (x, labels, panel = points, ...,
horInd = 1:nc, verInd = 1:nc,
lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel,
diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel,
label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3,
cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1,
row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "",
horOdd = !row1attop, verOdd = !row1attop)
if(doText <- missing(text.panel) || is.function(text.panel))
textPanel <-
function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, txt, cex, font)
text(x, y, txt, cex = cex, font = font)
localAxis <- function(side, x, y, xpd, bg, col=NULL, main, oma, ...) {
## Explicitly ignore any color argument passed in as
## it was most likely meant for the data points and
## not for the axis.
xpd <- NA
if(side %% 2L == 1L && xl[j]) xpd <- FALSE
if(side %% 2L == 0L && yl[i]) xpd <- FALSE
if(side %% 2L == 1L) Axis(x, side = side, xpd = xpd, ...)
else Axis(y, side = side, xpd = xpd, ...)
localPlot <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) plot(...)
localLowerPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main)
localUpperPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main)
localDiagPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main)
dots <- list(...); nmdots <- names(dots)
if (!is.matrix(x)) {
x <-
for(i in seq_along(names(x))) {
if(is.factor(x[[i]]) || is.logical(x[[i]]))
x[[i]] <- as.numeric(x[[i]])
stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
} else if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
panel <-
if((has.lower <- !is.null(lower.panel)) && !missing(lower.panel))
lower.panel <-
if((has.upper <- !is.null(upper.panel)) && !missing(upper.panel))
upper.panel <-
if((has.diag <- !is.null( diag.panel)) && !missing( diag.panel))
diag.panel <- diag.panel)
if(row1attop) {
tmp <- lower.panel; lower.panel <- upper.panel; upper.panel <- tmp
tmp <- has.lower; has.lower <- has.upper; has.upper <- tmp
nc <- ncol(x)
if (nc < 2L) stop("only one column in the argument to 'pairs'")
if(!all(1L <= horInd & horInd <= nc))
stop("invalid argument 'horInd'")
if(!all(1L <= verInd & verInd <= nc))
stop("invalid argument 'verInd'")
if(doText) {
if (missing(labels)) {
labels <- colnames(x)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- paste("var", 1L:nc)
else if(is.null(labels)) doText <- FALSE
oma <- if("oma" %in% nmdots) dots$oma
main <- if("main" %in% nmdots) dots$main
if (is.null(oma))
oma <- c(4, 4, if(!is.null(main)) 6 else 4, 4)
opar <- par(mfcol = c(length(horInd), length(verInd)),
mar =, 4), oma = oma)
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush(), add = TRUE)
xl <- yl <- logical(nc)
if (is.numeric(log)) xl[log] <- yl[log] <- TRUE
else {xl[] <- grepl("x", log); yl[] <- grepl("y", log)}
ni <- length(iSet <- if(row1attop) horInd else rev(horInd))
nj <- length(jSet <- verInd)
for(j in jSet)
for(i in iSet) {
l <- paste0(if(xl[j]) "x" else "",
if(yl[i]) "y" else "")
localPlot(x[, j], x[, i], xlab = "", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, type = "n", ..., log = l)
if(i == j || (i < j && has.lower) || (i > j && has.upper) ) {
j.odd <- (match(j, jSet) + horOdd) %% 2L
i.odd <- (match(i, iSet) + verOdd) %% 2L
if(i == iSet[1L] && (!j.odd || !has.upper || !has.lower))
localAxis(3L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
if(i == iSet[ni] && ( j.odd || !has.upper || !has.lower))
localAxis(1L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
if(j == jSet[1L] && (!i.odd || !has.upper || !has.lower))
localAxis(2L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
if(j == jSet[nj] && ( i.odd || !has.upper || !has.lower))
localAxis(4L, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
mfg <- par("mfg")
if(i == j) {
if (has.diag) localDiagPanel(as.vector(x[, i]), ...)
if (doText) {
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
if(is.null(cex.labels)) {
l.wid <- strwidth(labels, "user")
cex.labels <- max(0.8, min(2, .9 / max(l.wid)))
xlp <- if(xl[i]) 10^0.5 else 0.5
ylp <- if(yl[j]) 10^label.pos else label.pos
text.panel(xlp, ylp, labels[i],
cex = cex.labels, font = font.labels)
} else if(i < j)
localLowerPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[, i]), ...)
localUpperPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[, i]), ...)
if (any(par("mfg") != mfg))
stop("the 'panel' function made a new plot")
else par(new = FALSE)
if (!is.null(main)) {
font.main <- if("font.main" %in% nmdots) dots$font.main else par("font.main")
cex.main <- if("cex.main" %in% nmdots) dots$cex.main else par("cex.main")
mtext(main, 3, line.main, outer=TRUE, at = 0.5, cex = cex.main, font = font.main)