blob: 727f8accbad140efd48307b8471687795783da46 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/graphics/man/boxplot.matrix.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2008-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Draw a Boxplot for each Column (Row) of a Matrix}
Interpreting the columns (or rows) of a matrix as different groups, draw a
boxplot for each.
\method{boxplot}{matrix}(x, use.cols = TRUE, \dots)
\item{x}{a numeric matrix.}
\item{use.cols}{logical indicating if columns (by default) or rows
(\code{use.cols = FALSE}) should be plotted.}
\item{\dots}{Further arguments to \code{\link{boxplot}}.}
A list as for \code{\link{boxplot}}.
\author{Martin Maechler, 1995, for S+, then \R package \CRANpkg{sfsmisc}.}
\seealso{\code{\link{boxplot.default}} which already works nowadays with
data.frames; \code{\link{boxplot.formula}}, \code{\link{plot.factor}} which
work with (the more general concept) of a grouping factor.
## Very similar to the example in ?boxplot
mat <- cbind(Uni05 = (1:100)/21, Norm = rnorm(100),
T5 = rt(100, df = 5), Gam2 = rgamma(100, shape = 2))
boxplot(mat, main = "boxplot.matrix(...., main = ...)",
notch = TRUE, col = 1:4)